No phone 4 days running


Well-known Member
Just venting some steam.

As the title says,My phone and 80 some other ones in the area is out of order for the forth day.
The Ph Company hasn't found the cause yet.
I live 30 ml from town and can't even contact anybody in case of emergency.
I got no Cell phone nor would i have reception here anyway.

It sucks
Don't feel bad my daughter who lives in Washington state has been with out a phone for more the a week as in more then 7 days. She was told it would be fixed by Friday last week and it still is not fixed
It should not take that long to find the problem if it is 30 folks out. must be an old switch they are working with. how far are you from the Central Office?
Define "30 ml", please!

Doesn't look like "miles" and milliliters ain't a measure of distance!
You know? If you live 30 miles from town (the CO) and have 80 people around you that are out too, it shouldn't be real hard to figure out whats in common. My first guess is that something remote lost a power supply, and might just be one of those where they don't make the power supply anymore, or stock one if they do. I've seen it happen. Who knows? Fujitsu? Positron? Nortel? Western Electric? Service on a litespan or SLCK? The list goes on and on and on, and as stuff is engineered and installed over time, this gets replaced by that, because this aint made no more, and, and, and. Unless someone cut a cable or mowed down a pedestal to a underground feed...? But one thing is for sure, that much service that close together, it can't be hard to figure the source of the problem.

Then again, maybe none of you 80 pay your bills. OK, just jokin there. Some of you must pay your bill.

One last thing comes to mind...they don't want to fix it because they want you to get rid of your land line because they want to get out of the land line business. Hey, Verizon sold off to Frontier because Verizon wanted out. In Illinois, AT&T just raised their rates anywhere from 27% to 63%, and they have been petitioning to get out like Verizon did, so my guess is that they are tryin to anger customers enough to drop them (us) and help us get out of the land line business. We just laid off almost 900 craft in the Midwest a couple of weeks ago just before our rates sky rocketed a day or so ago. Coincidence? Don't bet on it.

Well i guess the Phone provider(telus up here)must've listened in to this tread here cuz the phone came back on line an hr ago.
so i guess all is back on track again.

Thanks for the support and the BS.
Bison, Pretend its 1912. Enjoy the peace and quiet. Kick back and take your time and relax. Let your blood pressure settle down. Sit on the porch or in the kitchen by the stove and have a good long uninterrupted conversation with your wife or girl friend or both or your whoever is there. This is the perfect opportunity to have a meal without someone calling and wanting you to take a survey. Like I tell my kids and all when we loose power and other modern conveniences, Life is too short. We are living too fast, and forgetting too much in this high speed lane we have either chosen or been forced into. Enjoy a book instead of the TV. Have a conversation with other members of your family instead of texting or chatting with someone you don't even know and that really doesn't care about you. Take a minute to enjoy the slower simpler life and discover what life is really all about.

If you had Vontage you could call through your computer or cable service. LarryT
(quoted from post at 22:24:09 01/18/11) Thanks for the support and the BS.

Perfect ending.Make a good quote on a signature block :roll:

Do you mind emailing me? I have a couple ???'s on your tractor (belarus) that I'd like to clear up. Found a couple more within distance but worried about a couple things.



[email protected]
You might look into .you can make free video conference calls on computer ,I know you can make phone calls there but dont know if its free too
Yup, sure does create a vacuum. This might get a bit long. Spent part of my military time as a cable tech, so without knowing all the details, will try to give some insight.
Sounds like a cut cable or broken off splice pedestal. Very little overhead cable now days, most is buried. Sometimes get lucky & find the trouble right away, sometimes takes days. Are you in cold country where the ground is frozen or pedestals buried under snowbanks? Or somewhere there have been thunderstorms. A lightening strike to a nearby tree can follow a root to the cable, blowing it apart. Test equip can get it close, then it's all hand work, power equip just creates more damage, & the actual repair after finding the trouble is bare-handed work, can't wear gloves. Then depending on extent of damage, might be able to just switch to vacant cable pair(individual line) or have to replace a section, especially if the trouble is under a road or stream.
Frustrating as heck when those 2 little wires in the wall go dead. A good phone co should give a credit for time without service. Contact the billing office when you get back on line just to make sure.
If I live more quit than i live now i prob be dead.LOL
I hardly see any people here out in the bush and the puter and phone are my contacts to the world.
My wife works mostly a late shift till midnight at the hospital.
In the old days,people used to live closer together and interacted more.

Today it seems nobody gives a rats "ss and i see them only when they want something.
I would suspect he meant 30 KL rather than ml.If he has a carrier or fiber system feeding a small office or cabinet in his area, it can sometimes be a booger ti find the fault between the 2 areas, but 5 days ins a long time even for that.

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