Hughesnet Internet Service

Old Ford Mechanic

Well-known Member
Looking for a new service provider.Does anyone here have Hughesnet and if so what is your opinion of them? Anyone have other options?I am not located in a phone company DSL serviced area.
You do not want hughes net. Dial up is faster. Servuce calls are $175 and they say all is well. We changed to AT&T mifi, lots faster, cheaper and good customer support. Gonna cost me $800 to cancel hughes, but better than paying them another year and a half for worthless service..att is $70, hughes was supposed to be $60, but costs us $94. and just try to get someone you can talk to...JMO
I have had Hughes for two years, was real good till about 3 months ago. It just went to slower thn my dial up was. I have considered going back to that. we are to far from town for dsl. checked on Verizon, cant really tell if they give enough time for the money. Hughes will shut you down to slower than dial up if you go over the daily limit but it resets at midnite so next day is supposed to be good again. Only went over a few times with the help of a teen daughter. I think Verizon leaves your speed up, just charges you for going over. That unknown is what i'm scared of. Not happy with Hughes Good Luck Scottz
Go online and read customer reviews which I didn[t do until too late. Thousands of bad reviews to one good one. If you can get att phone service, you can get mifi. If you are close to city and can get 3G the service is faster.
There are problems with satellite internet that simply can't be fixed. If you have 3G or 4G wireless service in your area, that's a better solution. It's not much cheaper than satellite, but at least it works.
May of 2010 I got tired of 19K dial up.
To rural for cable/dsl.
Hughesnet was fast but wanted (iirc) $600 for equpiment/setup. Did have a max transfer, don't recall if daily/monthly nor the penalties when exceeded.
Line-of-sight satalite needed a 40' pole, which the wife did not want.
I do have cell phone service in the area. I went with Verison. Right now, max xfer rate of 1.1m download. They had 2 different plans. A 250m or 5 gig monthly limit w/stiff $ penalties if exceeded. Long story short...I went w/the 5 gig plan. Transfer rates are great except for prime time hours. Prime time, on ave, is 900K download. In my case, its been better than a good choice.

HTH..good luck...don t. .....
Thats funny about having the ability to talk to folks from anywhere using a laptop and an air card. I just got my mother a Verizon air card for her home computer, and I pay the bill against my cell phone. She lives pretty remote where there is no cable or dsl available, only satellite or dialup. Satellite internet would go for like $100 per month, dialup was making her hair grayer more quickly, so for $60 per month she gets 5 Gig from Verizon, which is plenty of data at a great speed for her. I'm not sure $60 per month was a good deal, but is a 2 year contract, so...

The reason I said was funny about communications via laptop from anywhere using an air card, is because I jokingly tell some folks I don't care for that I too use an air card on my laptop while I'm driving. Tell 'em I put the truck on cruise control, then lounge across the seat, using a webcam mounted to the dash, and then surf the net with most of my screen at the same time I use the PIP (picture inside of picture) feature of the webcam so I can keep an eye on the road in the upper corner of my screen, sort of. Makes some people nuts when I say that.

