Finally found a use for..........


Well-known Member
......that combination cresent wrench/vise grip thing I got for Christmas. I had a drain plug that was just a 1/2 inch pipe plug. The square part of it was all chipped and rounded off. I tried a pipe wrench,vise grips,even those Craftsman outfits that you use on rounded off nuts,couldn't get it. I took the angle grinder and ground 2 sides as flat as I could get them,then tightened the cresent wrench adjustment on it,clamped the vise grip handle down and popped it right loose.
That thing looked like a joke when I opened it,but it's quite the handy tool.

Yes,I put a new plug back in it.
That tool is nice to lend out when somebody wants to borrow one....
Great to know RR! A couple Xmas's a go my son got me a battery powered adjustable crescent wrench and was the usual polite dad that would love whatever he would give me and after he left I tossed it in my toolbox expecting never to need it again but lo and behold a few months later I got under my car and needed to use an adjustable wrench because I couldn't see the bolt I was taking out and couldn't reach in and adjust it so I tried it and it worked! So every tool does have its time and place!
Reminds me of something that I have been wishing for, for a long time.
Anybody else desire a larger Vise-Grip?

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