How close are commercial wind turbines to you?

If things go the way my neighbour wants I'll have 5 of them in the field behind me. Not a big fan but the ont government has made it so we really have no choice. I'm right on the edge of lake huron.
88 of them in the immediate area. 1 within 1/4 mile! What some noisy pieces of junk! There so big the power company has to feed electric to them to make them work. I understand we need to conserve, we're all lazy. No one wants to hang their clothes outside or car pool or any of the little things. Ma still hangs the sheets out even in the winter. Brings em in like a piece of plywood, my wife does the same. they sure do smell nice. The technology needs to be affordable for the common man!
About 60 miles east, near Walnut Iowa, is a huge field of them. Warren Buffet's company put those in. Then, 60 miles west, near Lincoln Nebraska there are 2. I knew those near Walnut were being put up, but travelled that way in the dark, and could not figure out what all those flashing red lights were...!
They start at about 10 miles and go for miles. Trent Texas is where there at. These are SW of me. Then theres some about 15 or so miles East in Callahan Co.
We have a new single install (big) powering some of a VA center here in St. Cloud 2 miles away.
From here it is about 100 miles to the Farms in SW MN. Jim
They start about 6 miles and go for about 10 miles. Right now there are 2 phases built, one phase is about 60 and the second phase is 80. There is another wind farm scheduled to be built in the next year or two consisting of another 40+.

Todays paper had that they put up a tower to study the wind in potential 3000 acre windfarm about 3 miles from me, between iowa city and cedar rapids iowa
About 50 miles east in the Altamont Pass east of Livermore CA there are hundreds of them in one of the biggest wind farms anywhere. They're far enough away - don't even think about 'em much.
About 1-2mi.Can see them coming down my road,but not from the house.The thing is though,I got no problem with clean energy.Its just seems like everything is such a scam though.I dont save one penny on my elec. bill with those 40-50 massive ugly things up there on the hill.It all goes to New York City.Somewhere somebody is sittin there chucklin away and making more money than there great grand kids are gonna be able to spend.
Australia...Wind farm inquiry holds hearings in Ballarat - ABC News ...
28 Mar 2011 ... As part of the inquiry, Senators will tour a wind farm this ...

This is a result of people complaining of illness caused by low frequency noise...They have to live away from their Farm...

Wind farm illness
31 Aug 2009 ... Wind farm illness. [ Alternate short URL for linking • HOME ]. Author: Burkhardt , Gwen. SIR – There seems to be a great deal of controversy ...

This one from UK.. no coincidence.
There are some just south of Beaumont Ks. About 50 miles northeast of me as the crow flies.
i have the about 5 miles south of one of the farms, then there are more about 15 miles west.
(quoted from post at 04:03:24 04/08/11) With more and more being set up, are they supposed to start lowering our electric bills?

See, that's something people don't understand about wind power and ethanol.

Energy costs are constantly RISING. The best we can hope for with the wind turbines and ethanol is to slow down the price increase.

Right now, though, the price of energy is going up so fast that it seems futile. But, we've got to do SOMETHING.
Well none here in NW Maricopa County Az. but, the Solar Farms are just getting going.Thousands of acres of desert will be covered with them soon. Not as UGLY as those wind turbines back in LaSalle County Ill. where I come from but ugly still.
You guys whine and cry about the tax subsidies for these things...

That taxpayer money is going to get spent on SOMETHING. Government is incapable of not spending that money. They can't use it on something worthwhile like medicare or social security. They can't save it.

The money will absolutely, positively, without a doubt be spent on something stupid. It is a given. No matter who you elect. No matter how much you tea party, rally, rant and rave.

Would you rather have ALL that money end up in the pockets of wealthy fat-cats, or would you rather see at least some of that money go to some farmers that really need the help right now?
None around here. Just not enough wind.

When I was growing up, we had two windmills on the farm. We finally had to take one of them down, there just wasn"t enough wind to run them both.
proposed windfarm about 2000 feet from me. Fighting it as best I can.

If they are so quiet why did they ask to have the noise ordinance changed?

If they are so quiet why does the contract they want me to sign stipulate that if I sign I lose the right to go after them for exceeding the noise ordinance?