Very remote Tenn location no choice satlite or nothing. Had Hughes was not bad but for three years have had Wild Blue. Much better faster no penalites roughly $ 54.00 a month.
Dave if the $ 70.00 at& before taxes? They quoted me $ 60.00 when I checked and thought I might try them some time. Have two at&t cells and get good service but last time I talked to rep she said she thought I was better to stay on satlite for the net service. Never did understand her reasons. This wild blue is fairly fast and very few problems. Some times in a severe storm we might looses service but not offten.
I have WildBlue Satellite. I've had it for almost 3 years. I got locked into a 2 yr. contract and tried to get out of it but didn't want to pay the early termination fees. So I stuck it out. The only service call I had to get was one to re-mount the dish after the tornado took the shingles off our roof. The roofers had to remove the dish to put a new roof on. Service man had to re-align the dish for re-connection. The sweet spot is very small and impossible to hit without the special tools. The service was crap in the beginning, but has improved vastly on my beam anyway. I still want an alternative, but so far haven't been able to switch. I pay $73.21 / month for 1 mbps. down and 200 kbps. up. the monthly limit is 12,000 mb. down and 3000 mb. up. This the middle package. The Wildblue company was bought out by another provider and the service got a lot better after that. But there is still the latency to deal with. I got used to it. I went back to dial-up for a bit thinking I was paying too much for this service. Thinking I was getting something about as fast as dial-up. But I was wrong there. Dial-up is still way slower than this satellite connection. I just don't have any other choice right now, or I would switch. I made it through the contract period and just pay by the month now. The equipment has never failed, and have good Customer Service within the United States to talk to when I pay my bill every month.
I have nothing good to say about hughesnet. i switched to the alltel air card before they switched to Verision. good coverage and reasonably fast. mine has unlimited minutes which i believe is unavailable now. mine is $60 month including tax. I happily pay the bill unlike the days with hughesnet! I travel thru out the western US and have yet to find a place it wouldn't work.
70 includes taxes. wouldn't mind hughes if it wasn't so terribly slow. att here is 3g and soon to be 4g.att customer support has been great. They let us try mifi for a few days to see if we liked with no commitment. the battery wouldn't stay up in the first one, and they replaced the whole thing in the first month.
I was like you didin't have any choice,so i sighned up with it thru iowa telecom, and it was alright better than dial up but what they didn't say was the limits. (But I didn't ask either)i have since use it alot to look up parts and went over there so call use limits. Simply put thye shut you off till 48 hrs later think it was. With business i have here now that was not acceptable. Was lucky enough now to find another provider tthat had came in. it cost me 700.00 dollars to get out of my contract with hughsnet. i got 300.00 of it back when i sent the hardeware back. this was still less than it was going to cost to keep using up my time frame,so i opted out. otherwise it was better than dialup but you just have to know how much you gona use it going in. do you have dish tv buddy gets his thru it. simply put hughsnet was alright with us till we had to use it so much for the business. whiteout days and foggy days was not very good otherwise it was fine. price wise not much different then others if you have that option. you have to always look at things for yourself cause it like are you ever going to be told the good stuff or do you ever see much on news or papers thats good no if its not bad its not news. good luck
Hughesnet pretty much sucks.Their servers are overloaded and the speed is slow.Sometimes for no reason at all theres no signal for an hour or two.

Their fair use policy only lets you watch about 9 minutes of youtube per hour.If you go over they slow you to a crawl for 24 hours. Right now with a brand new computer,somedays its almost impossible to even completely load a youtube video.It will go 5 seconds and stop.In the wee hours of the morning it will work OK.

We had Wildblue and it was no better.I wish we could get DSL.
As everyone said ,both Hughs and Wild Blue suck. You may want to get; if, available, MIFI from Verizon. Can connect up to five computers at home with a unit a little bigger than a credit card and it works were ever Verizon is located. Similar services are available from a few other cell phone providers. It works at least as fast as DSL and is about the same price as the sat providers.
I thought we'd have to go to something like that,but there are 2 providers here now that send out some other kind of signal from the water tower in town or something. They're hooking us up Tuesday. Gonna cost us $329 for the equipment and install,but that includes the first six months of service. It's $27 a month after that. They CLAIM it's fast enough that we'll even be able to watch movies on it.
rrlund, you got a good wireless service there. Wireless was around before the cell phone wireless of today. We had that kind of service before we moved up here, sure did like it. I wish I could get it here. I think I can if I put up a tall tower to get over the tree tops. That's what I'll try next.
We use Verizon, with wireless aircard and use on laptop. Goes everywhere with us. Use for business and personal. Unlimited use for $60 a month. Haven't found a location yet, that we have trouble with. So far, we've been very satisfied with this service.
I tryed Verizon out here. Thank goodness they allow a month try-out period. It didn't work worth a flip out here, so I sent it back to them. My neighbor has an air card that don't work at his house. He got wildblue. There are still places in this Great Country that cell phones and their internet services just don't work.
Thanks for all the info guys.Looks like i need to look somewhere else other than Hughesnet.I knew that i could get honest opinions here.
I wish sombody had posted this BEFORE i got that hughes.
I too find it slow and at times they cut me off altogether for a day cause i reached the limmits(never knew there was a limmit with high speed satelite),CANT hardly watch video's.

