Threshing August 1954


Threshing in Monroe County Wisconsin August 1954

Hello Gerald,

I read once that you were originally from SW Iowa. You wouldn't happen to be related to the Mc Cool's around Guthrie Center, IA would you? I just recognized the last name and I couldn't help but be curious. Have a good evening!
No family is in the photos. It's all neighbors. It's likely someone from my family took the pictures however. I would have been 14 at the time, probably out in the field driving a tractor from shock to shock for the "pitchers."
Wonderful to see , Families working Joyfully together , ............louisville KY locale.. Dad handed down a old Pix of 7 of his 8 Uncles in their late teens and 20s .. standing in front of the Case steamer amnd thresher about 1930 .. dirty , dusty and grinnin , confident and Proud of their accomplishments thru brotherhood .. they threshed in a 20 mile cicle from home with 2 steam engine crews ,, Finally giving way to a new CASE L and a IHC when the straw stack caught fire in summer of 36 ,the fir was caused from a workman losing a pitchfork in the works ,, but word spread quick that the Steam engine caused the fire .. .. Got pix of Dad with his New Case F2 and SC Case .. Dad liked to tell about the time he was on the Ind side of Ohio river bottom combining Wheat with that rig , and THOUGHT he could see his Uncle ( they were nearly same Age) 0n the KY side combining his wheat across the river ( nearly half mile ) .. when they all went to the 4th of July Biscoff family reunion , He found out for sure it was true... They are all threshing for the Lord Now ....still trying to earn their keep LOL .
That is just like I remember it. It was fun filling the grain sacks and hauling them to the granary but I liked going out in the field loading the wagons with bundles and then pitching them into the machine. If the wind was in the wrong direction around that machine that would take the fun out of it.

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