OT: cats and christmas trees!


Well-known Member
Just put up the christmas tree today for the wife to decorate, she has to put the heavy "non breakable" items on the bottom because one of our cats cant help himself playing with them. Boy, nothing annoys a woman more than coming home and finding a broken ornamate, which has happened in the past.... Glad Im not the cat.. lol, J
We once had a Siamese tomcat who pulled a Christmas tree over on himself.

He wasn't dumb. He never went near a Christmas tree again.
Our cat doesn't seem to bother the ornaments much, but last year he would eat the plasticc icecicles we put on. Didn't seem to bother him though.
Here is apicture of this year's tree. Look close under the left side!
Well, one morning I went downstairs to find the tree tipped over. Questioning family members lead to the conclusion that the cat climbed the tree and knocked it over. Next morning the tree was tipped over again, this time it was Grandma. Both of them were banned!

Both the cat, and Grandma are gone, and we miss them both. Hope that Dusty is keeping Grandma company up there. She loved that cat.
Wow he/she blends right in. Our cats always go under the tree too. Anything "NEW" they have to go around it. Great pic. Heres my cat under the tree!
My sis and her husband woke one night to a kind of a crying sound coming from downstairs. He went downstairs and heard the sound coming from the tree. Their cat was in the tree and had the light wire wrapped around it's back leg and was hanging head-down and it wasn't happy. Her husband sleeps in his birthday suit so there he was buck naked trying to get a scared cat untangled from the wire. The wire was wrapped so tight he ended up cutting the it to get the cat free. Not being a cat lover he said he felt like getting the .45 from the bed stand and having target practice. Jim
Leave the lower level with non brakeable ones and just laugh.

Our 18 lbs tom cat "spaz" [not fat] brings them up stairs and puts them in bed with us at night.

I also have a ho scale train set in the basement that he feels the need to bring parts of all the way up stairs and put in the bed .

Cats got to love them .
I bet if you 'fixed' the problem and she came home to a 'missing' cat... she'd be more annoyed...


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