ot Gas Use Fading


Well-known Member
Fall issue of MO Resources says "gas use is fading as the number of electric car buyers is increasing". They are toting this as good news of course. "Kansas City Power and Light hopes to open the first of 10 public charging stations in 2011. Also, homeowners will be wiring their homes with a wall mounted 220-240 volt boxes to recharge their batteries." Sounds like that little comuter car is going to cost the country a lot more than the current multi-functional pickup!
I can't afford the price of an electric car. As most can not either that I know. Unless they do like the vcr's .. can't find one new to buy a player. Now DVDs are fading out and its this Blue Ray???? So if they do away with gasoline. Guess I will go back to horse and buggy.
Shoot Larry just hitch up them dogs you have to a wagon and let them pull you around, ya right they might do it but only down hill.. LOL ya now you know where I was when you called me a little bit ago
What about the cost of electricity?? My last 2 electric bills were $535 and $571. Had my heat pump checked and it checks out, had an energy audit done by the power company, said my house was tip top, only recomendation was to add 2 to 4 more inches of insulation in the attic, but he said it was good as is. Talk with some of my neighbors and apparently I'm lucky, a lot of bills have been $600 to $800. I know of one small busiess in town, just a store front, paid over $900.
From where I live old... it is down hill a lot. Can coast to the big G.. down at the lake. After that might need more dogs. These two are a bit lazy you know...lol
The only good thing I can say about the current hybrid cars is, yes gasoline consumption is reduced. However electrical consumption will rise dramatically in overnight hours, So far most of the electricity produced in the US is produced without dependance on foreign oil. Expanded use of Hybrids or all electric cars will with no dought put a stress on our electrical interstructure, however that will mean jobs to upgrade and the addition of renewable sources such as bio mass, solar, wind, expanded hydro will in time eliminate our need for foreign fuel. To further reduce the cost of rebuilding the electrical grid, land owners now have the tech available to produce their own power and virtually become energy independent. Think about it! many here are farmers who pretty much raise their own food,and help feed the world. Why not harvest free energy from Mother Nature also? Yes solar and wind generation equipment is expensive. So are Tractors and Combines and seed and fertilizer. The big difference is the "crop" sun and wind don't require anual tillage ,seeding or fertilizer.
Something to remember-production capability of a wind turbine in the Dakota's and Minnesota which has one of the best wind regimes in the country is on average 30-35 percent of full capacity with a max at 40%, If someone were to figure out how to store the excess to carry into the low wind times they'd have something.
You are losing energy somewhere. I have 36,000
cu ft to heat. Half propane, half elec. Elec bill is 110 dollars a month. Propane is $40 And I am in SD
You are wright about that. On farm operations where spike loads from large electric motors etc. are a problem and batteries are certainly a big issue. Residential home use is easier to address for sure. At present, you a farmer should be grid tied with a net meter. Then the grid is your battery storage system, and you push back excess in peak production events and consume in low production periods, thus your net consumption is less. Don't be fooled by the idea that you can make big money if you produce more than you consume because the utilities pay far less than they charge and only issue checks on a semi or anual baisis. The ideal situation is to size your Hybrid wind/solar and/or bio digestor system to meet your needs with no more than 110% of your requirments. Being a farmer you have some very good financial assistance programs from the USDA, your state and sometimes local utilities, and tax credits from the IRS. These are well worth looking into, if you have a good location for solar/wind, or lots of poo to fuel a digestor to make Methane to power a generator, which it turn you can pull the heat off the engine to make hot water for a dairy operation or heat your shop. Farmers like you with mechanical abilities can put some pretty productive alternative energy systems together on a moderate budget.
The Acg.
WOW I live in central kentucky in a 9 year old home all elctric-heated with a heat pump and electric strips if it goes below 20 degrees. My highest bill this winter was 214 dollars. I hardly ever top 200 in the winter.
I wonder what states like SD will do for the road tax money they would be loosing with a vehicle that doesn't use gas. They are all short of money already.
What we really need to worry about is the cost of diesel fuel, that's the fuel that this country depends and operates on. Without the trains, trucks, buses, boats, this country, heck, the world comes to a grinding halt. Let the price of gasoline run up to $5 or $7, maybe that will finally cause some of the yuppie larvae, soccer moms to park their Escalades and Suburbans, diverting the crude oil that had to be refined to keep them on the road into diesel fuel.
Casey that seems high.. We are in a three year old ome roughly 50 X 56 heated with one large room with vaulted celling. Have 3.5 ton electric heat pump with strip heat aux. Also have propane for gas fire place for power going out. Our largest bill with all the other coking, washer, well, dryer, two tvs ect is never been over 180.00. Thes last three months Jan was the coldest on record bill was only $167.00. You must have avery large house or be loosing a lot of heat.
What a crock!

