Deer-Vehicle Collision Frequency

"While the number of miles driven by U.S. motorists over the past five years has increased just 2 percent, the number of deer-vehicle collisions in this country during that time has grown by ten times that amount."
"The combination of growing deer populations and the displacement of deer habitat caused by urban sprawl are producing increasingly hazardous conditions for motorists and deer."

Knowing from our past that the American public will hunt a animal to extinction if given a chance one must ask; Why the DWL&F will not just open the season up to thin the herd.
While I have no desire for the meat; and really do not have the freezer space; I kill a couple of does a year without ever leaving my back porch.
A couple of phone calls to friends from work and the deer is picked up so it does not go to waste. I could kill many more if they would just open up the season.

While these surveys and predictions use real numbers they include all drivers in the state and do not take into account that most of the drivers live in big cities.

<a href="">Press Release</a>
<a href="">Collision Frequency by State</a>
<a href="">Collision Frequency List</a>
They say in Iowa 1 in 67 will hit a deer in the next year.

I know of 3 hit in the last 5 days.

One was a friend just yesterday morning.

I have hit 3 and my wife has 2 to her credit in our lifetimes.

When driving at night we spend more time watching the road ditches to avoid deer than watching the road.
Up here in the Southern Tier of New York State, we have a large and bothersome deer population. They are kind of like rats.

Even folks who live in the country have car/deer accidents. Vigilance is required when driving at night, particularly at this time of year.

And-fewer hunters mean more deer. Many farmers get special permits to take deer who ruin crops.
My wife got one at 2 in the afternoon.They will come out of driveways and will walk near houses.I was driving along at mid day and saw 3 coming across a small field.I let off the gas and a woman who was tailgating me screeched her brakes.that turned the deer back to the woods.I had one deer jump off an embank ment right in front of me and trot into a driveway.My son had one hit the side of his truck and do a lot of damage.Deer seem to be very stupid at times.This was in daylight.
It's not too difficult to figure out. Take a look at the map of Michigan in this article. The areas that have the most collisions are heavily developed: Oakland County (NW of Detroit), the Grand Rapids area, and the I-94 corridor between Kalamazoo and Ann Arbor. Hunting isn't practical in much of these areas, and there's lots of traffic. Very few collisions in northern Michigan where most of the hunting takes place and there is little traffic. Another interesting thing about this map is that deer collisions drop dramatically north of the Saginaw Bay, which is also the area where rifle hunting is allowed. (Shotguns with slugs are allowed in the south.)

It would be nice if it was as simple as opening up the season and bag limits, but that simply doesn't work. For example, the geographically large city of Rochester Hills, MI has a huge problem with deer, but it is so heavily developed that hunting isn't an option, certainly not with firearms.
Michigan car deer collisions
I hear you there Mark. Roch. Hills is real bad for deer/vs. car wrecks. Highest in the state I think. I didnt look at the info given. In my area there are deer all over the place I see several everyday, morning, daytime, evenings. My area is developed to where you couldnt safely take a rifle or slug gun and blast a deer while sitting on the back deck, even though it is heavily wooded. Too many homes now. I have blasted a few rounds in the wood pile in the back to test fire a new/used rifle from time to time.

