Liquid Manure


A neighbor has some extra liquid manure available from their dairy farm. In a 5000 gallon load how many pounds of N P and K are there? How do I determine the value and if it pays for me to haul it on my fields? It's about six miles each way.
Go to Professional nutrient applicators association of WI website. Free for the hauling would be a good price if you are hauling it six miles.
Composition depends on a number of factors, and testing is the only way to determine content. On our tie stall dairy, we used chopped straw, and all the milkhouse waste went into the pit as well. That said, I always tried for about 5000 gallons per acre, and it was not unusual to come up with about 180 lbs N per acre. Don"t remember what P and K were, but wherever liquid manure was KNIFED in, I used no fertilizer with the planter, unless in a cold spring, maybe 50-75 lbs starter. With surface application, even tilling in within a day, most of the N is lost. That"s what you smell- dollars going down the drain and stinking up the neighborhood.
What does he do with that which is not extra? Assuming he puts it on his fields?, what does he say as to its value as a fertiliser.?

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