
Well-known Member
WHEN did WaldoWorld embark on a policy of having security nazis swoop down on you AFTER you have successfully passed through the security scanners at the door WITHOUT setting them off and DEMAND to see a receipt?

I had the receipt in my hand in PLAIN VIEW along with the merchandise having just exited the checkout stand.

Had that happen tonight and was VERY vocal in expressing my thoughts on the situation.

Am I out of line to "discuss" this with management tomorrow, or is this the point things have degraded to in a small town on the prairie?
Probably not. But it won't change anything. It seems to be up to the stores around here. Some check every receipt against the contents of the bag. Some just items not in bags. Others not at all. Been going on for quite awhile.
Yep, I expect it at Sams and some other places. First time EVER for an attack at WaldoWorld, though, after successfully negotiating the security scanners.
they used to do that 5-6 years ago but never seen it done since then, and I've been in dozens of their stores all over the east & south. Your reputation preceded you? Sorry... just couldn't resist
Naw, they were PROFILING... a 53-Y-O white guy must be at the top of their list!
Bob- same thing always bothered me when leaving the store in St. Cloud, MN, for many years. Never made sense, but reason is...AFTER you leave the pay counter, they have other areas where you can buy cigs, they check the receipt. Yeah, I think it is stupid!
Whats the big deal you didnt do anything wrong and they just asked. You must not realize how everyday somebody is stealing from the stores in one way or another oh im sorry i forgot to take off this blouse i was just trying some on and i guess i forgot to take this one off imreal sorry.
Been going on 'here' for a long time.......on occasion. I just ignore their request to see my receipt and keep walking, unless they physically block me. I usually will then show the receipt, depending on their attitude. I have on occasion just shrugged and said, "If you think I'm stealing, I'll just wait right here while you call the police." They'll never do it. The combination greeter/checker is a minimum wage person just following orders. I 'assume' that after I pay for something that it belongs to me and I don't have to prove that it's mine. Sam's Club is different in that merchandise is not bagged and every single cart is checked at the door.
Whats the big deal? It takes just a few secounds and your on your way. You can thank your fellow Americans for all this.. Why should any company have to deal with people taking things?
Hey, I have no problem with it at all if someone asks to see my receipt. Anything that is on it is mine and paid for in full. Actually, I stand at the end of the checkout and read my receipt for myself because many times I have caught where a cashier has charged a wrong price for something (either too much or too little) and I get the situation resolved before walking out the door. Much easier that way. Because of all the low-life "I'm entitled to anything that I want or need and don't have to work for it" people in our society these days, I'm sure that the store has had lots of trouble with stealing, and because of the ways many laws are written you can't be charged with theft unless you are through the checkout area and proceeding to, or even through, the exit. Otherwise all the person has to do is say "Oh I forgot, I was going to put this item back." Yeah Right!! If my three seconds of time shows my honesty, but that three seconds of time can often produce a stealing low-life that I have no time for, by all means I'll gladly show my receipt. I know I'll have nothing to hide. My list of disliked people start with those that harm children, moves to those that harm women and men for no reason, and then moves to a crook. Whatever I have, I worked darn hard for, and if I won't tolerate someone stealing from me, I can sure respect someone else not tolerating stealing from them.
My wife works at WalMart and you would be amazed at how much merchandise is stolen. I asked how and she explained several different ways. Baby needs new shoes? just go in with friends and try them on but forget to take them off. wear clothes that wrap around you with a sheet- plenty of room under it. A person in a wheel chair can hide lots of items as well as a women carrying a baby.
Then the professional foreigners who snuck out a 60" tv by distraction. It helps immensely if you are a minority because they have no pride and stealing is a way of life. Because of that the employees are told don't question minorities as they will raise h/ll and may sue the company.
i don't have that problem. i don't go to walmart. go to a locally owned business and help your economy instead or sending your money to arkansas.
Had that happen to me down here. Stood in line for fifteen minutes to get out. Then got stopped at my car and was ask for my receipt. Meanwhile certain other people were walking out. Without being checked. I have never gone back.
My sister also works at Wally World and has some real stories to tell.
They do that at Sam's Club.
If there is no line I walk by the checker, hand them my reciept and keep pushing my cart out the door and leave them holding my reciept. If there is a line I just push my cart around it and keep going. I never stop and let them inspect/count. If they want to follow me out into the parking lot go ahead but I aint stopping till I get to my truck. All I buy there is grocery stuff so I don't expect to need my reciept to return anything.
I have a big, deep, loud voice and if they tried to do what they did to you Bob the whole store would hear me complain about it.
But the sheep don't seem to mind. That's why we have our red light cams, seat belt laws, etc.