In 2004 I busted up my 2002 Saturn SL1 by hitting a deer on M15 a mile north of I75. The car had $2600 in damage. Those small cars dont like hitting animals at 55mph.
Here in SC we are doing our best to alleviate this problem. I have only taken 2 dad has 3 and my brother 9.
I had to quit hunting years ago, due to my DJD, but I have a buddy who has alrady gotten 8 this year, two of them are in my freezr, and Ill probably take at least one more, maybe 2. Probalem is, like you said, the season isnt open long enough, so the small herd he has been shooting from will be right back up again next year. When I first moved back in my house, we had like 25 of them wandering around, now its down to like 4 or 5, and most of them have been hit by cars!
Not sure how they get their numbers but in my area of Ohio i'll bet 9 out of 10 have hit deer. I hit one Thursday morning and almost got a second one about 6:00 PM Thursday evening . We live in the country, average amount of people. Three out of the four drivers in our household have hit deer at least once and fourth driver has only driven 6 months so he will get one trust me. On any given morning going in any direction from home you will see at least 6-8 deer within ten mile of my home. When I was still working I had to drive 49 mile east of me one way to work. I would count deere between here and work on my drive in the AM. The least I ever seen was 8 and most was 26, every morning. I don't hunt but they are thick in this area.
live in WV, highest in nation , have to have electric fence for garden, eat apples out of trees and tree branches as high as they can reach, eat flowers, it creates millions in hunting license, DNR doesnt care about personal damage. Used to be could kill to thin down, now townies moved in and they are all about bambi. Mark
Newspaper said that the first weekend of
Minnesota deer hunting season, 86"000 were
registered. They are so numerous as to be pests!
Back in the 60ies there were not as many deer, but you could hunt most anywhere you wanted to and no permission was needed. Now days you had better have permission or you are in trouble. Also habitat has been lost to homes and urban development. There are more grain crops growen to feed them and more trophy hunters and less meat hunters. Also large tracks of land are posted so only a few can hunt and some places no one can hunt. When you can't get the hunters moving around the woods to keep the deer moving the deer will just lay down and not move untill they no longer have the hunters in the woods. And last most people do not want to hunt they want the deer to walk up to them so they can shoot them. (not all but in my area it is a good percentage of the trophy hunters)
MarkWV -- I came across I-64 from Kentucky a few years ago and then I-79 to I-68 --anyway it was unbelievable, we hit the West Virginia line about 10 p.m and between there and the Maryland line I guarauntee we saw 5,000 deer grazing on every little patch of grass along the interstate or in the medium strip. I was nervous the whole way but saw very few dead ones in the road and none jumped out in front of us. People never believe me when I tell them how many deer there were.
They get a little crazy during the rut, but they're also a hazard any time of year.

As near as I can recall, I've hit 8 in the last 10 years, or about one a year.

My wife hit one with her Chrysler T&C a couple of years ago and one with my car about 5 years ago, and a year ago July our daughter hit one with my car that totalled the car and deer both.

When I was a kid in the 1950's, there were no deer around here. Now you can't hardly walk out of the house without stumbling over them.
Bad here in central Alberta too, but my sister who lives near Detroit Lakes, MN. said they are even worse there. They came home one evening to find three deer in the barn enjoying a snack of hay. Two bolted. The other one looked up then went back to eating.
Many, many deer hits do not get reported... I have collided with two deer within a quarter mile of home.. Three more within four miles of home... I have clobbered two deer at a time before, I have been raced by deer in broad daylite that were determined to get in front of me. I have been broadsided by deer more than once.. I have hit three deer within a four day period. I have had herds of deer come across the road many times. Deer can run 45 miles per hour, and don't follow the rules for crossing a road. I have lost track of how many deer I have tangled with.. Only ONE of these deer hits was reported, and that was an after the fact report... TOOOOOOO much paperwork... my policy is to carry a large insurance deductable and straighten a bumper seven times and then replace it.. This works well ok on my class 8 truck,,,, As far as cars and pickups go; I don't drive one that I cannot afford to walk away from.... So far this year, I have only clobbered two... One last thing; I wasn't aiming for any of them.
I drive US12 back and forth from Lake Michgan to Union in Cass County to get home to Indiana every weekend at night. I see a lot of deer, but have been fortunate enough not to really whack or get whacked by one. I've had them run right out in front of me, start to run in front of me but choose to run beside me and back into the woods. One I did catch its belly on the chrome trim over my drivers door after it came over the hood from the passenge side, but it didn't do any damage other than to leave some fur tuged out by the trim. I've probably only seen one carcus in the 6 years I've been driving this route. I'm surprised that there aren't more deer car collisions. I also drive that like a lizard with my eyes going in every drection wondering when one's going to pop out, especially now that the fields have been harvested and there's less place for them to hide. I keep telling myself I need a sturdy brush guard because one of these times...

