30'X60' pond questions

hey ya'll I've got a pond on my property thats basically been an empty hole in the ground for quite some time. Finally scraped up some money for a new shallow well pump so that i can fill it. My question is what kinda cheap fish can i throw in it to keep the mosquitos down? bait fish? maybe some goldfish? Also will filling it periodacally airate it enough, or do i need another pump to airate it with? Pond's in south louisiana if that helps. In the pic its about 1/4 full, just started filling it today. My tractor is in the backround of the pic so this is a tractor related post, hahaha...


Call your local DNR, and see what they recommend, and what's legal. That way they're not concerned about exotic species getting loose.
Gold fish are a type of carp and they are a plant eater. Mininos (sp) as in the small bait fish you buy are very cheap and would do that. Or of course you could just go fishing and bring in what you catch and as long as you keep enough water in the pond they will live

I'd catch some bluegill and throw in. Put up a bat house nearby and maybe a place for swallows to nest. Shouldn't have any skeeters to speak of then. Are snakes a problem?????

when we dug our pond my daughter was young and helped me catch fish at the neighbors pond and bring them in a bucket to our pond ,she threw them in for me, the last picture is her catching one about 12 years later ...


Blue gill will multiply faster than rabbits and kill that pond, eating everything in it to the point that they won't get any bigger than golf balls themselves because they eat everything. Had a pond a couple of decades back, bout 30' deep at the deepest in the middle, bout two acres overall. Stocked it with bass and catfish and tossed in a few carp. Made the mistake of putting a hundred blue gills in it and they ate everything as they multiplied and killed everything off because was no food for anything else. Sure, caught a few undersized bass but that was about it. Ended up tossing in a couple of northern pike in to clean them out, and they cleaned them out but good.

Blue gills will eat mosquitos though. Probably steal the fuel out of your tractor too when you aint looking. If they were human, they'd be shrimpy little wanna be gang bangers.

Hybrid bluegill that won"t overpopulate a pond because they are 95% sterile can be bought from fish hatchery businesses and placed in a pond. A major food source for bluegill species is insects like skeeters. Most ponds nowdays are stocked with these as opposed to standard bluegills.

Willy, my wife used to have a large coy pond that she had to add water periodically to.
She would spray the water from the hoses up into the air over the pond to aerate the water as it went in. We never lost any fish because of that.

My mother told about her family moving onto a farm when she was young that had a pond that wouldn't fill up.
Her daddy put some hogs in it and after a while it started holding water.
That's a lot of trouble and would be messy, but is an old time remedy that apparently works.

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