zau autolite spark plugs


hello...what is the autolite part number please for spark.plugs for a 1949 zau minneapolis? they are champion d16 currently fitted..

Here are your choices: 295 short plug, 295DP long plug, 3076 short plug. All non Resistor. I'm not sure if yours are short or long plugs. Gapped at .025. This is per their chart.

This post was edited by J.Wondergem on 07/26/2023 at 03:56 pm.
thanks...I have some of those already I think for a john plug leads need to be copper cored or are silicone ok?
With MAG or Points and Condenser, Always needs to be copper or steel core. ALWAYS. With electronic ignition if converted to Pertronics, must be silicone. If yours is a Z it no doubt has a Mag. If a ZA a Distributor.

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