This is the July Fourth weekend??? What does it mean to you?


Well-known Member
It is real easy to just think of this holiday as just a great kick off to the summer. At times in the recent years it has kind of lost its glamor of the past. Years ago I was far from home during this holiday. It held a special place in my heart then. I was hoping that what I was doing would help the people of Vietnam have the same thing. That never happened. It was kind of like finding out Santa was not real. I still can see the desperation of the people when they realized their dream was lost.

People forget the real cost of freedom. It is the blood, sweat and tears of the men/women that fight for the freedom of us all. It is not some fancy speaker at some rally or service. It is not some rich man"s money. It is the personal payment from those that protect what we have come to take for granted.

I often think about what our ancestors did when they won Independence from England. The fact is that a bunch of common people fought and won their freedom from the strongest nation in the world. Many everyday folk, farmers and labors where willing to pay for that freedom with their lives. Can you see that happening today?????

So PLEASE teach the youth of today about the real meaning and cost of freedom. May God bless all of those that are currently protecting us. Plus at of those that have done so in the past.

Happy July fourth!!!!!
What does it mean to me? I see it as a celebration of the past, What brought us here today. I also see it as a time to be with friends and family. Enjoy good food and good company, which sometimes we don't all have the time to do. Its one of those holidays that noone expects anything in return, except who's bringing the egg salad etc.. I wish everyone a happy,safe holiday. I hope you are surrounded by people that make you happy.

Most of all. Please do not drink and drive.
This evening, I was mowing the lawn at the farm and thinking about the holiday weekend and what it means to me vs. my 20-something sons and the conclusion that I came to wasn't pretty.

I don't claim to be a great patriot and a flag waver, but my perspective vs. that of the younger crowd and their (booze and lake) friends do not coincide. And, YES, by GOD, I tried to raise them with my values.
Received this --------------------------------------------------We must never forget who
Gets the credit for the freedoms we have, of which we should be eternally grateful.. This poem by a unknown Author(By me, because it wasn't published) tells the whole story.

I watched the flag
Pass by one day,
It fluttered in the breeze.

A young Marine
Saluted it,
And then he stood at ease..

I looked at
Him in uniform
So young, so tall, so proud,
With hair cut square
And eyes alert
He'd stand out in any crowd.

I thought how many men
Like him
Had fallen through the years.
How many died on foreign
How many mothers' tears?

How many pilots' planes
Shot down?
How many died at sea
How many foxholes were soldiers'
Graves ?
No, freedom isn't free

I heard the sound of Taps
One night,
When everything was still,
I listened to the bugler play
And felt a sudden chill.

I wondered just how many times
That Taps had meant 'Amen,'
When a flag had draped a
Of a brother or a friend.

I thought of all the
Of the mothers and the wives,
Of fathers, sons and
With interrupted lives.

I thought about a graveyard
At the bottom of the sea
Of unmarked graves in
Arlington .
No, freedom isn't free.
Enjoy Your Freedom
& God Bless Our Troops
I lived in Miami back in the mid-1970's. Many of my friends were refugees from Cuba. Many of them had particpated in the underground and had suffered greatly as a result of their opposition to communism. All of them left all of their wealth and most of their families behimd to come to the US.

Most of them had to work for a couple of years on communal farms after they had applied to leave Cuba before the Cuban government would grant a release for them to leave.

My closest friend actively participated in subversion of Castro's government and was nearly arrested on many occasions. I asked him once why he endured so much hardship just to leave Cuba. His response was, "Tom, you just don't know what it is not to be free."

Thank God, I don't know what it is not to be free.

Tom in TN
None of those holidays have ever just been "party and barbecue" times for our family. Veterans' Day, Memorial Day, July 4th--all reminders of our great country and the people who have made it this way. July 4 is a time for celebration--patriotic celebration.

Have a good 4th, everyone, and be mindful of what this holiday is all about.
Proud moment for my wife and self as we watched our son in uniform. At the town's flag pole raise our contry's flag on July 1st.
This is my favorite Holiday, to me it is truly a Holy Day. The wisdom and courage of our Founding Fathers has allowed us all to live a life beyond what any of them could have imagined.

