Hay down, family committments


The weather in NY has been unpredictable for making hay, and I am invited to my uncles's fathers day BBQ, and I have nice hay to put up tomorrow.

I already canceled, and I feel so guilty. It was a last minute invitation, and he knows I am behind the 8-ball, but I still feel guilty.

I am contemplating baling on Monday after work, but it may be a bit much.

Decisions, decisions.
Don't feel bad, I dident cut any hay because of the crazy weather here in NY, I'll wait again another week and see what happens. Ur family should understand.
NOT a tough decision, if you are going to be a FARMER.

There are simply times when necessary farm work comes first. PERIOD!
Tell him you will be there after 5PM and get up and working early. Ya might make for a long day but then you can do both if your lucky that is. Ya you have to make hay when the sun is shining and that means doing it when it is and not being able to do the nice things unless you can work things in and around what has to be done
i brushed hogged all day, then my wife hosted a baby shower fer my daughter, i was too tired to leave, so me and the dogs watched "Worlds Fastest Inidian" for the umpteenth time,
I really appreciate everyone's replies. My gut says get the hay up! I rely on this to suppliment my income, and after raking and tedding a field 4X because of the weather & weatherman(women) I need to play catch up.

There is usually a little break in July, so a nice twelve pack for my uncle in a few weeks is the ticket.
Been down that road a few times. Sometimes the hay won, sometimes the family did. You have to trust GOD sometimes and put family ahead. Having said that, I know I wasn't too good at it.
Priorities, Tomorrow the Relatives are still living.may be a different story for the hay. Guilt doesn"t enter into good farming practices.
Part of being human...you can"t have everything. You just have to prioritize. I"m sorry that you feel bad, I probably would too. I"m gonna say that if the weather is dicey right now, the hay should win out.


PS- Old had a good idea, if you can swing it.
Agh, A family farm IS a family commitment. Tell them all to put on some old clothes and bring the grill, cook at your place once the bales are in.
Hay, I think Tony has a darned good suggestion! Anyone familiar with farming knows some things take priority, and family should help family!
Your family should understand. When my wife and I got married I had hay on the ground. I would have had it baled but a breakdown prevented that. We were married at 2 PM and I was baling hay by 4 pm. That was over 29 years ago and I still haven't taken her on a honeymoon.
Take a one hour break between raking and baling or between rounds with the tedder, wherever you are in the process, and just put in an appearance. It makes a big difference.
Hay 1st, and if at all possible, get to the BBQ when finished. My family BBQ's always have real good leftovers, and everyone is glad to see you when you do get there. Sometimes that's the best option a guy has to work with. If your haying weather is anything like MN this year, you HAVE to take advantage of hay dry enough to bale.
You didn't mention other family members giving you a hard time. So can we assume they're OK with it? I've always explained that the farm makes income which feeds and clothes the family, so farming IS a "family matter". Wife is from a farm family too, so she never says a thing.

I gather it's YOU that is upset and really wants to be "part of the family" today. If that's the case, you have a decision to make.

All things equal, anyone who knows YOU, knows what you're up against. No one will fault you other than maybe yourself...

How far to the BBQ? Could you go for a short while? Even if you can't stay to enjoy the entire day, at least you made it clear to the rest of the family you really DO care.

BTDT, had to miss way too many things in my kids lives. I just keep telling myself the kids were far better off because of the farm.
There will be other cuttings of hay. There may not be another Father's Day BBq with your uncle. I have missed a lot of family get togethers and school stuff with the kids. I am not one bit better off because of it.
I have no regrets for leaving the field to be with family. I have a lot of regrets for leaving family for work.
Maybe you can go for a couple hours, depending on the distance. You will always remember the Fathers Day with the uncle, but will not remember working in the hay a year from now. Stan
I'm not sure about you, but we only get 3-5 spells per summer that you can get hay in. Most of them are way too late too. Make hay while the sun shines... or make sileage.
The family was more than understanding, and I am glad the hay was baled yesterday. I will make it up to my uncle in July. More hay to bale after work, but it will be a light night.

Thank you everyone for your replies and support.

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