O/T On No! He's At It Again :(

Allan in NE

Well-known Member
Mornin' Guys,

Just another picture of a silly old farmer stumblin' around in Bb.


<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_sZ0xwn4Nxg">Salute To Louisiana</a>
Gee Allan, if you had time to kill and the equipment to do it (since we cant meet live) Id send you tracks of me pickin a song on my banjo and then we take turns one picking the other chording verse to verse. We'd need good timing Eh

On most of my sons studio recordings he plays ALL tracks, he lays down the rhythm/chords then listens to that on headphones while he sings then he dubs in a bass track and/or drums etc. Youre as smart as him right???

PS another buddy downloaded his songs off his My Space site and didnt get a virus, Ima thinkin the one you got slipped in off the net or elsewhere

Good pickin

John T

I'm not nearly as smart as yer son, that's fer darned sure!

I do it "kinda" that way, I guess. The drums go down first, then I play in the bass. Next, I play in either a guitar back line or sometimes a piano fill.

Then, I play the whole shootin' match back live and layer the voice and lead instrument in over the top of it all.

So, I'm thinkin', wouldn't it just be easier for you to drive out here?

I can't leave 'cause I've got an old IH tractor and loader that makes me feed my critters every darned morning. Well, that is, when it decides to start! :>)

Hey Allan, you got that guitar case open on the floor, Check around I threw some at ya, might help that old iron habit. Very nice Thanks. Hope you had a good Christmas and I see ya didn't get blown away....James
It was pretty darned bad here. Just finally got dug out of the yard here yesterday.

For three days there, I was chainin' up the four wheel drive just to make it out to the hi-way.

But, like they say, welcome to Nebraska........... :>)

Allen ,
I will never get tired of listening to you ... your fingers will get sore before I get bored ..

Hope you have a great year ....

Damn Allan You make me jealous. I have 6 guitars and cany hardly play anymore due this darn arthritus in my trigger finger of my left hand. Sometimes I close it and then have to open it by hand, pull the sucker back up cause it locks in place. Anyway thanks for sharing,I really enjoyed. Oh by the way my voice is still fine so I havent completely lost it.
Take care an God Bless
Yes Sir,

I know exactly what you're talkin' about. Mine started clampin' down on me in the late nineties.

I'll listen to some of those old tapes I made when I was younger and wonder to myself, "How in the heck did I ever do that"!

I'm tellin' ya, this old age thing just isn't all it's cracked up to be. :>)

As usual, I LIKE IT. And I hope you "stay at it". I like your title about Louisiana giving credit to Jimmie Davis. Our little group does this tune at nursing home gigs, but we are in either "D" or "G" where our fiddlers like it.
Hey! Thanks Larry,

Everyone hears 'em different, I guess.

For some reason, it seems like I've got all of these silly "notions" bangin' around in my head. That darned tune just doesn't sound right to me unless it is played in Bb.

Another I can think of is the Steel Guitar Rag. The original (which most folks play) didn't have a change to the four at the third bar.

Or, Yakety Axe. For some reason it has just gotta be down in G. :>)

Hope to put up maybe another one or two and then I gotta put 'er down. Darned cows are gonna start droppin' calves here one of these days and I'll have my hands full for sure.

Thank again. I really do appreciate the note.


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