Just bought some field corn


I had a neighbor ho planted field corn for the first time. He had too much and needed to sell it. Good field corn on the cob. 2 bucks a bushel. Sounded dirt cheap to me but I aint got anything to do with it. Cows dont care for it, aint got a grinder. Whats it good for? Thought abould shellin some of it to replamt next year. Will that work? Need to do something with it. Just Got about 25 bushel but I need to use it up somehow
After Jay inNY teaches his cows to use a drink bowl maybe he'll come help you teach yours to eat corn on the cob :shock:

Does the guy that sold it to you have animals that are eating it? Is it moldy or spoiled?
Take a hatchet and chop some up and see if they eat it (or just shell some).
If so, improvise. Chop it up as needed or get you an old hand crank sheller. Use the cobs for fire starters. Wouldn't recommend it for 500 bu, but 25 should go quick.
Reminds me of a comedian talking about a picky cat...Morris won't eat nuthin but 9 lives......Bullsh!t...don't feed him for a couple days and he'll eat a peanutbutter sandwich and like it.......

Just what kind of a cow that wont eat an ear of corn must be awful stuff. Current orice of corn is around 6 a bushel and he is selling for 2 and your cows wont eatit. Something is wrong here.
You can't use todays hybrid corn as seed, it just won't grow into anything. He could probably sell that corn quick with an ad somewhere [like here]
That's $6 SHELLED ear corn is much less. I have't bought or sold any for a while so don't know.
If you put a few ears in a bag, you could sell it as squirrel feed and get $2/bag. Advertise on craigslist. If you are worried about spam, just give your phone #.
Cows just don't know what it is, they will start eating it soon enough. If cows have never had grain they won't eat it right away.
My cows all eat ear corn. You might try shelling a little (yes, you can shell it by hand, just rub two ears together) feed the shelledcorn to get them used to it. Pretty soon they will be picking up the ears and chomping down. Some cows will shell the grain off and spit the cob out, others will chew up the cob too. The cob is good food.
LOL aint that the truth! I've always said all it has to be is decent feed, but not prime rib at every meal. If the cows aren't eating their hay, they're not hungry. Another fellow I know won't feed anything but alfalfa to beef cows and horses. Whatever works I guess.
I tell my horses , eat it or look at it , they learned to not be fussy after they clean up what I give them they get grain not before
shell corn off cob feed grain to cows save cobs for wiping butt. best to use 2 red cobe then one white cob to see if need another red cobb
For cows to get any nutritional value out of it, the kernals need to be ground up or at least cracked. My SIL takes his cob corn to the feed mill where they grind it before he feeds it. Friend in Wi has his own small hammermill and grinds his own.
99% of field corn is hybred, and will not regrow properly - each parent strain creates a special hybred seed that yields great, but the corn you bought will produce very low yields if planted again. There are also patents against doing so legally aside from the fact that it won't yield well.

Cows not used to ear corn won't know what to do with it, have to get them used to it. If it is still high moisture (over 18% or so) it can be hard to store without molding, but they can gain from it. If it is dry ear corn (15% or less) the cattle will let the kernals pass through without getting anything from it, so you need to grind it so the kernal coat is scratched/broken.

Take a truckload to the mill. Grind and mix with some soy, or oats, molasses, minerals, ect.. We call it chop, and our cows, sheep love it.
they aint never had it. its good corn. i picked it up right off the field as it was picked. its dry corn. I wish I had a hammermill but ill improvise until next year, i got several feeder calves so I may chop some up and get them eatin on it. is $2 a bushel but its on the cob. stil seems like a heck of a deal for good corn. just gotta get them used to it. thanks guys

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