how much penicillan ?


Well-known Member
Harvey the Tom Cat .Was scarce for couple days ,maybe tried to get scars playing with cars and other cats that like to cause spats ,.. finaly came limpn in the door favoring his back leg , no open cuts . he is young adult /stupid ,. my Sara babies him like everyone else God created around here , AFTER 2 days of laying around here , she wanted to take ihm to vet,cause the leg was swelled up pretty bad , at 3 pm ,I gave the cat 2 cc's of penecillan ,, learned that CAT Hide Sure is tufer than Cows, Hoggs or dogs ? ,, at 9 tonite
Harvey is gettin along pretty good ,, don't know if i should follow up with another dose at 3 pm again or not ,, not sure weather it was correst dosage either ,, but figured i was in the barnyard of close ,, What Do You partime cow/pig vets turned into cat Dr.'s think is best medicine ,,.?
pen is for infections, are you sure he has a infection? Most times we give 25cc for a adult cow. Hope he gets better for you.
the penecillin bottle I just opened for treating calves with pneumonia says to use 2 mL for ever 150 lbs body weight. You sure gave him enough lol. I would lower the dosage to a half CC and do it for 2 more days once a day
Search engine. "Penicillan and cats"
Answers.Com. A number of items.
They can also have a reaction like Humans.
aspirin is good for pain, fever, and swelling. I give the dog one once in a while. But I wouldn't give a whole aspirin to a cat.
If he got into it with a possum, he could have some pretty serious infection that pennicillin won't touch. If he is eating and drinking and using the litter box he's not too bad; if not he probably needs to see the vet.
Our vet recommended Tetracycline 500mg capsules. Given at a rate of 250mg/100# of body weight/ twice daily. We've also use this on cats with great results.

On the other hand, I found one of the wife's big males laying in the middle of the road after being hit by a vehicle. I brought him home and layed him by the fire place on a welcome mat. 4wks latter he was walking again with a limp. No meds of any type. Didn't take in water for a week, then slowly for two weeks. No food for 3wks. The 4th week was like he had not been hit other than the limp.

Another cat got bit by something. Swelled up under the neck from the mouth to his stomach. Huge cysts of some type. The cysts broke, then he lost fur and skin down to muscle from the chin to his bellie for about 6wks then healed up with no scars and full fur again. No antibiotics again.


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