
jose bagge

Well-known Member
was down in Texas last week testing tires, and they showed us these two rascals in the ground by the water main to the wet track. That pipe is about 8" in diameter I'd guess, so that's a pretty big momma. When you stepped on the manhole they'd rattle so loud it sounded like running water. Out here in Va we're mostly worried about copperheads- not nearly as big as these.
Which one are you taking home as a pet for the kids?

I've heard there are some rattlers here in Iowa, around the limestone outcroppings. I've never seen one, but I don't go out looking for them either.
The ones I hate are those danged Copperheaded Rattle Moccasins. God why did you makes something that can move and doesn't have any legs? Something is just wrong with that!
Those snakes are more scared of you than you are of them. They won't bother you if you don't bother them. Whoever goes to turn that valve on/off had better be very careful though...lol.
C. L.
Wanna bet? That's close enough quarters that I'll bet you'd get nailed, no matter how careful you were. No place for them to get away.

Looks like a 12 guage show to me. Take your earplugs.
Ah, great minds think alike! LOL (or maybe, like my granddad used to say, "Low minds run in the same gutter.")

You and I were posting pretty much the same thing at the same time (see above)
most of the rattlers ive killed over the years have been choked to death with heel dust!LOL I worked a hundred years ago down at the okc stockyards.the old builings at that time were brick about 2-2 1/2 ft thick so they stayed fairly cool in summer.you had to watch all the time when you were moving stuff or working in them.some of them were loaded with pygmy rattlers.they would rattle at you but they were so small ,maybe 18- 20" for a big one ,that you couldnt hear them if there was any noise going on.several guys were bitten by them and didnt even know it until a hand or something would start swelling up.one guy got bitten on the web of his hand between thumb and first finger,and he must have been really suscepable or something because he came very close to them cutting his arm off to save his life.I was more scared of those than any diamondback or timber rattler i ever run up on. I saw one on the road last year and it was the only one i ever saw away from the stockyards.
Go back and read 1st book- the serpent/devil tempted Eve and God said for that, you"re going to crawl on your belly till judgement day. RN.
At the white sand missal rife range we would shoot targets out of something like this. Pop of the cover and look in before you went in.
did a snake tell you that? GGGG
we all know that snakes are nothing but lying snakes in the grass the only believeable snake is a dead one. al
Heres what we do with Diamond Backs here in Arizona. Got this one out by the shed and SIL likes to work Leather so he tanned it,made a hat band out of it and gave it to me.
Here's the truth. They are not as dangerous as you think. Thaey need to be removed to an area away from homes but they do more good than bad. Some may disagree.....
Wow, that brings back some memories. I was at basic at Ft Bliss for basic and we went out on the range at White Sands many times in those concrete foxholes.
Was stationed at YPG back in the early 80s...was an MP, on nights doing downrange patrols we would see some real big Diamond Backs out on the paved roads soakin" heat...they"d be real sluggish. If you could stop before ya ran the jeep over "em, you could shhot "em with a fire extinguisher, cut the head off and put it in an ammo can and toss the body in the back. A guy ran this place called The Bargain Box on the N. Edge of town, he made hat bands, boots...if you took him a real nice biggun with no broken skin and a head to mount on the front of the hat, he"d hit ya with some serious drinkin" money!
Had to watch those damn Mohave Rattlers though...they were"t worth shizzle, but the"d come after ya!
Yeah, well at least once a year some dipchit makes the news for trying to make something like those a pet and fails. If they are lucky the dipchit's nose swells up to the size of a basketball, if they are not lucky.................................................................................
I was stationed at the Desert Ship and we would have to go out and clean all the tumble weeds from the fence. Always found several, some times big ones. The bar at the top of the hill had a giant skin on the wall.
Thats what I had in mind when I saw them, hat bands.

Of course, with fuel prices being what they are, could stuff one and wrap it around the fuel tank and use a motion sensor to make it rattle when someone gets too close to the fuel tank. I've heard stories about guys crawling under fuel tanks and poking holes latey, draining the tanks. Just imagine one climbing under the tank and looking up to see a stuffed rattler at the same time they here it. Just a thought.

They're an endangered species here in SE MN. Years ago, the DNR was educating everyone that it was illegal to kill them. A friend of mine was getting the speech from the game warden making the rounds and said he would still kill one if it crosses his path. The game warden said he would pretend he didn't hear that. My friend said that was fine, but he wasn't going to pretend that he wasn't going to do it.
If you are in the other belt you should realize they have a purpose otherwise we would be overrun by vermin.Try removing them and setting free.No sense in destroying needlessly, that's on the same plane as a Vandal, for one day they may become extinct.. They do rattle so are not seeking anybody out.Similar to a car driver sounding the horn but think I would be safer with the snake..
I think satan had a part in creation.He made the rattle snakes and politicians.Probably alligators and mosquitoes and black flies.

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