Couple of weeks ago, I tried to buy a new blanket for our bed. In a town of 6600 population, there was not one single plain old fuzzy blanket for a queen sized bed. Or any other size for that matter. Not even at Walmart.

And the local Chamber of Commerce just can't figure out why everyone drives 20 miles to Lincoln to shop.

A few weeks ago, I bought some lumber from a local lumber yard 4 miles from my house. It was absolute junk compared to what Menard's has for 40% less 20 miles away.

And the list goes on.
The next time they do it to me I'm going straight to the service desk and returning everything I bought. I don't appreciate being treated like a criminal.
What the hell were you doing at Wal-mart anyway??

Eliminate that craphole from your life and you'll feel alot better,I do! It seemed like EVERYTIME I went,my blood pressure rose and it spoiled my day. Proud to say I haven't set foot in a WM in almost 5 yrs.
I was At WW to buy food and I need a new fishing box, Put on the bottom of the cart, cashier never charged me for it, got out to the car,told the wife I needed to go back and pay. Went to the "Return desk" and told the lady I haddened payed for the box. She said "you should have kept on going" Not me I'm to honest,I have to live with me !!!...Jim in N M
I go to WW all the time and no problem with them. Just the other day when I was in to buy packaging tape I found an opened package for an expencive pair of sun glasses burried in the tape display. After I got done paying for my tape told a security guard and he said will take care of it, also told me the day before they had around $800 of merchandise dissapear, said they will catch the theif, they always do. That theft did not make the paper but every few days there is a report of somebody taking a TV or something else big out thru a non customer door. This is in a town of about 8-9,000. The store is only about a quarter of a mile from the interstate. The only other halfway large retailer is Lowes. Only place in town to buy a pair of shoes is WW. The only problem I have ever had is the auto department and when I had to for an oil change sign that they checked the tread on my tires that ended the oil change there. Once I bought a used pair of tires for my truck at a parts yard 20 mile away and took there to be mounted as was after hours for the other tire store and was needing it mounted as I had a blow out I told them do not balance as tread on one side was full of mud, would mount OK but you cannout balance mud, charged me for balanceing and next day went in and talked to manager and he apoligised and refunded the money.
He had a reason to believe that you had something you should not have had. They cannot do anything by law till you are out in the parking lot. Had a friend that worked there before he passed from the big C.
Lotsa low-life types shop there, and steal them blind. Simple as that.

They put in self-service checkout counters at the local Wally awhile back- I had to chuckle at that. Sure enough, out they went after only a couple of weeks- lotsa stuff was somehow missing the scanner. One for you, one for me. . . One for you, two for me. . .
Maybe you looked guilty of doing something LOL Just joking. But now days so much leave the stores that is not payed for that if they think you did something they might stop and ask you a few questions. I have a couple friends that work at wally world and one is a manager so I will have to ask him if that is just your area or all over since I have yet to have a problem and since it is pretty much the only place in town to buy much I go there 3 plus times a week
Hard to believe they've been here for almost 20 years already. Probably 15 years ago I went in to buy 22 shells. Clerk asked what gun they were for. I answered handgun. She asked for pistol permit. I didn't have it with me! No sale! So I said I could use them in my 22 rifle also, NO GOOD. NO SALE. I couldn't believe it. Idiotic store policy(not law) to not sell something on the shelf. They can just disappear as far as I'm concerned.
All the more reason to shop somewhere else. I haven't been in one of their stores in 3 years and I absolutely refuse to go there for anything.
"You might look at this a little different it it was you that was loosing all the money that they are."

I fully realize that and UNDERSTAND being attacked by security if passing through the security scanner sets it off.

My POINT was that #1.... I did NOT set the scanner off. #2.... I exited a checkout at the end of the row, nearest the exit, and walked directly to the exit, all in full view of the nice security folks, through the scanners and was THEN attacked!

All the while all sorts folks from all over the store were milling in and out NOT being shaken down!
Do people that hate Walmart keep going there?
The definition of Insanity is keep doing the same thing over and over and expect a different result
I agree with a couple posts below....continue to your car and tell them to call the police and you will be waiting in your car. These people CANNOT physically detain you! And if they are smart they will NOT touch you!
(quoted from post at 21:38:52 04/30/11) WHEN did WaldoWorld embark on a policy of having security nazis swoop down on you AFTER you have successfully passed through the security scanners at the door WITHOUT setting them off and DEMAND to see a receipt?

