Old sayings?


Well-known Member
I like old sayings for example Justice rides a slow mule or a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush Whats some of your sayings???
never say anything about someone that you couldn't put in the newspaper and admit you said it//////when selling something, some times the fast nickel is better than the slow dime!
"A fool pursues his folly until he becomes wise".
My dad had an interesting 'saying' about cabbages I don't know if he made it up or someone had told him it before. "The best way to eat cabbage is give it to a cow, then eat the cow!" By the way, he meant those tasteless white ones , not the dark green curly leaved 'Savoy' types, which he liked.
"The squeakiest wheel gets the most grease!"

But I saw a come back on that one.

"It's usually the first one to get replaced."

Dad use to say one ,

"Be a dam cowardly set of legs that would stand their to get an A$$ whoopin."
That reminds me of a lovely story I heard on the radio. A theatre critic went to see a show here in London ( I won't mention the show's name, but sufficed to say it 'bombed' and it was withdrawn after only a few performances) . She went for a drink during the interval and while she was there she asked a guy at the bar what he thought of it so far. "Well after the first hour and a half I looked at my watch and then I realised that I had only been sat down for 20 minutes" came the reply.
Ragarding stopping by to visit someone, a big friend of mine used to observe, "Doesn't take long to stay an hour!"
Bad news is halfway round the world before good news has it's boots on.

And my favorate from Dad: If you have a teenager working for you, you have a worker. If you have two teenagers working for you, you have half a worker.

If it's stupid and it works, it's not stupid.
This is a favorite of mine, it was my screensaver at work. "Good judgement comes from experience, experience comes from poor judgement!"
How many times have we heard car manufacturers say, "We are just building what people want". This is attributed to Henry Ford, "If I had asked people what they want, they would have said, faster horses".
Burnie, My Grandmother put your saying like this in regard to getting work done.
When you have.....
1 boy you have a boy!
2 boys you have 1/2 a boy!
3 boys ...No Boy at all!
John A
Good friend was fond of saying when things went wrong.......sometimes you eat the bear....and sometimes the bear eats you.

Confushis (sp)Say: Man who farts in church sits in his own pew (pu)
Also: Mud slung ground lost.
The more you stir up crap the worse it stinks
The older I get the faster I was.
I am so slow it takes me two hours to watch 60 minutes.
A winters fog will freeze a dog.
Sayings from one of my Jr High teachers and coach:
The bus leaves at five; Be under it.
Use your head for something besides a hat rack.
If your brain was dynamite you would not have enough to blow your nose.
If you magnified your brain 8 million times and put it on the edge of a razor blade, it would look like a BB rolling down an eight lane highway.
Teats on a Boar Hog ARE NOT WORTHLESS. If you are buying a Boar Hog for breeding, you want to check his teats. If any are inverted, he can pass them on to his Gilts which will mean she will have one LESS nursing spot for Her offspring.

The hurrier I go the behinder I get.

If the dog hadn't stopped to take a s--t he'd have caught the rabbit.

He's blessed with the knowledge of the uninformed.

Service, quality, price. Choose any two.
That machine's so weak it wouldn't pull a greasy string out of a cat's a$$......... Nervous as a cat in a room full or rocking chairs.......... Faster than a cat on a hot tin roof..........Slicker than snot on a door knob..........If a frog had wings it wouldn't bunm it's a$$ ever time it jumped
Kickin over the traces.
Taking the wind out of ones sails.
Cold enuff to freeze the balls off a brass monkey.

this must be Warren jeff favorite..Old enough to bleed,..old enough to breed.

My favorite,..If it ain't Dutch,..It ain't Mutch...LOL
Concerning a poor worker: He started slow, then tapered off.

Someone who's timid: Like a cow at a new gate.
Hotter'n Dutch love at hayin' time.
Not enough on that plate to physic a blue jay.
He don't know whether he's afoot or horseback.
Come inside (or put a coat on) before you catch your death o' dern foolishness.

From my grandma Mittge, from the Ozarks, on a woman who made "poor choices" in matrimony:
She sure drove her ducks to a poor puddle.

And mine, these days- My get up and go done got up and went.
Regarding a bad driver: "Couldn't drive a sharp stick up a dead dog's a$$"

"Not worth a tinker's "damn""

One for the Canadians - "he's cheap, so cheap he squeezes a nickel until the beaver $hits" (our nickels have a beaver on one side)
I used this at a wedding once, took a run at the groom. " A well
fed dog does not stray." It got a great responce.
From a deaf man who was a lip-reader, on why he always kept his house so brightly lit when he had company: "Can't hear in the dark!"
"When two bulls fight, the grass always loses"

and a term you don't hear very often, "I'll wait until the morning when the hays "in case."
A farting horse will never tire , A farting mans the man to hire. Any a-- hole can fart in the morning takes a damn good man to be able to be able to fart at night..
How about?
Busier than a little bulls tail, at "fly time"..
or spinning like the button on the outhouse door.
he was so fast, he got there before he left!!
Some of my dad's sayings:

“He hates work like a possum hates a axe handle.”

Comment on a tall, skinny guy: “They had to split him a long way to find a doty place to build his azz.”

Response to the familiar redneck greeting, “Whatcha say, boy?” “Boy? Man with a tool like an ear of corn and you’re hollering ‘Boy’?”

Comment on person (teenage boy) who likes to eat: “ Every time his elbow bends his mouth flies open.”

Also, black women’s comment about another haughty, arrogant woman : “She think she one of the old blue hen’s chicks.”
I remember my father saying a long time ago: "Son, I"ve told you how to do that twice, and that"s once too many! (I knew to make sure there was not a fourth time"
C. L.
If it comes to getting news around, you will find without fail that the female of the species is lots faster than the mail (male).
Rainin harder than a cow pi$$ing on a flat rock.
Rubbed me wrong, like a backwards corncob.
Dumber than a sack full o' doorknobs.
Got caught short today, knew I could make it 10 feet, but the bushes was 20!
The bigger they are the harder they fall. A rolling stone gathers no moss. Ahinese word for constipation is hung chow.
Busier than a one armed paper hanger!

Shaking like a dog shatting peach pits.

My Grandfather rarely swore & never took the lords name in vain
but his favorite was: dod,dod, dam dirty pup. If he was really mad
there'd be a 3rd "dod".
He was not above corporal punishment and his favorite was a boot
in the a$$! Many fond memories of those lessons. Now of course,
at the time not so much.
boy there are some real good ones here a famous
one from gramp-- if you're looking for sympathy,
you'll find it in the dictionary between sh!t and
siphillis... and from dad about gossip women,,
don't telephone don't telegraph just tell a woman
and they'll tell it fast

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