O/T Fellow gout suffers

Rollie NE PA

Well-known Member
My Doctor informed me that colchisine in no longer being produced and the new replacement is very expensive. OH NO, Say it isn't so. Something like $130.00 per months supply. The cost may vary with different ins. coverage.

Check with your Pharmacist for more info.
Switch to Allopurinol and prevent gout altogether coat me $4.00 /month at Walmart. Colchicine never worked well for me.
I have been taking 300mg of allopurinol for years but I still will get the gout just not as often. I get the gout from things like Penicillin.
I don't drink, smoke, eat cashews, pecans, shell fish, asparagus, etc

I did a little research and the FDA ordered Colchicine taken off the market as it was never approved. The new drug is called colcrys.
Just turned 69 & started on allopurinol 7 mo. ago after an awful flare--had small attacks before that after couple hard days work & on my feet a lot, but laid around a day & got better,but this last time I was up & down a ladder a lot, crawling on my knees some, feet swelled so that no shoes would fit--knees too-- was 2-3 days before Dr. could see me--had to be rolled in on wheelchair. test showed high uric acid. had gout for a while i guess, but right combination of wrong foods & drink-plus changes in my body,made it full-blown. drink cherry juice & whole lot less beer now--paul
Just turned 69 & started on allopurinol 7 mo. ago after an awful flare--had small attacks before that after couple hard days work & on my feet a lot, but laid around a day & got better,but this last time I was up & down a ladder a lot, crawling on my knees some, feet swelled so that no shoes would fit--knees too-- was 2-3 days before Dr. could see me--had to be rolled in on wheelchair. test showed high uric acid. had gout for a while i guess, but right combination of wrong foods & drink-plus changes in my body,made it full-blown. drink cherry juice & whole lot less beer now--paul
BTDT about 3 months ago. Had to get a script for the replacement. $158.

This is the 5th generic drug in about 3 years that I take and has been taken off the market.

Darvocet just recently. Then there was Vioxx.

Both Darvocet and Vioxx are subjects of class action lawsuits. Both of 'em allegedly mess with your ticker, in a bad way.

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