I had the receipt in my hand in PLAIN VIEW along with the merchandise having just exited the checkout stand.

Had that happen tonight and was VERY vocal in expressing my thoughts on the situation.

Am I out of line to "discuss" this with management tomorrow, or is this the point things have degraded to in a small town on the prairie?
ob were you out without your name tag again? If you do go back make sure that you have it on so that they know who they are dealing with.
sometimes they check me, sometimes they dont. Walmart does it better, cheaper and quicker. their employees get treated better than the mom and pops and wally world does not charge you 10 times as much.. None of the mom and pops have any kind of benifits. wally world has a few. Many many many communitees now benifit from the cheaper prices, and jobs and wealth of products that you could not get before.

its america.. you dont like wally world?? then DONT GO THERE!!!!!

I enjoy the fact that I am not getting ripped off by the local few big shots who trample over the poor. Small towns rip off the locals plain and simple. They tend to have a class system of the rich and the trash.

walmart simply does it their way.

DONT GO THERE if you dont like it.

and get some anger management. if your that insecure, you need a lot of help.
I don't have anything against Wal Mart.
And I understand the reason for checking for theft. I simply choose not to comply with their silly rules.
If someone acquiesces to the silly rules then don't complain about your treatment.
And lastly - maybe should have been first - don't steal stuff.
I think that you are making more of this than you should. You probably fit one of our criminal profiles. Keep in mind that we were recently asked by Department of Homeland Security Secretary, Napolitano to provide closer checks on our customers based upon national intelligence, through making physical contact with our customers. It is rare that we have to draw our weapons or detain suspects such as yourself, which is on track with DHS statistics and suggestion. In this case, you clearly you were not detained or charged. I suspect that contact was made with you and little more happened than a photo was taken of you and sent to DHS that you probably did not even know occurred. Unless their is a hit on your photo from a national databank, please just keep shopping as you were. No harm, no foul. All occurred on private property for your safety and that of our nation.

We thank you for your patronage and regret subjecting you or your family to any undo anxieties to protect yourself while keeping our prices low.
(quoted from post at 06:26:53 05/01/11) But the sheep don't seem to mind. That's why we have our red light cams, seat belt laws, etc.

Just couldn't leave it could you...................

Bet you got a game camera, electric fence, locks on your doors. Redlights are at intersections because there are people that are too stupid to look both ways and excercise courtesy. Cameras are there because those same people are too stupid to stop at the red light and wipe out a load of kids that was travelling on a green light.
Don't wear a seatbelt (I don't either sometimes) and take a chance of being crippled in a wreck and letting taxpayers take care of you after your family has exhausted every penny trying to get along. Seat belt law isn't for you, it's to save some of my taxdollars to pay something else....... Not about being sheep, it's about doing the right thing and protecting folks from the idiots that don't.

Prolly gonna get poofed now but ..............
I hate to say it, but there is some truth to that. The old lumber yards around here sucked, the prices were high, and selection was definately limited. All are gone now. The local merchants never paid much, and cerntainly no bennies. So wally world pays better has some bennies, it is upsetting the local status quo to some extent.
Sorry Dave. Not looking to get in a whizzing match with ya.
No I don't have all those protective devices. I live next door to the inner city and rarely lock my door. I know what is good for me. The government doesn't, Wal Mart doesn't and not even you with your best advice knows what's good for me - though I take it kindly knowing you mean well - by your own lights...

Worked at a gas station years ago that was right next to an intersection. Almost constant accidents from folks on the main road running the light and taking out cars turning on from the side road. They put a camera up and the accidents were from people getting rearended because they stopped at the light. Wasn't truckdrivers not being able to slow down, just stupid folks that figured they were above obeying laws...
No whizzing contest, just agree to disagree.

And yet you do nothing about the "hot babe" that buys ONE outfit and exchanges it every week for another free of charge. 52 weeks , 52 different outfits all for the price of one. This applies to shoes , jackets , jeans etc,etc. Long as she bends over nice for you she can't do no wrong. Wallmart security... just what I wanna be when I grow up!
WM makes a poor man feel rich. Sometimes you need some of that even at the expense of the Asians. If they did not exploit these people somebody else would. Sad, and true. Dave

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