Look at it from the other end. Its the dollar that is not worth as much any more. (World price). If you don't believe me, just go grocery shopping.
(quoted from post at 05:54:10 04/23/11) Look at it from the other end. Its the dollar that is not worth as much any more. (World price). If you don't believe me, just go grocery shopping.

Grocery prices are up because gas is up.
Unless the economy again tanks badly (possible), expect $5.00 gasoline by Memorial Day.

The sky's the limit given current federal policies.

(quoted from post at 05:54:10 04/23/11) Look at it from the other end. Its the dollar that is not worth as much any more. (World price). If you don't believe me, just go grocery shopping.

He is correct folks! And yes, the rising cost of gas does raise food prices. But the most fearful thing happening today is the continuous printing of our currency, and the loss of it's value.

Is our nation's gold in Fort Knox,..or at the Federal Reserve? Keep in mind that the Federal Reserve is no more a part of the Federal government than Federal Express is. It's a private bank that will not allow our congressmen to visit! Crazy!
Just wait until crude is priced in Euro's or Juan. The time is coming when the dollar will not be the world's currency.
(quoted from post at 07:48:10 04/23/11)
(quoted from post at 05:54:10 04/23/11) Look at it from the other end. Its the dollar that is not worth as much any more. (World price). If you don't believe me, just go grocery shopping.

He is correct folks! And yes, the rising cost of gas does raise food prices. But the most fearful thing happening today is the continuous printing of our currency, and the loss of it's value.

Is our nation's gold in Fort Knox,..or at the Federal Reserve? Keep in mind that the Federal Reserve is no more a part of the Federal government than Federal Express is. It's a private bank that will not allow our congressmen to visit! Crazy!

I've heard there is no gold in Fort Knox. It is all in the federal reserve.
Fort Knox is still heavily guarded, but maybe that is to keep folks from finding out there is nothing in there? Don't know, even the facts are heavily guarded.
Talk to the voters. Why did they elect the leaders they chose and now have to deal the messes?
Lets add who voted to allow the EPA and CARB to strangle and over price vehicles and equipment?
Newer and stiffer regulations will introduced and enforced until the transportation industry stops. It's all in the utopia dreams of the granola munching, hand holding kum-by-yah singing bunny huggers.
Depends on who you wanna listen to I guess. The guy from gasbuddy.com has been on the local news here saying the top will be beteen 4.25 and 4.50 shortly,then fall back to the 3.50 range by mid summer. I guess time will tell. If it hits 5,it won't stay long because the economy will hit the same wall as in 08.
Or put differently, what's the use of preserving a pristine planet if we end up freezing in the dark?

It has always amazed me that grown-ups can be so naive as to think that we can have unrestrained population growth, without eventually "using up" the planet's resources. I think the spay and neuter clinic concept should be expanded, if you get my drift.
I couldn't agree more. A great many of the world problems would be solved if the population was reduced.
Granted, it is not a silver bullet. There would be problems associated with that too.
Unfortunately it's not gonna happen unless Mother Nature does it. No politician on earth is dumb enough to tell Bubba and Betty they aren't allowed to have 13 kids.
So, ya just go along with it, everyday hoping that one of these pandemics really does live up the the hype the media gives it.

There's no foreseeable end to the Earth's oil reserves or ability to build nuclear power plants, or even coal reserves for that matter.

Overpopulation was a abundant cause du-jour of the 1970's.

About as popular as gun control now.
Phil, sit back and think for a second about what you just wrote: "There's no foreseeable end to the Earth's oil reserves or ability to build nuclear power plants, or even coal reserves for that matter." You surely don't believe that. We live in a finite world and there's only so much of everything to go around. Pretending that our resources are limitless won't make it so.
When is it going to run out? Oil is produced by the Earth itself under intense pressure, not the decayed bodies of dinosaurs like they taught us in grade school.
Plus, I would expect within several decades there will be alternative energy sources that make economic sense, unlike now.

Humans have proven to be very innovative, particularly if there is a need.
I never said there should be a wholesale annihilation of any particular group, race or religion. I think the ENTIRE population of the world needs to be reduced. If that means that my number is called to go, so be it. I'm no more worthy to be here than anyone else.
Any good rancher is aware of the "stocking rate" of his ranch. This planet is, or perhaps has exceded it's healthful stocking rate.

