Major Vent (Advice Needed)


Have you guys ever had a string of luck with your tractors that just makes you feel like it's just too much sometimes? Okay, two weeks ago my orchard tractor (Ford 861) breaks down. While trying to fix the issue I get behind on work on the ranch so I turn to my Massey 165 to do the work. Needless to say about halfway into my work my Massey begins leaking diesel all over the place which causes air to enter the system and no power. My 290 has no functioning hydraulics and our IH 424 Diesel needs a starter. All this while the city sends me a notice reminding me that weeds higher then six inches could lead to a fine!!!!!! After the latest break down I just got off of the 165 and sat in the orchard for about an hour in disgust. Please tell me I'm not alone.
Bottom line is, as Murphys states, "if it has TIRES or XXXX, sooner or later it's gonna give you trouble".

(And Murphy was an OPTIMIST!)

I just wish the couple of things that are giving me trouble at the moment had the TIRES side of things!
You are not alone by a long shot. Neighbor is overhauling the 560 that pulls the planter and the clutch went out on his 806 yesterday that he uses for light disking and springtoothing. You just have to lean into it a little harder.
Try having just one travtor and it go T##'s up just when you need it................
Put a starter on the IH, replace the other junk with a couple more of them nice red diesels, fence it off and get you a few Shropshire Sheep (don't eat trees) for the orchard and maybe figure out a way to have em clean your roadside. Then you can just TURN YOUR TRACTOR OFF and set in the orchard with a beer and a sandwich instead of disgust.

Things'll look better tomorrow.

You are definitely not alone!
I have it so bad, my 83 year old Mom
has took to callin me 'Murphy'.
She's just tryin to add a little levity to my current life.
Remember-- Problems: you can't go around, under, or over them; You just have to go through them, and become a wiser person once through.
Best of luck to you.
Hang in there...
If it was easy,everybody would do what you are doing. Just work along on it and it will all work out. Take your time, stop and rest, and thank God that you don't have cancer or something else like some other people do.
That's why I bought my new bota. I got tired of fixing things, I needed to do some work.
Did you ever think how many people browse this site in anticipation of getting their first tractor, and you have five? They would love to be your nephew. Just stop and prioritize. Determine what each tractor needs and how much you need each tractor, and attack them in order. Most likely the starter needs to be taken to the repair shop and shouldn't cost much. Once you get one going and some work done go right at the next one in order to have a back up.
You are not alone. This can happen with 40+ year old equipment. You just hope it doesn't all happen at once.

Here's hoping that your fixes are minor.
It is like grapes it comes in bunches and yes that is a bout the same luck i have. TIP: SELL OFF THOSE 4 OR 5 OLD TRACTORS AND BUY A NEW ONE WITH WARRENTEE
It's not just you. I was cutting hay one day and spun a rod bearing in one tractor. That was the one that I usually use to grind feed,so I had to grind with another one that afternoon. About half way through grinding,I broke a piston and bent a rod in that one.
A "warrentee" means nothing but that when the new tractor breaks someone else is paying to get it fixed. Believe me over the years I've seen more than my share of new machines broke down right out of the box. Heck when Dad worked for a dealership a big part of their work in the shop was warranty jobs, and charging them back to the Mfg. at flat rate prices made the company alot of money.
Yup, been there. Even though I only have one tractor it has caused me a lot of grief in the past year or so.
The beauty of it though is that once the problems are fixed, it's way better than it was before. I think I'm winning! It went the whole winter without the need of any repair.........and we had a lot of snow to move! So to reward it, it's getting a few new pins and bushings.......a little prevention.
Sounds familar- back in the 90s I lost a 2470 one nite when a piston came through the block...heard a tick in the 4430 the next day, turned out to be a connecting rod going out of round. Had 140 acres of corn to plant with the 4230, while doing that, the neighbor comes over, wants 110 acres planted. From Fri am til 8 am Sun, got it all in, plus 40 acres dug, with little sleep. Then grapevine says the neighbor was miffed that I made $880 overnight, planting HIS corn...while he and his wife were out for the evening!
A new tractor payment of $1000/month fairly normal.

