7 childeren died in fire update


Well-known Member
I just saw an article by the Associated Press that the kids that died in the house on the PA farm fire were Amish. The oldest kid was 11. As said before the 3 year old was the only one to live. J
I heard that this morning. My thought was how could you live with that? It wasn't the parents fault, but how would you go on? You had been use to having meals and having all those kids around, then in a blink of an eye they are gone. You cant get over that.

Sad, Gene
Only about 90 minutes away from me...what a shame. Dad was driving milk truck on night shift. Mom was milking cows. In that area the land is still somewhat "affordable" so there are a lot of smaller dairies with young families trying to make a go of it. God has a reason for everything, sometimes we just dont know what it is..Has anyone heard if they set up any funds to help with expenses? I would sure throw a few dollars their way to help out.
Here's a link. A lot of strange parts in the story. The father was sleeping down the road a little ways but the fire dept beat him home. Kids were watching tv but none got out.
I woke up to that story this morning. Very sad.

Reminds me of a true story years ago when a Wisconsin family, preacher father, mother, and their six children were driving on a Chicago expressway behind a semi hauling scrap steel in their Dodge Caravan and a piece of scrap bounced off of the truck, ended up under the Caravan puncturing its fuel tank, causing it to burst into flames before it even came to a stop on the expressway. Unfortunately, only the parents were able to make it out and could not get any of the six children out. They and several others watched them burn to death but was nothing they could do short of burn to death as well. There is much, much more to the story that I related, but the point is, one family lost all six of their children with the snap of fingers, and here another lost all seven of theirs very similarly. Tragic. Very tragic.

May God bless all of their souls.

The USA Today article states that "Police said [u:e2720be803][b:e2720be803]the family wasn't Mennonite[/b:e2720be803][/u:e2720be803], although many Amish and Mennonite families live in the area."

Tragic story, I cannot imagine trying to deal with that type of loss. Although I am curious to see how it all pans out... I agree, the story does seem different in some ways.
Father was supposed to have been driving a milk
truck..doesn"t sound like Amish to me.
Mother had to run to a neighbors to find a phone
I know some mennimite, but my friends have phones
Very sad...but one thing I dont understand...it says the mother came out of the barn and saw the smoke and went to the neighbors for help...why didnt she immediatly get the kids out of the house first???? where there is smoke there is fire....
Alot of things dont add up, a 7 month old baby left with the 11 year old? May be ok, but???. We will probably hear more about what happened.
I do not see anything wrong with 11year old watching baby mom was on the place when do you want kids to start accepting responsibility when they are 25
who cares what religion they were.and at this point it doesnt matter how it happened only that it did. Its a sad story and I feel for the parents.
(quoted from post at 15:32:50 03/10/11) who cares what religion they were..

Easier to pass judgement when you have all the pertinant info........

I could never be a firefighter or paramedic, and would have a hard time being a cop.

Have seen enough dead and screwed up adults but don't know how I'd hold up with kids.

I have met several Mennonites who drove cars and trucks, hauled a travel trailer to our bluegrass music weekends, the man played the 5-string banjo, has about 6 kids, a great family.
A friend of mine lived down east around Lancaster, Pa. Drove a car. Was not Mennonite, but looked like one. When he'd go to town, the local Mennonite Pastor would admonish him about having chrome bumpers on his car!
I did see one picture in our local paper--it showed a true Amish man standing in the yard, looking at the fire scene. Thats where some folks would get the idea that the fire family was Amish. Driving a large milk truck would surely draw the ire of the Amish folks-big-time!

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