Alternative energy sources are expensive to build, maintain, and undependable as a primary source of energy. What happens when the wind doesn't blow, and the sun don't shine?

Did you know that solar panels are less than 12% efficient? Gonna take a lot of acres of panels to run a small city....
Well if you live on S/S and disability. The cost of living has not gone up. At least that is what the guvment tells us.
I thought you were implying that the government should have the right to tell people how many kids they can have. If people had to support their own offspring instead of the tax payers footing the bills there would be less people. Welfare and unchecked immigration are nothing but enslavement tactics to create and maintain a block vote. The abundant politician is the cruelest master in history.
Whether or not new oil is being created as we speak is debatable. Whether or not it is being created faster than we're using it is not up for debate. I have yet to hear of an oil, gas, or water well that is overflowing because it isn't being pumped fast enough. If you know of any let me know.

Back in the 1870s and 1890s, iron ore was refined in Michigan's upper peninsula using blast furnaces fueled by wood. By the turn of the century those blast furnances were closed down. Why? Because they had burned up all the hardwood in the UP, even though wood is a "renewable" resource. Coal and oil are the same way; don't underestimate our ability to exhaust our limited resources.

Wishful thinking won't solve our energy needs.
" there will be alternative energy sources that make economic sense"

Q: What will it take for alternative energy to be economically viable?

A: $500/barrel crude oil.

Expect gas prices to continue to climb.
(quoted from post at 18:23:45 04/23/11) If people had to support their own offspring instead of the tax payers footing the bills there would be less people. Welfare and unchecked immigration are nothing but enslavement tactics to create and maintain a block vote. The abundant politician is the cruelest master in history.

This is sooo true. As a member of the middle class I DO HAVE to support my off spring. If money was no object, like some wealthy people I have know, we would have like 10 kids too. Had to stop at 3 as that is all we can afford.
BUT those on the "dole" get paid to have too many kids. Vote for the "welfare" state lib's getting bigger all the time. Govt's appease the masses with socialism to keep control. Take away their "free ride" and watch them revolt or steal from or outright kill the "haves".

Couple that, with the pharmaceuticals companies preventing a Malthusian crisis and the world is or will get over populated with humans. Humans are depleting natural resources AND over harvesting plants/wildlife to extinction.

In my humble opinion humanity has "peaked" and is in decline.

I don't think the government should tell people how many kids they can have.
I don't think the government should tell us much of anything.
They also shouldn't enable people to procreate as the please. Yea, 100 years ago having 10 kids meant pleanty of free farm labor. Today it means plenty of free foodstamps and welfare. The government should't tell those people they can't breed, but SOMEONE SURE AS HELL SHOULD! If that voice happens to be a flu pandemic that sweeps through the inner city and tells them. So be it.

I gotta go. The more I think about it the madder I get.

At that price people will cut way back on use and there will be over supply. To maintain that price in that situation requires collusion to fix prices among the suppliers. Not to say that won't or can't happen but a lot of nervous speculators will want to be getting out of oil futures.
Yeah, they showed a chart on tv the other day, it graphed the value of the dollar, with the cost of gas. The lines were almost identical, but in the opposite direction.

We are having to compete globally for commodities, and our dollar is not worth a damn.

That is why the gold I have in my gun safe is worth $1800 an ounce and I bought it for less than $600. Silver that I gave less than $6.00 an ounce for is way up, I think near $40.

Tangible assets, land, cattle, food, are the things to have.

Phil; that alternate energy has already been found. Google gogyropower.com & watch the video. Please respond back.
Economic development ends overpopulation.

The last two major frontiers are India (which should be getting it's act together soon) and Africa -- which is going to take longer.

It's pretty clear the broad trend is as people move from subsistence agriculture to commercial agriculture to industrial societies to post-industrial societies birth rates decline at each step. Life expectancies may rise, but that will take care of itself within a century.

The human population should peak around 2050 to 2070, and it should stabilize around 2150.

Between now and then, the majority of humanity has to be lifted out of the sh!tholes they're living in now, and into an world of industry and brain power.
Who cares?