Figure out how many parts you can buy for that, and maybe a little labor too.

Thats why all of my equipment is used. Some days are not fun, but I just think of a new tractor payment, then get to work on my old stuff.

You think you have troubles, Wife left me. Daughter pregnamt, Son in jail. Tractor caught ib fire, Bank took truck. Well pump quit, Overdrawn at bank, dog sick, taxes past due, lost my pocketknife, found a tick in a very intimate place. out of whiskey, getting kicked out of church. cows are out
If youve got tractors or equipment you can always count on it breakin down thats for sure. Ive had days at the farm where the only thing that wasnt broke down was my pickup and as soon as Id get one thing goin somethiun else would come up. Makes for a long frustratin day.Just glad there far and few between. Your not alone thats for sure.
Your problem is you don't have enough tractors:)

I keep 2-3 too many just for the that scenario. Also I like old

He who dies with the most Farmalls wins!
LJ, sometimes a running tractor can cause disgust too!

Saturday morning I put the box blade behind the 641 and started working on dressing up around some trees I just planted. I wasn't getting much dirt so I dropped the rippers and took a few passes to break the soil up better for working.

Guess what? I found my water line. She gave a little tug and what I thought was a giant root slinging up from the box blade all of a sudden had a water fountain look to it. :roll:

Needless to say, it was a trip to home depot sort of day and not much else got done around the place.

Hang in there Man, I know where you're coming from. Everything I own is older and in need of something as well.
Fighting our 165 right now as well. Ours has the continental gasser in it. It'll pop once and then that's it, nothing else. The starter we found was loose after removing the weather break. After bolting it tight again it just seemed to drag so Dad got a rebuilt one from the local rebuilder ($175 but in stock, NOW, today, no waiting) and it spins faster, but still no go. Put in new plugs (wet), cap (build up inside it), rotor (always replace w/ the cap), etc, still no go.

It ran for years on the same set of plugs, cap, etc, and since we've changed them they've been nothing but trouble. Not sure if the gas has water in it either or what the problem is at this point.

This winter for a short while we had only 1 tractor that we could run. My 1600 had a bad battery, the 165 had charging issues and another bad battery, 285 had a bad water pump. Our 1855 was the only one we could use, but it's just too big and would putt around doing what little we do in the winter.

Donovan from Wisconsin
What an opportunity!! Look at all the fun you can have fixing them, and how good you're gonna feel when you get 'em running! If you don't like working on tractors, don't own one, or at least not an old one. They are made to fix.
(quoted from post at 11:44:36 04/18/11) If it was easy,everybody would do what you are doing. Just work along on it and it will all work out. Take your time, stop and rest, and thank God that you don't have cancer or something else like some other people do.

Thanks for the advice!!! It really puts things into perspective when you look at it like that. I'm back and ready to go at it again. In fact today I decided to send the starter off for the IH for a rebuild and am tearing down the 861 for repair.

Thanks man your situation reminds me of the many I've been in and persevered through in the past. We just keep on going don't we?
(quoted from post at 18:06:48 04/18/11) You think you have troubles, Wife left me. Daughter pregnamt, Son in jail. Tractor caught ib fire, Bank took truck. Well pump quit, Overdrawn at bank, dog sick, taxes past due, lost my pocketknife, found a tick in a very intimate place. out of whiskey, getting kicked out of church. cows are out

Whoa!!!!!!! I'll be just fine after all.
(quoted from post at 19:18:58 04/18/11) You should write a country song!!!

You know what my wife played me this song by Montgomery Gentry that really reminded me how lucky I truly am. As another member stated I'm lucky just having some old tractors to fix and work with. I have some land, a good working pickup, a good career, and good family. I have nothing to whine about.
@ Don-WI

Don't know if this will interest you, but hey, take a peek. Some Fox choppers for sale.

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