Here in Iowa if a farmers cow gets out and you hit it it is automatically his fault and his ins company pays. Why is doesnt the DNR have to pay for deer damage? Ya Right, now everyone check your insurance policys, some companys are refusing to pay for deer damage,especially the on line ones, even if you have full coverage.
Yup we have those deer crossing signs all over Iowa and the deer seldom cross by the signs like they are suppose to.
Egg Freak'n Zactly!!!

Deer are nothing more than huge rats that the gooberment and body shops make money off of while farmers have to feed the mangey things all summer. See'n as how the state of KY makes close to $50 in deer tax/tags for every one who hunts I should be able to seen them a bill for soybeans they eat and fences they tear down.

Soory, rant is over now,,,,,
One thing the survey did not consider is the number of folks drive'n around with their head up their rear. I don't see as many deer while drive'n back and forth to my night job as I did 7 or 8 years ago but seems like there are more dead in the ditch.
hunters have caused their own problems!!!!!I do not grant any permission any more due to lawsuits and trespassers and well "I hunted here last year" and then they always bring friends and leave the place trashed and drive thru the crops.It is very easy to say no
I have been told that the poor folks up in Northern Michigan shoot as they please and dont buy tags and such. They need to eat and there are plenty of deer. The state government wants that license money but the real payouts come from the insurance companies and the people that have to pay for wrecked cars and trucks.
I've never hit a deer in 46 years of driving but I have seen many on the side of the road, especially in PA, where sometimes it looks like they need to take a pass with a snow plow to push all the carcasses off the shoulders. I have had far closer calls with moose. They move much more slowly than deer and because their legs are so long you don't see them at night until you are on top of them. There are many collisions with them every year, and a number of people have been killed.
they run in herds out on the farm , but there are hunters their today and ...........................
back at the house they eat the shrubs and live in trees between the houses in the subdivision . My brother hit one last Sunday his daughter hit one the Saturday before. We need to open hunting year round till the population is depleted.
I've never hit a deer but there have been some close calls. Marilyn clipped a deer with the passenger side mirror on the car and she didn't notice it. She mentioned slowing down for and narrowly missing three deer but that was all she said. She was coming home from visiting her mother who was in her last days of losing a battle with cancer, so she was heavily pre-occupied, and I do understand that. Her line of work at the time was highly stressful too, buttttt.

What I don't understand is how she could have driven the car to work for five days after that and not noticed the mirror was hanging down. I got in it to go to church and saw it right away backing out of the garage. Jim
My son hit a deer with his camaro driving to college one Sunday night, after breaking up with a girlfriend. He must have been sailing along pretty fast because the deer was piled up against a fence 275 feet ahead of where the car hit it and an unborn fawn squirted out of the deer at the point of impact. He limped the car home but it was about out of anti-freeze when he got here. He was much more broken up about the car than the girl. Jim
Well, the adjacent county has the distinction of the most car/deers, our county isn't far behind.
Next week, I'm going to try to even the odds. Saw ten of 'em in my back field last nite. We've had several car/deers in my family over the years.
Unfortunately, that is common with many women. (not all) I'll drive the wife's car and notice a noise, and when I ask her about it she'll say, "Oh it's been doing that for weeks". GRRRR!!
Hit one on the way home last week. Air bags deployed. $8000 damage. 2001 chevy 4x4 pu. Time change is a big risk to me. Had no payments, now I have to go find a different truck with payments probably. I'd rather look for a tractor than a vehicle that I'm under the gun for. Can't understand why the insurance companys don't put pressure on the DNR. Thanks to all that thin them out in central IL.
I drive a lot of miles in deer country. I keep my speed at 55 mph and under and seem to avoid them well. We also run deer whistles on all rigs. Sometimes it looks like a killing field along the highways with all the carcasses hit by others.
Stupid game laws have caused this.The state went nuts and trimmed the edges of the interstate in a bad deer car area.This made more deer come out to eat the trimmings.Accidents increased.

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