Stupid ATT commercial - Flash Mob moved


Well-known Member
Hi everyone. Got a dumb question. I keep seeing these stupid AT&T commercials with a guy in a train station that immediately starts to do some kind of dance when the clock strikes 12 with everybody staring at him. Then his phone flashes a message saying "Flash mob moved to 12:30".

I have no idea what this "flash mob" is and how it relates to his stupid dance and also why it would make a difference to the people in the station watching that it was moved a half hour.

Can anyone explain this for me? That commercial runs all the time. It is almost as annoying as those State Farm commercials. I've got State Farm and the agent doesn't lift a finger when there are any claim issues as the adjusters handle everything.

bc, a flash mob is a pre-arranged skit that is performed by a group. done in a public place, it is just for entertainment. here is a u tube link to one done at a london train station.
flash mob
"Flash mob" means people assemble incognito in a public place and at an agreed-up time pull off some kind of goofy stunt.

The guy in the commercial obviously didn't get the message in time that the time had changed and makes a fool of himself by acting alone.

(At least, that's MY interpretation!)
Well I'm glad there's someone else that didn't get that stupid commercial. Flash mob had to be explained to me as well...
Thanks, I get it now after looking at Glennster's U-tube video. AT&T's direct knock against T-Mobile which is also the company they are trying to buy. Still a stupid commercial.
So that's an AT&T production. It lost my attention in the first ten seconds.
The up side is that with twenty minutes an hour of these D*** Ex***** commercials thats twenty minutes of the brain dead shows you have to watch.
I just received two Nielsen books to detail what TV I watch. I'm going to fill in just what I watch. Old western movies I obtained from Wally's $5 DVD bin, Hogan's Heros DVDs my kids sent me for Christmas, Benny Hill, All in The Family, etc, and so on.
I cancelled my cable two years ago. Best $60 a month I'm not spending.
What do you expect from a company that you have to take a test to get a job with them and if you score to high they will not hire you because they think you will question how they do things. Yep that is the truth and if you score on there test to high or of course to low they will not hire you. AT&T is one of the most wasteful company's there is and use that to get more for there service
The STUPID point of the commercial is if he had been using ATT Wireless instead of T-Mobile Wireless he would have gotten the time change BEFORE the originally set time BECAUSE the ATT Network is FASTER than the T-Mobile Network. This is directed at the younger segment of the population that thinks EVERYTHING can be done from a Smart Phone.

I haven't been able to figure it out either until now with the explanations. My wife is tired of me complaining about how stupid it is. And now that I understand it, it's still stupid and I still don't really get it. I guess I'm just a crotchety old man. I told my wife I should write them a letter and tell them how dumb it is and for sure won't buy whatever it is they're selling. I wonder when it was I got so left behind?
And AT&T is trying to convince the FCC into letting them buy T-Mobile. The FCC just put their foot down so if it happens it won't be right away. Jim
Got me hanging...

I notice a lot of stuff apparently aimed at "sophisticates" on the coasts, that blow right by a lot of us midwesterners. Just check out the "humor" on most of the popular comedy shows. I don"t get it!

As far as the commercial, I"m assuming that the guy doesn"t get the message because his phone is on the wrong network, and isn"t fast enough. "Flash Mob," I have no clue.
Well, I'll be darned. I looked it up and watched it. 'Gotta say, it rather made this old man happy to see it. Learn something every day. If I ever learn how to use a mobile phone, T-Mobile's got my business.
How about the one where the guy lays his phone on the table and the young gal gets up screaming her head off because she sees a spider or some dumb thing on the phone and thinks it is real. I'm sure there is a long list of everyone's favorite ones.
Bottom line is it"s fun! Didn"t any of you guys play "Fox Hunt" with your CB radios? A lotta city folks wouldn"t understand that, either, but we sure had fun. Get a half dozen to a dozen guys, put an equal number of slips of paper in a hat, with ONE having a "F" and the rest being "H"s. Draw "em out, then leave for points unknown. Only rule was that if you were the fox, you had to get someplace and stay there, then key your mike every five minutes. Winner usually got a case of beer, which was generally shared with all.
FYI- the latest incarnation of flash mobs involves mostly minority youths going on crime sprees and beating/robbing people. It's not your grandmothers world anymore.
Sit there and watch the stupid television like a bump on a log and then complain about the content.
Doesn't make a lot of sense to me.
Television is the greatest destroyer of America there ever was.
So glad I don't own one.
(quoted from post at 21:03:13 07/22/11) Hmmm,
Sit there and watch the stupid television like a bump on a log and then complain about the content.
Doesn't make a lot of sense to me.
Television is the greatest destroyer of America there ever was.
So glad I don't own one.

You know, Ultradog, I have found myself watching less and less. Even with basic cable we get about 90 channels and there are very few that I will actually watch. NBC,ABC,CBS? Don't even bother with them. And the stupid reality shows that make celebrities out of morons who have no talent or reason to be on the air are the worst. Best ones are Discovery, History Channel, IMO.

When wife turns on the TV, I'll usually head to the computer and get entertained by Tractor Talk or Tool Talk. :wink:

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