Rear main seal 445


Hi, my rear main seal is leaking quite bad, can I refresh it without splitting the tractor?

Hoping I can drop the pan? Thoughts and suggestions please. Thank you. Dan
Thank you, not really what I wanted to hear,,, but. Guess I will have to just add this to my winter to do list. Neede to get it the shed anyways as when I had the brunch mower going the pto clutch wanted to slip in heavy going. Pulling the amplitorque in First gear was a salvation.
I assume Ill have to pull the seat to adjust the clutch?
The seat and I am thinking the hydraulic lift/3 point (If there is one) and the top cover of the rear compartment will have to come off to adjust the pto clutch.

(Unless some of these guys who have actually done it say you can do it through the belt pulley hole on the left side of the case.)

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