I remember a few years ago when fuel prices were skyrocketing. Some government eggheads were quoted as saying that it would not cause the same problems as in the 70s because our economy is not so heavily dependent on petroleum. I didn't believe it for a second.

Now the fact that a small percentage of new car buyers are opting for hybrids somehow means that gas usage is fading away! These idiots who make these comments are some of the most provincial of people, who can't see what is going on beyond their own little parochial world.

Just like NAFTA and doing business with China was the best thing since sliced bread. Of course, we'll keep the high value, high tech jobs here. Well, what do the other 90% of Americans do for work?

Sorry. Just can't handle any more of people avoiding real problems facing real people.


The number of fully electric cars is vanishingly small and the number of hybrids is insignificant.

I can tell you that its not happening in Wisconsin. We already understand up here what happens to batteries in the cold and we don't like it. Not even the goofy lefties are buying electric cars. We need something that works year round.
Do you leave a lot of lights and appliances[tv's] on a lot?Do you run a livestock farm,do you have a welder and a shop and spend a lot of time at that welder and in your shop useing electrical tools? Farm use of electricity jumps the bill over a bill for a 1 house useage.It all takes electricity.
SD already going after more money. State increasing Vehicle registration fees, counties levying wheel tax.

Why does wind and solar power have to be constantly subsidized by the tax payer if it is such a good deal? You just outlined subsidies from the USDA, IRS, probable State assistance, these are perfect examples of the why the states and the nation are broke. Can you truthfully sell wind power without the lure of taxpayer largesse?, if not, there is no economic reason to use it at this time.
Everybody"s bill in east Kentucky is doing the same thing. I"ve got a 2100 sq ft home, built in 1975, that I completly remolded a couple of years ago. New doors, windows, all energy star appliances. According to the energy audit conducted by Honeywell, my insulation is "adequate". Neighbors bills are all high as well. Local heating and cooling business downtown, just has a store front with aprox. 3000 sq ft, bill was over $900 and he has a new experimental Carrier unit that"s 21 seer and some crazy HSPF rating. Basically we are all being gouged to recover the cost of all the damage from the ice storm a couple of years ago(the local power companies fail to mention all the money they saved over the years for not cutting right away). PSC granted both local power company"s raises this past year, one company got a %21 raise, the other was somewhere around %25. Everybody"s bill doubled or tripled. This is not the house on the farm, just a house and lot. Heat pump is older, but it was serviced and checked out ok, probably 10 to 15 years old. Lots of elderly people are really hurting here, as their bills have went from $150-$300 to $400-$800. We all just love our cheap electricity because of our coalfields....at least that"s what we"re told daily.
I'm only telling the truth electric cars came and then went away and have come back and will probably go away again. Plain and simple truth of the matter
I just read a piece that compared a Ford Focus vs a Chev.Volt.Taking all the Gov.rebates on the Volt,just to make up the price diff.,it would take 32 yrs.to pay back.Plus a proper charging port runs $2500 to $6000.00 on top of that.Makes people feel good I guess.
They will try anything and everything to prop that guy up and make him look good. It aint going to work. But...if gas really does hit $5.00 and he doesn't pull back on his executive order banning drilling and exploration, he will be lucky to make it to defeat in the 2012 elections.

BY THE WAY...remember that all electric Dodge no-RAM pickup they were advertising a couple of years ago? The one that contractors could plug their electric drills in to recharge? Anyone ever actually seen one other than in commercials? And even if you have seen one other than commercials, have you seen two of them? Oh yeah, electric vehicles are saving the planet...Pluto from melting.


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