Pix of our new(to us) cultivator.yes we tresspassed.

Lou from Wi.

Well-known Member
Yep we trespassed on our own ground. LOL The fellow brought it here as he promised. Hard to find that kind of guy who thought about the danger of dry wheel bearings if we were to bring it home as is.
He quoted us a price to haul it for us, but WE figured he wasn't getting what the cost was, so we up'ed the freight charges in his favor.Had My S.I.L and daughters here to help if needed.The cultivator is a J.D 10 ft and in good condition . it will take a minimum amount of time to do some replacement of Hyd Cylinder and hoses (which we have already) and we need to straight one Y brace that supports one tang. Other then grease the bearings in the wheels, ,Sand blast the unit prime and re=paint (RED) to match old Ugly's colors. were good to go. Thought you might like to take a gander at the new Implement. Regards LOU & VICTOR. ps the picture of the 2 gentlemen -1 with coat = Son. 1 with out coat -shirt sleeves = seller.







Keeping a eye on the loader is not that difficult. The visor was patterned from the bent & mangled original. Regards LOU.
I have a field cultivator just like that only mine is 14'. Wish I could find someone who wants one. Not sure, but I think the wheel bearings are sealed bearings on that model. Chris
Why are you using straps instead of chains for lifting? Most definatly I would not use unprotected straps over a loader cutting edge and I would use chain to attatch straps bucket and at implement if I had to use straps. I prefare chains for lifting. SAFTY FIRST! Armand
Could be on the CC-A, never checked that on the parts machine I have laying here that is a 14' have others that are the CC-147 model and they do have grease fittings and no bearings. Can't tell from picture if a CC-147 or a CC-A. The CC-A is the newer version and uses a 4 lug wheel while the CC-147 uses a 6 lug wheel, at least on some sizes.
Armand. appreciate the reply and concern. The straps we use are from Semi's that haul FLAT SHEET STEEL with sharp edges, Dot. Certified. Using these straps for just a short lift, with cushioned bucket edge (Tire wedge) so no chance of cutting the web belt. Cant see it in the photo cause it's black in color and just a shade over the webbing size.
Regards LOU & Victor.
Thanks Leroy, We aren't really sure of the bearings,as we just got it in the garage, for repairs.Cylinder,Hoses Etc. If we find any markings or identification it would probably help for parts later. Regards, Lou & Victor
Thanks Moline Guy,
So far the most snow it's moved was this year, moving piles that were pushed by our trusty 75 F150.
Just needed this to lift the cultivator from the trailer and pull it up our hill to the garage.Thanks for the reply,Lou & Victor

It's been a while ago, but I bought 2 of them critters for one money.. Mine were older, on steel, and mine were "clutch lift"..

I traded them off for a "newer" disc (when I was trying to farm, after I found out it wouldn't do what I needed it to do)..

Mine was a CC-A, and at that time I could get parts from JD still.. I bought a couple springs and the "spring stops".. Don't know why I didn't rob parts from one to fix the other, but.. I was young.. LOL

Anyhow, the point I'm working my way around to is next time I go to the farm, I'll look in my filing cabinet, as i think the manual is still around, and if you want it, I'll send it (or a copy of it, whichever you'd might prefer) to you.

Curiosity killed the cat, we looked on Fleabay, and they have one that looks exactly like ours Called a CCA Field cultivator, same width and all,below is a link. Thanks for sparing us to look,
Regards, Lou
link here
Thanks for the offer Brad, If you find your manual, a copy would be great,It would be greatly appreciated, our e-mail is open on this one. Thanks again,
Ok, It'll probably be tomorrow night.. Kinda late to go down the the barn tonight.. I'll let you know what I find.. Like I say, I'm pretty sure it's still in the file cabinet..

Here we go again.. after the little oliver crawler rebuild I can,t wait to see what this thing comes out looking like. Just wish you and I were closer..Implments like that are dime a dozen . Hard for the scraper to haul and just sitting around. Nobody uses them any more.
jm,Thanks for the reply. You know we have to run a lot of territory just in hopes we can come up with items that will make work a little easier and I too wish we were closer so it wouldn't be necessary to run the country side. I jokingly told my Son I was going to reply to you ,telling you to just wait and see what a beautiful piece of equipment it's going to turn out to be. Moguls want it for the remake of TOBACCO ROAD. using the Ford convertible to pull it around the homestead. LOL. Although it is just a piece of equipment,I do like things clean and neat so when something breaks down. we don't have to wade through 1/2 ton of dirt to find and fix the problem. Never figured out if it is a bad or good way of doing things. But clean and neat works for me. Old military way I guess.
regards, LOU.
I appreciate your comment about covering a lot of ground looking for equipment. Here there are a couple of agricultural pockets, with most things for sale either too beat up or far too expensive. Depending on what area of WI you're in maybe you could keep your eyes peeled for me too :)
Exactly, It's a JD field cultivator. Looks like good condition, except that one bent gang. Sure could use one like that. Been watching for one.
Good luck with that unit. Please paint it GREEN! Don't insult it by painting another color.
I just had to take a quick look outside to see if my field cultivator was still in my yard. I have one similar to that but it was a 12ft now cut down to a 8ft model.
Brad. We seen it sitting in your yard , but you had the lights on.If ya hadn't been home. ---Well you know what our reputation is / TRESPASSERS of the first order lol.Son says, give us your address just in case we need additional parts that we can;t find or make. lol. Thanks for the post. Regards LOU & Victor.

I tried to e-mail you, but it won't let me. I found that manual this afternoon and got it copied off.

Drop me a line, I think my email should be open

Brad. Thanks a lot. Looked on your post and your E.Mail isn't opened.will give that a try once it opens. If not I'll ask the Monitor to open our e.Mail address for you. Thanks ever so much. We will be happy to purchase the manual from you ./ just need to know the cost. Warmest Regards , LOU.
Brad. Looked up your (close to Shawano )post description and yep were clear across the state near STONE LAKE WISC. Still have snow on the ground.Nasty stuff to deal with when so much to be done ,in a short time. Went with Son and held the probe on the battery of the 92 Ford ,so he could pull fuses and find out whats draining down the battery. He found the culprit, Pulled the fuse (stuff not needed) till he has time to investigate the situation further. Warmest Regards LOU & Victor.

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