I got 2 yrs left in the contract,it sucks!!
Hughesnet is not all that concerned if you have a problem in my experience with them. I would think if you're dishing $70+ a month that should count for something. BTW, both Hughesnet and Wild Blue have down load limits. Hughesnet has a daily limit that when reached slows you down to less than a poor dialup connection. Wild Blue has a monthly limit and they will email you when you reach 85%. They will also let you change your plan with as needed with no fees.
I had Verizon wireless ($60 a month) and I just switched to Virgin mobile wireless ($40 a month)unlimted web use. Bought the Virgin mobile brand wireless router at Walmart that plugs into the USB port and in 10 minutes I was online. Doesnt get any easier than that. I buy the reload card every month at Walmart.($40) I try and save $$$$ when possible. :wink:
(quoted from post at 02:07:30 02/14/11) How much did that wireless router cost at Walmart?

I bought it on one the black friday sells for $50. I THINK they are normally $80. Virgin mobile uses sprints cell towers. I went to sprints 3g coverage website, put in my zip and I was in the red (coverage area).

You might want to check to see if you have coverage first. Let me know, I can post the sprint site if needed.
I looked at the coverage map and see that it shows a small narrow red area where my house is. I thought I might try it to see if it works, but the router I see costs $149.99. Its a MiFi 2200. Do that speed test like I posted above so I can see how fast it is there.
(quoted from post at 11:05:46 02/14/11) I looked at the coverage map and see that it shows a small narrow red area where my house is. I thought I might try it to see if it works, but the router I see costs $149.99. Its a MiFi 2200. Do that speed test like I posted above so I can see how fast it is there.

I bought the Novatel wireless USB760 model with the Virgin mobile sticker on it. I found out that some Walmarts just a few miles away carry differnt routers.
Very impressive speeds and stats there. I like that. That Usb 760 is for one computer. The Router allows up to 5 computers to connect at the same time over the same connection. Thanks for the info!
We tried both and wild Blue. Both were impossible to use in cloudy or rainy weather. They could alert you to rainy weather or fog before the weather people even knew about Hughes had the lousiest tech service of the two and almost impossible to get a tech person who could speak or understand American English. Wild Blue had the slowest delivery time. We finally paid the termination fee for the last 6 months or so and got DSL as soon as it was available.
Yep, we would jump for joy if we could get DSL here. We call often to order it so they wont forget about us, but so far, no indication of when if ever they might make it possible here. So I'm going to Walmart today to see if I can get one of these 760 dongles. If it don't work so hot, I'll take it back. Best thing about Walmart, they'll take it back and give me my money back. If it works, I'll get a Cradlepoint Router to run our network with. Thanks!
I just looked more closely at the bandwidth limits. Sprint (Virgin Mobile) says you get 3G speeds up to 2.5 GB. If you exceed the 2.5 GB you will be throttled back to 256 kbps or less. That's with the "Unlimited Plan" for $50.00 per month. I get 12,000 MB (12 GB) now with Wild Blue. I'm not a movie or music downloader, just email and web brousing, 2 computers and we're at 3.5 GB of our 12 GB limit, which is typical for us. 12 GB vs 2.5 GB is a big gap. Think I'll stay with WB for now. If I were on Virgin I would be at or below low speed internet right now because I have exceeded their 2.5 GB Limit. Am I seeing this correctly? 2.5 GB seems low compared to "12,000 MB" allowed by Wild Blue. Am I missing a decimal point placement or what?
(quoted from post at 17:53:59 02/19/11) I just looked more closely at the bandwidth limits. Sprint (Virgin Mobile) says you get 3G speeds up to 2.5 GB. If you exceed the 2.5 GB you will be throttled back to 256 kbps or less. That's with the "Unlimited Plan" for $50.00 per month. I get 12,000 MB (12 GB) now with Wild Blue. I'm not a movie or music downloader, just email and web brousing, 2 computers and we're at 3.5 GB of our 12 GB limit, which is typical for us. 12 GB vs 2.5 GB is a big gap. Think I'll stay with WB for now. If I were on Virgin I would be at or below low speed internet right now because I have exceeded their 2.5 GB Limit. Am I seeing this correctly? 2.5 GB seems low compared to "12,000 MB" allowed by Wild Blue. Am I missing a decimal point placement or what?

Man, I got lucky. They just changed it on 2/15/11. It was $40 for unlimted plan . I hope I'm locked in as I got a email stating if I change from the $40 plan I can't go back.

I guess unlimited aint unlimited, no more. :lol: If I hear of any other good deals, I'll try and let ya know.

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