Propane regulator/vaporizer question


I aquired a regulator that is a model R, pictured herein. I have four tractors with these, but none have the apparatus marked with the red arrow. Mine have the port plugged where the blue arrow points. What is this apparatus? This came from a UTU.

This post was edited by jnf on 07/12/2023 at 05:07 pm.
Figured someone would reply by now, I have or had at least 12 MM LP tractors, never seen anything like that, mine are all plugged too. On Facebook there is a man known as Rusty Fencerow, he sells kits for them and/or repairs them. He may know what that is. There also is a LP tractor page there
I think it is a regulator for using a large nurse tank, and using a high pressure line. Just regulates the tank pressure to low pressure for the tractor to use. Might have had the tractor on a well pump
and had a tank from a corn drying bin that uses a high pressure port off of the nurse tank.
Yes it looks like some kind of regulator or filter. But not needed to run off nurse tank. I ran my GB straight off a 1000 tank for years on corn dryer. It is the same pressure as what is in the tractor tank. Was this regulator off a Industrial Engine?? Any way just take it off and plug opening.
Well, we will leave this as a mystery. I bought it from a pallet of parts that was thought to be from a UTU.

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