And this year the 4th means to me the release of a new Van Halen single from the new album!!!
If what I have heard is true- about a third of the colonists were for independence. About a third were against, and a third didn't care. Not very good odds for winning a revolution. But on the leadership part- a group of persons- some wealthy- some not- all with a good knowledge of history and with their eyes wide open- agreed to gamble it all for freedom. Somehow leadership has morfed into meaning grabbing all one can for oneself. I would guess the general population's outlook is not all that different than it was 250 years ago. There are still those willing to give it all they've got.
I look at the birth of this nation, and its surviving the civil war, as a miracle.
Very simple it is one of many days we should use to honor all those that have served and who are serving now for with out those people we would n0t have the freedom to enjoy the 4 of July or any other day for that matter
A celebration of a long ugly war fought over a previously repeled 3% tax on a luxury goods- Indian tea, which was suppose to pay for a war against the king of France, who's captured arms and 2 new British cannons swiped off the docks in Boston started a war - Bob, 30% supported the war at the end, 10% in the early years, then only won when the King of France stepped in and helped the colonists that kicked him out of most of America and started all this hate in the first place. and as our troops partol dusty streets in places that we have no business, or bone to pick, with no end in sight, the countries that do cause the US harm have leaders dine in the white house. And once again, as people smarten up, a full 30% support the government's policies, and the rest cook hot dogs. Personally, I have a commitment to chop the ripe veggies and man the deep friers at the takeaway, for the people that burn their hot dogs....
This was an honest question posed by a member, not a place for a political rant to further someones agenda.

As a retired service member I can tell you no one hates war more than the men and women serving who have to fight it! But their commitment and sacrifice make it possible for someone like you to spread your view of things. Our fore fathers sacrificed to make it so and that is what the 4Th of July celebration is about. That sacrifice that they made so you can run your mouth.

Rick (US Army retired) And proud I did my part to let your run your mouth!

Tony, that DD 214 don't mean much unless is says honorable on it. My oldest son has one too, his says honorable. He is now very anti military and anti war even though he was AF and never even close to combat. He truly believes that we as intelligent people should all just get along. SO I guess the big question is are you proud of your service? Or were you forced into it? Or maybe was just one of those guys who joined for the GI bill???? My son joined because he didn't want to go to school after high school (he now has and has a degree).

He fails to realize that some people get into positions that threaten others and that they have to be dealt with. People like Hitler and Bin Laden. Sactions don't work and never will. Actions work. Our weak point is our politicians are most of the problem. They are quite willing to send our young men and women in harms way without regard to the single biggest consideration.......can we accomplish our objectives! If they think we can do that then they need a plan of attack and a plan of occupation then a plan for withdrawal prior to sending anyone anyplace. I don't much care for our current president. Didn't much care for the former one and really hate the one before that. So don't go thinking I'm a "Neocon" or anything else. I try to see things as they are, not how I would like them to be. After seeing and doing what I've seen and done I wouldn't wish it on anyone. But I'm real glad that some of our younger people are stepping up to the plate!

I'm also very proud to have served some of the best people I could have ever served....the American people! See, I didn't serve because I had to. I darn sure didn't serve for the money (in fact told my wife when she wanted me to quit that I would serve until I stopped believing in what I was doing)(the getting to play on tanks was just a binnie!). I didn't serve to wave the flag. I darn sure didn't serve for our politicians. I like most of our other service members sacrificed too. I missed watching my kids grow up (was deployed when the oldest graduated HS...ECT).

So carry on with whatever your agenda is and HAVE A GREAT 4TH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

thanks to all who served. many people have tried to rewrite history in one way or another. If you haven't done so in awhile, read the declaraation of independence, in it was a clear argument for freedom, and an argument against tyranny. it is the founding document that paved the way for the greatest society ever. the 3% tax wasn't the only reason the colonists were upset, there was no representation, british troops garrisoned wherever they pleased. and the colonists had no recourse if they believed they were mistreated by the crown. most young people today receive the dept of education version of our founding if it is discussed at all-they usually get the white slaveowner version proposed by abundant revisionists. please take the time to investigate the truth for yourself, and teach your kids and grandkids what the true meaning of freedom is,
For my extended family it's all very simple. It's about hanging with all the relatives up at the lake where about 6 generations of us were born. It's about catching up on all the family news, grilling, swapping stories, fish fries, water skiing and having a few cold ones.
It's about fireworks, potato salad, and just having some good old fashioned fun with the little ones and the aged ones and the second cousins twice removed. It's about laying aside the politics and religion and the wars and the government shutdown and just enjoying the folks you've known since you were born - or their kids or their grand or their great grand kids. And missing the old folks who have gone but delighted you in the past.
For our clan the 4th is just to get together and enjoy outselves..
And for me it's about getting kisses on the cheek from my sisters and girl cousins young and old. And chalking up one more year on the calender.
The 4th is my birthday so it's just about having some fun.
Still the land of the free, the home of the brave and one nation under God, and the greatest country on the face of the earth? U Bet UR SWEET A$$ we are. We give thanks for all those who gave and for those who gave all, we are forever thankful.

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