do you have one of these on your farm?


Farmington IL

I honestly dont know how old this pump is. It says "Red Jacket Davenport IA". It has stood watch over our farm for my lifetime and much longer. I spent many afternoons as a young boy sitting on this well platform with my great grandfather. It works like new, I installed a brand new cylinder on it a few years ago. If this ole pump could tell all its seen, it would be quite a tale I'm sure.
Oh Yeah bill. Spend many hours pumping water for the cattle at grandpas with one of those.

Had one on this farm but I don't remember using it.

Ours was very similar but had a pump jack on it and was converted to an electric motor. You would start it as you went by to start chores in the morning and shut it off when you went in for breakfast after milking. Covered the motor with a wash tub. Boy do I like city water some days...
COOL...CLEAR...WATER!! I bet that is good tasting water also...noticed the cup hanging on the side of the pump.

I had an aunt and uncle with one in the house, on the side of the kitchen sink. That didn't retire till the early eighties, it stayed there incase of blackouts or the pump freezing. Fewer places can use one, they only work down to 30 odd feet I think?
Yeah, we've got one about like that one. Every summer a black capped chickadee raises a brood or two of little ones inside it. She goes in and out of the slotted hole that the pump rod goes through. Doesn't look like she'd fit, but she does.

We had something similair when i was a kid.
We had a well inside the milk house with the pump on top.i had the chore of pumping water in the milk can cooling tank twice a day for a lot of years,which doubled as our bath tub summer and winter.(The latter was no fun i tell ye,altough there was a pail of hot water dumped in there to take the sting off the cold water)
The tank also was used as a reservoir for drinking water for the 25 or so dairy cows,it had a line leading to the barn in the feed trough.

I don't mis it one bit
As a kid did you erver have the chore of builidng a fire around it early on a mid-winter morning, in snow and ice, to thaw it out? Wind howling down on ya...
in the summer i pumped an old bath tub full of water for our cows at least once a day from one of those since i was about 8yrs old, still doing it today. although mine needs a new paint job, and has been re built a few times, it never fails to work. it always gives nice cool clean water even in 90+ heat.
We have several sitting in the barn. We also have 2 pitcher pumps( the ones that were at the sink in the kitchen).
No, but my grandparents did. It was right next to their milkhouse. I remeber my granmother using it to fill buckets of water for the chickens.
Never had one outdoors like that. Water to the milk house was gravity, cows went out and hauled their own water from the brook.

Water to the house was gravity to the cellar, but it wouldn't run upstairs. The water ran into a wooden barrel in the cellar that supplied water to an electric pump.

There was a hand pump on the sink shelf in the kitchen. Hot and cold running water in the bathroom, hot running water at the kitchen sink, but the cold water came from that pump, whether the power worked or not.

Dad finally had that pump removed when the old black sink was replaced with a white enamel "modern" sink. Mother said that for the next thirty years, she would still count five strokes of the pump before she held a glass under the faucet to get a drink. That was how many strokes it took for the pump to clear the pipe and run cold water.
When we bought are farm 14yrs ago I went trompin through the bush(in August mind you,DOH)exploring my property.In the thickest,we call em tangle woods,I came across one of those pumps.Not as fancy as that one in the pic.It was really old and rusted,but still securly in the ground.As I pondered it for awhile I imagined a lot of history and stories went with it.

I do and it is RED. Dead ringer for yours. Well dried up long ago. Only 25 foot maybe. Might have refilled with all this record rain(1875)levels. Dave

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