Yipee, I get a free trip


Well-known Member
Just got an email from "Vivien" I"m going on a trip and will be filthy rich when I get home. Here"s the email:

Our movie company chose you by your email to receive $530,000 and attend our movie event coming up in (Malasia) 20th October, 2011. Please contact our program admin by sending an email with name and phone number to --------.
Thank you.

Wish I could go, but it"ll be in the middle of harvest and besides, I"d probably have to pay for Marilyn"s air fare. But what the heck, I"d be $530,000 richer!!!!

Some of these decisions we have to make in life are pretty tough huh? Jim
I don't know just what but won something.

"Kindly reconfirm your mailing address, phone number and a copy of your valid identification to enable us send you part of your payment in draft via the Bank of your choice or mail.This the only way we can help you at the moment.

Ensure you reconfirm your Affidavit of claim with The Genuine dept. of the FIRS to enable the advise update.

For further enquiry Contact Mr.Idris Sango Email:p[email protected] as he is incharge of this particular mater.

Urgently confirm this.

Rilwan Usman"
Some guys have all the luck. All I won this week was an argument with my wife. Oh, and I lost another buck on the lottery scratch game.

How can I ever get ahead if I don't hit any of the big winners like you guys have? I buy tickets and lose, and you win big without even trying.

Some guys have all the luck.
sound like your the big winner if ing you won a argument with a wimen, even when I thought I had won I lost later.
Oh, I know my triumph will be short-lived, and eventually, retribution will prevail. But you gotta take your victories where you find 'em.

'Specially when none of the Nigerians will even email me anymore. Now, how much of a loser is that? Can't even get the nephew of Clown Prince Bongo Kabongo to drop me a few mill. Geez. . .
I've lost count of the people who have been assassinated or otherwise left me a kabillion bucks! I won 1 arguement with my wife in 29 years that I recall. She left anyway last year. Not real sure yet if I'm the winner!

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