Is this a G707 serial number


New User
I've been asked by a non-profit organization to help them sell one of their tractors. The information given was that it was a G707, serial number 23602309, but I can't get this serial number to resolve to a G707, or any other model for that matter. Other than this site, where would be a good place to match this serial number to a model/year? Appreciate any help from you smart guys here.
That's the engine serial number and the tractor serial number plate is on the
right side of the transmission housing under the battery box/ tray. But that is
a engine serial number for a 504 engine used in the G705 - G708 tractors .
There's some great guys on here that know how to tell the year by the engine and
hopefully they will see this and be able to help you more than me . I just
looked at my G707 parts book and for LP gas engines the engine serial number
starts with 23602033 the G707 -G708 tractors were made in 1965 only
(quoted from post at 17:34:04 07/27/23) That's the engine serial number and the tractor serial number plate is on the
right side of the transmission housing under the battery box/ tray. But that is
a engine serial number for a 504 engine used in the G705 - G708 tractors .
There's some great guys on here that know how to tell the year by the engine and
hopefully they will see this and be able to help you more than me . I just
looked at my G707 parts book and for LP gas engines the engine serial number
starts with 23602033 the G707 -G708 tractors were made in 1965 only
Thank you, at least this leads me to believe it is a G707. Thanks again.
that is not a 707 serial number. the serial number is on the right side kinda under the batteries. what u have there is the engine serial
G707 has fenders with 2 lights mounted to the front of
each. Back of the fender is rounded like the earlier
tractors. G1000 has a different panel between the fender
and dash.

(quoted from post at 19:53:35 07/29/23) G707 has fenders with 2 lights mounted to the front of
each. Back of the fender is rounded like the earlier
tractors. G1000 has a different panel between the fender
and dash.

<img src=>

Thank all you guys for your responses. I went to the tractor and found the serial number on the right side of the tractor. It's 31200229. Appreciate the help.

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