strangest payment you ever got

what is the strangest way you have got for payment for doing something?
friday our mail man went in the dicth with his jeep. i pulled him out with my 333 massey. i told him "this is going to take be very expensive" "i need 2 spring type clothes pins the choke won"t stay where i want so i need the clothes so the choke will still where i need it."
Come on guy's, we might as well have a little fun with it.

The strangest way I ever got paid was with eggs and cherries. Back in my younger day's an elderly neighbor needed help around her small farm. She would check egg prices at the Winn Dixie every week to calculate how many eggs to pay me with. She had a small cherry grove & would do the same thing on prices when picking time came. First I had to earn them & then sell them so I could get paid. Whoo Hooo!


I used to have an elderly neighbor widow lady who lived back a lane across the road from me. In winter time I would clear her driveway when she was gone. She would ask me if i had seen someone clearing the snow? Would tell her "I hadn't seen anyone" (that was the truth). I would often come home to find a plate of cookies or a pie on my front porch. When I asked her who had left them there, she always replied "I didn't see anyone". This went on for several years till she passed on.

I spent a good couple of hours digging out some neighbours a few years ago with the old Fergie TEA20 after a big storm. Gifts from the neighbours included brownies and cookies.

The biggest surprise tho was the lady who trudged to the end of her drive as I was plowing and produced a nice shot of brandy for me. Much appreaciated and hardly affected my accuracy at all!
How about strangest payment ever made? CPA when he was starting his business did my taxes for a sody pop. Dave

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