I live in a narrow valley. Do I really want spinnig 747 pinwheels on my southern ridge? Yes I own a good stretch of the ridge so there won't be any on my part, but the lumber mills and Oil companies that own the rest don't have to live with them. The residents say NO but the town planning board only sees the money.
3 of 'em about 9 miles south of where I work. Built corn bins and leg right near them. I like em. Graceful and an engineering marvel.
We're getting hundreds of them here in west central Ohio (Ft. Wayne, Ind. area) strange thing is, according to statistics only about 2% of the electric energy the U.S. consumes comes from wind and solar combined! An expensive way to get power and I suspect it's being done with stimulus money.
The problem is, Not that they are just spending money. It's The fact that THEY ARE SPENDING MONEY THAT THEY DON'T HAVE. And by spending THAT money they have us, as a country, well on the way to bankruptcy. Also, Alot of that money is going into the pockets of "Fat-cats" Take a look at that scam of a stockmarket we have going on. Look at the money our Fed is throwing at those banksters. You are right about it doesn't matter who, and from which party we elect them from. Look at the current joke going on right now about the "Government Shutdown". All the drama about a percent or two of governmnet spending. When we need massive spending cuts. They all just want to kick the can down the road a little further, and not take a stand on anything.
Best we can hope for is ethanol and wind turbines??? Why don't we think of getting more of our own oil out of the ground? Of which we have plenty. But no, our government puts Colorado shale OffLimits. No drilling in Anwar. It shuts down our own exploration in the gulf, And sends BILLIONS of our tax dollars to BRAZIL, for them too get oil and sell it to us a higher prices. Ethanol is a PROVEN JOKE, IT was an expensive boondoggle in the 70s, and it's showing to be another now. With billions in tax dollar subsidies. Why don't we develope coal into fuel. It's been done before, and it could be done now for LESS than we are currently paying for crude oil. We are the SaudiArabia of coal. Nope, we are not going to do that, We'll just ship our coal over to China, like they are doing now.
Wind turbines, Seriously? Jeesh.
'bout the same distance here. When they get them all done, it'll make our bills go UP. We have about the cheapest electric in the country, due to all the hydroelectric on the Missouri river. If they approve the power lines to get the juice from the windmills to where they need it (Chicago?), those lines will also make our cheap hydro available to the rest of the country and our rates will go up (more). Good news is it costs over a million dollars a mile to put huge power lines across Minnesota (due mainly to zoning and legal fight, not copper and steel), so it might be awhile.

I'm far enough away that I think the towers look neat, and I can see hundreds of the blinking lights at night once I get out from behind my trees.
Good one Mike.

A few weeks ago I went by a bunch of windmills along I-65 in Indiana. Only a few were turning slowly the rest motionless. It was the same way last fall when I went by. Do they have to go around to make electricity? :eek:)
These (plus dozens more) start 20-some miles west of me, there's another "farm" 20-some miles NE of me, with another being built 30-some miles NW of me.

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The front fell off
Yes, wind and ethanol is the best we can look forward to right now.

Everybody is all about "Drill Drill Drill" but...

1. You're looking at several years before any drilling projects start producing usable oil.

2. Every time someone points to a spot and says, "There be oil in them thar hills," all the neighbors stand up and scream, "NOT IN MY BACKYARD!" (Sound familiar, you anti-windmill guys?)

Fact of the matter is, nobody wants a big noisy smelly oil well in their neighborhood, especially after last year's Gulf oil spill.

3. Colorado oil shale is not oil. They've got to squeeze the oil out of the rock, which is a very expensive and inefficient process. It's still cheaper to buy foreign oil than it is to mess with this oil shale garbage.

Hey, how about some new nuke plants? You guys were screaming for those less than a month ago. Oh, but only until they pick your town to locate it.
Several years to get usable oil? Right, I heard that P-Poor excuse over TWENTY YEARS ago about Anwar. You are right about the not in my backyard nonsense. Look at Cali, They have oil bubbling out of the seafloor just off the coast. But nooo, we can't even think about tapping it. Colarado shale is too expensive?, Yeah, tell that to the Canadians about their oil sands. Nuke plants, I live about 15m from one. I have no problems with Nuc power. I spent about 6yrs working and sleeping inside two different steel tubes with a Nuc reactor when I was a Navy submariner. I see you don't challenge the coal to fuel idea. I see you don't mind YOUR tax dollars going to Brazil for THEM to explore and pump oil. In closing, as I said before, ethanol and wind pinwheels are nothing but a joke and a pipe dream, On top of being a colassal waste of money. When the government HAS to subsidise something, It's garbage.
Add to that, the fuel to run them cost nothing and does not create any greenhouse gasses.

I read that if we utilized all our wind generating capacity, we could produce 5 times our electricity needs.
"when the government HAS to subsidise something, It's garbage.
Jack "

Kind of like the three wars were fighting in the mid east to subsidize oil ??
At what cost? I would like to see the cost of KW/hour, of wind generated power, versus coal, versus nuclear, versus solar, versus terd vapor, or whatever other source you are goin to promote, all in the same chart. Post the chart, and get back to me, for my preference!
181 MW worth starting behind my farm.3/4 mile from the house. Close enough to see them although trees block the sight of most from the house. Too far away to get paid for having them.
Rarely can be heard unless the wind is from the north or east. With ground level wind very slow and turbines near the low wind speed shut down mph.
Sound is similar to ocean or lake surf but a shorter pause between the "whooshes".
These Vesta's are pretty quiet but I've heard other brands. That sound like a straight cut grain roller mill with worn bearings.
Probably the worst part is the flashing red aircraft avoidance lights. I wish the the lights could be shielded to shine "up" and sideways instead of "down".
A bunch just north of Albert Lea, MN and another bunch just to the south of Dodge Center, MN. Still another bunch in northern Iowa along I-35.
The reason that on any given site, some are running, and some are not- the computer controlling and monitoring their operation lets the tower make 4 revolutions in following the wind. Then it needs to shut down, and reverse the tower, to unwind the cables that bring electricity from the turbine, to the ground. When the cables are unwound, the computer will let the turbine spin again. Found that info in a motel brochure in SW MN a few years ago, home of Glacial Ridge- literally 100s of turbines along MN 23. I actually stopped the car adjacent to a number of towers to hear how noisy they were. Was surprised at the low noise level.

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