Gold is barely any more valuable then dollar bills
-- since it lack intrinsic utility (other then
being used in some critical electronic circuits),
it's value is entirely what two people agree it
is. It's no more valuable then paper money. It's
a token, nothing more.

Silver, at least, has wider industrial

Iron, copper, aluminium, coal, oil, wheat, corn --
now you're talking about things that actually have
value beyond a mere agreement that it's a good
token to represent value.
i do know of such a water well about 6 miles from me no pump involed it"s called an artesian well.
it flows thousands of gallons a day has done so for years. no one knows how much water it holds.
the water is said to be the purist you can get.
Both gold and silver are real money! Not a token by any means, or a piece of toilet paper like our dollar has become since it is no longer backed by gold.

Using both gold and silver properly is the key. The elitists use only gold and silver, you and I should too!

Getting back on track with oil; without it, our economy will fail. Folks,..we live in a oil based economy! Even if an alternative fuel is found just to simply help us commute, there is no guarantee that the new fuel will help produce products like oil does.
(quoted from post at 22:39:29 04/23/11) Both gold and silver are real money! Not a token by any means, or a piece of toilet paper like our dollar has become since it is no longer backed by gold.

Using both gold and silver properly is the key. The elitists use only gold and silver, you and I should too!

Getting back on track with oil; without it, our economy will fail. Folks,..we live in a oil based economy! Even if an alternative fuel is found just to simply help us commute, there is no guarantee that the new fuel will help produce products like oil does.

When the SHTF you will find out how "real" gold and silver are. When you are hungry would you trade food for gold or silver? I did not think so.

(quoted from post at 07:53:56 04/24/11)
(quoted from post at 22:39:29 04/23/11) Both gold and silver are real money! Not a token by any means, or a piece of toilet paper like our dollar has become since it is no longer backed by gold.

Using both gold and silver properly is the key. The elitists use only gold and silver, you and I should too!

Getting back on track with oil; without it, our economy will fail. Folks,..we live in a oil based economy! Even if an alternative fuel is found just to simply help us commute, there is no guarantee that the new fuel will help produce products like oil does.

When the SHTF you will find out how "real" gold and silver are. When you are hungry would you trade food for gold or silver? I did not think so.


You are correct,...maybe?

One thing for sure, once our country is under a new currency due to an economic collapse, no matter what the new currency is called. Gold and silver will still hold value. By this time, anyone else will be dead broke.

I'm not saying that owning precious metals is the only answer. Just naming a few requirements, one must stock up on food, have protection, cash on hand, and in my opinion, have faith in God. If anyone thinks that in a SHTF event that they are going to cash out their IRA Roth, or savings accounts, they are wrong, those places will most likely be closed for business, and if it's an economic collapse,..the money won't be there either.
(quoted from post at 22:15:18 04/23/11)

Between now and then, the majority of humanity has to be lifted out of the sh!tholes they're living in now, and into an world of industry and brain power.

Except for nnalert countries. They play from an all together different rule book from the time they are born. They are well warned and indoctrinated to avoid interest in anything the west offers. Unless of course it's a way to trick and bring ruin to the west.
They are not particularly interested in money, possessions, healthcare or status in this world.
Their entire outlook is the afterlife. How to kill as many infidels as possible so the infidels have to serve as slaves to them and their 70 virgin brides for all eternity.
Healthcare just keeps a good believer from reaching heaven sooner. The rights of women don't matter they are only slaves to serve.
There is no concept of enterprise, free will, freedom or ambition. The population obeys what they are told by the local cleric on how to earn a better place in heaven.
Oldest settled region of the world and still happy to use donkeys as primary transportation.
(quoted from post at 11:23:31 04/24/11)
(quoted from post at 07:53:56 04/24/11)
(quoted from post at 22:39:29 04/23/11) Both gold and silver are real money! Not a token by any means, or a piece of toilet paper like our dollar has become since it is no longer backed by gold.

Using both gold and silver properly is the key. The elitists use only gold and silver, you and I should too!

Getting back on track with oil; without it, our economy will fail. Folks,..we live in a oil based economy! Even if an alternative fuel is found just to simply help us commute, there is no guarantee that the new fuel will help produce products like oil does.

When the SHTF you will find out how "real" gold and silver are. When you are hungry would you trade food for gold or silver? I did not think so.


