Taser, Stun gun question, ON topic

Lou from Wi.

Well-known Member
Was reading Old Roys post about tasers stun guns and a thought came to mind. Could it be used to jump start a dead battery in a Tractor?? Just wondering.
Good idea,but you have to have the wife/girlfriend shoot you while you are turning the crank,We thought about delivering the charge directly to the battery,that way you wouldn't have to expect apologies from either one.LOU
It takes energy to crank over an engine. Stun guns don't output that much energy. If they did they'd have to the size of, er, a tractor battery.
Well these things are made to stop or slow down a man. So they have to put out very very low amps as in less then one millionth of an amp because it only takes one millionth of an amp with enough volts to kill and so you have lot and lots of volts but so few amp power you can not get any thing to work with one unless you pull the battery's out of it and put them in a radio etc.
I don't think so.

However, I have been known to climb to the top of trees and shoot myself in the back of the neck with one turned up to "HIGH". Sometimes I manage to fall all the way down to the ground without hitting much more than leaves, and sometimes I hit branches, and then really big limbs before I hit the ground. Why do I do that? To prove a point that when one combines a stun gun, a tree, and moonshine together, one will never be bored. Besides, it gives the neighbors and ambulance guys something to chuckle about and I'm always up for a good chuckle.

Hello LOU from WI,
NO! If the taser gun had that much power,
It would put down an elephant.

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