Shooting pests from the tractor


My Dad used to carry a 22 rifle on his tractors, while he was plowing or working the fields. It was mounted, but he had easy access to it. I know he would take out the pocket gophers, skunks and wood chucks he saw. He would even get an occasional red fox. Then he would put them in the furrow and plow them under. Anyone still do this or is this illegal now??
I know it helped my Mother keep her chickens longer and safer.
I've shot a ground hog or two from a tractor seat while mowing. The critters allow one on a tractor to get closer than can one on foot.


I lean more toward my Single-shot .410 pistol with 12" barrel....3" shells are peppy...!!
Will shoot .45 LC shells as well ..

Depends on where you are - different states have different laws... but there are a lot of guys who carry while driving tractor, to eliminate pests. I usually use a Ruger Mk II (.22) with a 10" heavy barrel and target sights.
Frowned upon in Ontario. It's considered discharging a firearm from a motor vehicle. Be it a truck, boat, combine, tractor etc.
I am disabled & have a permit to shoot from a standing vehicle. But I am not supposed to shoot down or across a road. This is in Mn.
I often carry a old single shot 12 ga while mowing.I've shot several coyotes that were after the field mice i stirred up.I would like to run up on the old badger thats digging the place up,some of those holes are big enough to break an axle.Ive never shot anything but coyotes though,and have to stop the tractor to do that.The way I read the laws here it say a vehicle so i'm probably in the wrong as far as that goes.I dont carry my gun loaded either,just drop a couple of shells in my shirt pocket.
Long time ago while hauling the daily load of cow manure to field with a Case vac tractor i stopped -took a shot at one of hundreds of crows with my scope equiped Remington 22 propped on steering wheel an didnt see top of air cleaner in scope.Didnt get crow but did get top of air cleaner.
I like to carry my 12 ga when I am cutting trails on our hunting land, very seldom see anything, but I like the security of having it with me! It is usually unloaded in a case that fits perfectly in the tapered channel on the loader frame. I don't know what the law is on shooting from a tractor in MN. but I'm on private land 2 miles from anyone else.
Friend of mine stopped his car,got out laid his 223 on the roof to take out a woodchuck.Scope looked clear,BANG,right through the roof.Scared the heck out of the kids in the back seat.Luckily nobody hurt and a lesson well learned.Had a friend put a nice streak in his brand new compisite deck with a 30-30 this year shootin at a fox from the house.Gotta be careful with those scopes.

Ya gotta be carefull when doing it . Friend was driving down the highway and wanted to take a pot shot at critter. Pistol caught on the steering wheel, he shot out the left front tire from inside the cab. Another pal was road hunting and his passenger shot off the right outside mirror on his brand new 1970 ElCamino. Ya gotta be carefull. Another pal was bow hunting and shot his dads rear tractor tire. I had to go out and fix that. I know this is not hunting from the tractor, just funny true stories.
Hay cshess

Your story of shooting the aircleaner on your VAC reminds me of a an evening of woodchuck hunting. Back when I was first married, my wife's brother and father came up here, (a 15m drive from the valley town they lived in) at least once a week, and sometimes more. They were "into guns" and I never knew what they would show up with. Back Then my BIL drove a Rambler, one of those ladybug shaped ones. We headed out around the neighborhood one evening and and the wife's dad had a new high powered toy with a big scope. We spotted a wood chuck across a long flat field, so we stopped and Herb pulled out his big toy and laided it over the roof of the Rambler and touched it off! Same deal as you, only the bullet penetrated the roof and wiped out the winshield. The brother IL had a sh!t fit. It kinda scared all three of us, but after we got back to my house, we had a couple of beers and it became a joke, Knowone ever shot over the roof of a car after that! Fence posts became the bench rest of choice. Both of them are gone now, but the memories will of them will last forever. I have a real nice Remington 22 bolt action, critter gun,that my FIL gave me and a Remminginton 12 gauge "deere" (LOL) gun that my dad bought me. Remington Arms Co. Is about 35 miles from here, so we're pretty parcial to them since they are one of our areas still remaining employers, and a lot of us have relitives and friends that work there and get limited employee discounts.
Frowned upon around here, too. Which is a shame. Ain't no law against one of those rodent flame throwers though. I'll have to do some saving as there are two woodys that need to get chucked out of my field.

Here, shooting from the tractor is illegal, its a vehicle. One would be supposed to dismount to shoot.....

I normally carry a Colt HBAR-15 with a 3x9 range compensating to 700 yds illuminated scope, pair of 30 round mags one with alternating tracers and jacketed hollow points the other alternating jhps and hps. Makes devilish duty of coyotes and groundhogs. So far this year up 3 possums and 2 coyotes. I got a pair of young coyotes a couple of weeks ago, long shot, and bad light but the buzzards had them the next morning. Of course, I always rest shoot it off of the tractor body and would only use the tracer mag to spot shots since that would also be a violation..........
My dad and I both carried a shotgun on the corn pickers back in the 60"s and 70"s. Had lots of Pheasant to eat at our tables back then in the fall.I carried a single shot 410 Ga.on my AC D17 with a blue Ford mounted and he carried a single shot 16 Ga.on his Oliver 88 with a #4 Oliver mounted.
was rakeing hay one summer, lot of vultures flying around, one got real close, nailed him with my 1860 colt 44 cap and ball pistol, set the next windrow on fire. got it out pretty fast, but didn't shoot it any more in the field.
Adirondack case guy,

I bet that there were a number of vehicle roofs that were shot through by leaning the gun on the roof. I know a guy that shot through the roof on his Mustang doing that.
Think twice about what you shoot. Shoot something out of season or without a license, and haul it on the tractor, DNR can seize it and you're just out...
When Dad was on the combine would usually carry my 16ga. double for rabbits and quail. One day he shot something and set my gun in the half full hopper and forgot about it. He didn't think about it again until He heard a grinding noise while unloading.
I'll add to the funny or not so funny stories:
I had these 3 buddies from high school doing some "night time" deer hunting. They were three across in a single cab. The owner had just bought a set of 38" Ground Hawg mud tires and sure was proud. The boy in the passenger seat had the muzzle .30-.30 resting on his boot, about where his big toe was. You guessed it, gun went off, blew the boy's big toe off and put a hole in the brand new right front tire. Moral of the story, dont hunt deer illegally at night.
I used to carry a .308 for feral pigs, on the graveyard shift in the big wheat country. Don't know if was legal or not. There's no-one to see you out there.
I think the moral is , don't have a loaded weapon in the vehicle.Safety catches have uses other than ornamental.

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