Grandson is back home!!!


Well-known Member
My grandson is back home. He was released from the Army medical care for now. What I mean is we where able to get his recovery and rehabilitation moved to here at Iowa University. His Aunt was instrumental in getting this done. I also called in some old favors from still active friends. He will get better faster here than a thousand miles from any family. They say it will be four to six months for him to get fully recovered. We are only a little over an hour away from the main hospital.

He spent all afternoon in my living room visiting with family and friends. He and I had a long talk this morning. I think it helped us both. We have seen and lived through some of the same things. It is his decision to go back to active duty or not. I advised against going back. Fighting a war with no clear goals and politicians running the show is a disaster waiting to happen.

So thanks for the prayers and best wishes from earlier.
That is great news! I thank him for his service and pray he heals soon. Being near family will surely make a big difference in his recovery. He has done his duty and it is a wise decision to not go back to active duty if that is what he truely wants. You should be proud,..God bless you and your family.
Be sure to get any and all medical records for the military because if you do not they can/will get lost and in years to come they can be equal to getting help or getting screwed I know because I am still fighting lost records and the military is extra good at doing that.
Hope he does well and be sure not to let him push him self to fast to soon. But also do not baby him because he need to do as much as he can but not to the point of going over board so yep a fine line to doing to much or not enough. Ya BTDT and know you need to learn to pace your self
No he is a member of the Screaming Eagles,5th Special Forces Group (Airborne), Based out of Fort Campbell Kentucky. He is a West Point Graduate. He volunteered for active duty. He is only twenty-four years old. There is no quit in him.

I know he will rejoin the remnants of his old unit. It is an honor thing with him. I understand that. I would have done the same thing at his age, heck I did do it. However the Grand Father in me wants him to never be in harms way.
He should never have one fleeting moment's doubt about the worth of his service and ordeal. Going on ten years safe here. He and they are responsible for that.
That is why they want then young. After the gray hair we often question the real WHY?

I did the Nam thing, and at the time I was proud to do so.The recruters came to my sons high school, and gave a talk. I called them, and promised / threatened to kick their tail feathers if they so much as talked to him till he turned 18. They took me serious, and so far (age 20) he isn't interested in making profit for our politicians.

When the politicians send their kids first, then my son can join. Otherwise kids killing kids doesn't make sence.

A week ago, I learned what company makes the new military vehickles for our troops. This war will go on for a long time, regardless what has happened in the last 24 hrs.

In Nam, we had lots of choppers, ($$$$$$$$) and we also had most goods shipped by one company.
Good news indeed all considered.
Hope his physical and mental scares heal. Nothing quit as sobering, disturbing and shocking as having somebody try to kill you. For trying to do the right thing.

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