Help me "just say no"............


Well-known Member
Been doing good and decided to hold onto my tractor. All problems taken care of, new tires, brakes, rear main seal, and a few seals etc so all is functional and dry. No rust or tin work. Fresh inspection (passed). Weak point was /is drummower and baler but I bought a smaller mower just go a little slower with the baler (owners manual calls for 18HP min and I have 26).
Weight is iffy but I've worked around it.
Got an email from someone with the same series that I have but the 4cyl 36HP version and wants to trade. Waiting on more info but to begin with it looks and sounds like what I started with (leaks, weak brakes, about worn out tires). Rough fenders and another set included.....

Asking myself if 450 pounds in weight and the extra 10hp is worth starting over. Also asking why the guy with basically the same tractor (4 inches longer) would want to step down. Common sense side says no that there must be something wrong, wanna have side says yes.

Whaddaya think????
Keep what you already have.Sounds like you would be solveing HIS problems and creating new ones for yourself.Keep your little tractor-its a good one!
rite now you KNOW whatcha got and other than a few glitches your tractor aint made ya walk home yet.
(quoted from post at 07:34:54 04/09/11) rite now you KNOW whatcha got and other than a few glitches your tractor aint made ya walk home yet.

Glitches are all repaired unless new ones pop up (knock on wood)........
Think I'd rather wait on new glitches than fix another round of the same ones........... Just cover my ears and yell LALALALALALALA next time someone mentions getting another tractor :roll:
Most everybody wants to trade "up"- so when someone appears to be trading "down", be suspicious that he may be trading up after all.
Te4ll him no deal on straight swap if he wants it to throw some money your way and his tractor.Sounds like you have your tractor squared away.

I would be leary of a lemon on the other end too, but if he adds cash to the deal you could fix problems that might be hidden.

Other side of the coin: Any chance the guy may simply want a smaller tractor that burns less fuel. Nowadays with the price of fuel being what it is (and likely to go higher still) there is no sense in feeding horsepower that is not really needed.
You know the old saying"a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush". I don't care how much bigger the tractor is, a leaking stuttering piece of iron is just a bank account waiting to be drained. Also lost time in the field. Stick with what you have.
Many years ago when i was still young and stupid,i got suckered in trading a good running 500cc single piston norton dominator motorbike with a 600cc twin engine Norton dominator a year or two younger.
Turned out to my dismay later that the twin was missing a piston and had a craftely covered hole in the bottom of the block.

Just saying,be carefull of a good deal?
I agree with the others.
Besides, you don't need a different tractor. An
additional tractor, sure, but just not a different


OK, only way it (mine) goes is if it's no longer useable (not likely) or someone offers me enough for it to change my mind. Could get enough out of it to buy a decent next generation with direct injection, but I'd have to trade my red tractor that has grown on me for one with a bunch of white on it :roll:

Thanks, Dave

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