You are correct,...maybe?

One thing for sure, once our country is under a new currency due to an economic collapse, no matter what the new currency is called. Gold and silver will still hold value. By this time, anyone else will be dead broke.

I'm not saying that owning precious metals is the only answer. Just naming a few requirements, one must stock up on food, have protection, cash on hand, and in my opinion, have faith in God. If anyone thinks that in a SHTF event that they are going to cash out their IRA Roth, or savings accounts, they are wrong, those places will most likely be closed for business, and if it's an economic collapse,..the money won't be there either.

Headed towards a cashless 666 future. All the technology is already in place.
Government will use the excuse of cost saving. And eliminating crime by eliminating cash which is difficult to track & trace. A wad of cash in a tin can buried in the garden won't be worth the paper it's written on.
(quoted from post at 16:16:12 04/24/11)
(quoted from post at 11:23:31 04/24/11)
(quoted from post at 07:53:56 04/24/11)
(quoted from post at 22:39:29 04/23/11) Both gold and silver are real money! Not a token by any means, or a piece of toilet paper like our dollar has become since it is no longer backed by gold.

Using both gold and silver properly is the key. The elitists use only gold and silver, you and I should too!

Getting back on track with oil; without it, our economy will fail. Folks,..we live in a oil based economy! Even if an alternative fuel is found just to simply help us commute, there is no guarantee that the new fuel will help produce products like oil does.

When the SHTF you will find out how "real" gold and silver are. When you are hungry would you trade food for gold or silver? I did not think so.


You are correct,...maybe?

One thing for sure, once our country is under a new currency due to an economic collapse, no matter what the new currency is called. Gold and silver will still hold value. By this time, anyone else will be dead broke.

I'm not saying that owning precious metals is the only answer. Just naming a few requirements, one must stock up on food, have protection, cash on hand, and in my opinion, have faith in God. If anyone thinks that in a SHTF event that they are going to cash out their IRA Roth, or savings accounts, they are wrong, those places will most likely be closed for business, and if it's an economic collapse,..the money won't be there either.

Headed towards a cashless 666 future. All the technology is already in place.
Government will use the excuse of cost saving. And eliminating crime by eliminating cash which is difficult to track & trace. A wad of cash in a tin can buried in the garden won't be worth the paper it's written on.

I agree paper money will be useless. There will be things that are valuable, "stuff" that can be used to produce food and shelter will be priceless in a SHTF scenario.
(quoted from post at 17:15:09 04/24/11)
(quoted from post at 16:16:12 04/24/11)
(quoted from post at 11:23:31 04/24/11)
(quoted from post at 07:53:56 04/24/11)
(quoted from post at 22:39:29 04/23/11) Both gold and silver are real money! Not a token by any means, or a piece of toilet paper like our dollar has become since it is no longer backed by gold.

Using both gold and silver properly is the key. The elitists use only gold and silver, you and I should too!

Getting back on track with oil; without it, our economy will fail. Folks,..we live in a oil based economy! Even if an alternative fuel is found just to simply help us commute, there is no guarantee that the new fuel will help produce products like oil does.

When the SHTF you will find out how "real" gold and silver are. When you are hungry would you trade food for gold or silver? I did not think so.


You are correct,...maybe?

One thing for sure, once our country is under a new currency due to an economic collapse, no matter what the new currency is called. Gold and silver will still hold value. By this time, anyone else will be dead broke.

I'm not saying that owning precious metals is the only answer. Just naming a few requirements, one must stock up on food, have protection, cash on hand, and in my opinion, have faith in God. If anyone thinks that in a SHTF event that they are going to cash out their IRA Roth, or savings accounts, they are wrong, those places will most likely be closed for business, and if it's an economic collapse,..the money won't be there either.

Headed towards a cashless 666 future. All the technology is already in place.
Government will use the excuse of cost saving. And eliminating crime by eliminating cash which is difficult to track & trace. A wad of cash in a tin can buried in the garden won't be worth the paper it's written on.

I agree paper money will be useless. There will be things that are valuable, "stuff" that can be used to produce food and shelter will be priceless in a SHTF scenario.

You are correct,....gold and silver will surely be part of that "stuff".

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