backwoods, narrowminded arrogance..... Gotta vent....


Well-known Member
couple folks on here will see themselves if they are big enough to admit it.........

Got a horse being picked up today.paying Customer to be there for. Also have a narrow window to finish up the 1st cut (only cut) hay. Folks live 3+ hours away so they said they'd leave at 0800 and be here 1130 and they would call if the plan changed. I went 2 miles away to start cutting hay, Packed up and rushed home so I could have the horse looking nice for them and ready to go at 1130. 1125, get an SMS that they started late and would be here at 1300....had they sent that message earlier, I could have kept mowing.... Adjusted plans and was ready at 1300, another message said they decided to have lunch first and would be here sometime in the afternoon...... called them and told them I had to get stuff done and needed to know when they would be here. said that if I wanted their money, I'd be ready when they got here........ Told them to stay home and I'll give them their deposit back that someone else wants the horse anyway............. We were letting them give us payments on the horse also...Back to the people skills classes I guess.....
ive had similer experiences, if it was me, and if your not hurting for the cash, id send their money back, and tell them you have a farm to run,which for me means trying to do enough work for 3 men by myself, there not the only item on your dailey agenda, and if they cant be bothered to pick a approximate time to meet,and stick to it, you just dont have time to sit around and wait, in case they finaly get around to deciding to come over
Good job dave2! It"s getting so a person"s word means absolutely nothing anymore, a lot of them think the whole world revolves around them. If you commit to something, honor it, unless a BONA FIDE reason arises-doesn"t include "late start/lunch" IMHO.
Don't blame you a bit, I'd have done the same thing. Like another post said, too many people nowdays think that the world revolves entirely around them and that it's everyone elses job to make sure it does. I think you showed these folks otherwise...Good job.
Good job- now don"t be surprised if they want interest on their money! Along with some gas money.
Probably would have been late on payments to start also, then forget to make about the last 1/2 of price. Deposits can sometimes be dropped off at court house in US for pickup in short time- no pickup means return of deposit to whoever brought it in- meaning you. German civil code has a few less sneaky loopholes- but some exist, might consider the idea of they must come for deposit money at the local bank with a extra signature from burgomiester to release. RN
We took a beef into the butcher today. We were
selling half to a customer in town and the other
half we are going to sell by the cut at the
farmers market. My wife called to let them know
that the animal had been unloaded and when to
expect them. The price was $0.95 per pound of the
liveweight. The wife said she thought my wife said
$0.90. Nothing in writing about the price and not
going to lose a sale over a few bucks, but still
not pleasant.

That of course was better than the guy last fall.
He agreed to buy a whole hog at a certain price.
But he had a particular butcher he wanted to use.
Well, that's alright with me. We don't usually go
there, but we can. So we set up to take his and
two others there on a Monday morning. Saturday
afternoon my wife gets in touch with him to
confirm that he is going to be there on Monday.
Well, now he doesn't want to go to that butcher,
he wants to go the other direction from our house
about the same distance to a different town AND he
wants to pay 30% less than we agreed to. Good
thing I wasn't talking with him. My wife asked me
what she should tell him, all I could choke out
was NO! Clearly he didn't have the money for it,
but if that was the case, why not just say so? Not
having the money before I load the animal I can
handle. But being an idiot is really too much.

Some people are that way, I guess.

I agree with Nancy, kind of a cavalier attitude towards respecting punctuality. I think you left the door open, "will call if anything changes" more or less tells you the serious level of the potential buyer. My response to that is, be at the place agreed upon at the agreed time to complete the deal, with agreed upon form of payment.

People skills.... er uh character assessment, where do you find these people, is it them or you LOL !

PS - I hear it often, the same thing from people I've met while buying 2nd hand things off craigslist. I tell em on the phone, I'm the guy who brings cash and arrives at the time agreed because unless its other than advertise, whatever it is, I've already decided I want or need the item, no wallowing before during or after LOL !
I must be getting grouchy the older I get, but I tell them a specific time and let them know that if they miss it we are done doing buisness, spent too many hours waiting on knuckleheads. I don't miss appointment times and expect whoever I am doing buisness with to do the same.
Gotta be city people. My dad's a General Contractor, works mostly in the Madison/Huntsville, AL area. They all seem to have the same attitude; everyone else is here to serve them all the time. They get agitated if he can't meet with them for some insignificant reason, such as he's with my mom at the hospital, he's working in the shop, it's supper time(like he should have to eat), it's Sunday and he was apperantly under the misconception that he should be able to relax some that 1 day a week, ect, ect. But, if their late or tie him up for 2 hours asking stupid questions that's perfectly fine.
A simple cell phone would have saved you gas and time. Give
them your number and let them call you just as they get to
your place. Boy in this new would no one should never have
to wait all day for someone to show up.
It's called RESPECT..and they didn't have any. Too many people in this world think OUR time is is worthless as theirs.
As for me...I rarely take lunch, and am often suspicious of business associates that insist on it. If there's things to do, lunch can wait- till dinner!
"there's an A$$ for every saddle"- but that don't mean you have to deal with every A$$ that comes along!
My experience is, if a buyer insists on sending text messages instead of talking to you in person, they're probably going to waste your time.
Not sure why you say "city folks", when the subject says "backwoods". Of course I don't even know what "backwoods" means in the FRG.
Ive had the same problem with customers for over 40 years.Their usual line,Ill come over some time and pick it up.When I was doing tv service calls it was hard to schedule calls.Im only in the shop part time now.A woman stopped by at 6.30 am interested in a picnic table I had for sale.She said she would be back at noon to pick it up.At 11 am a friend stopped by wanting a picnic table.He was on his way to pick up a skid steer.I told him I had a customer coming at noon but to stop on the way back.She didnt show,John gave me a check for the table.It was my last table and my truck was apart so I couldnt go for more lumber.I build a good table at a fair price and dont bother with lookers.I do haul tables for people who dont have a truck.Spring hangers are shot on my truck.Ive had 3 parts countermen hand me the wrong hangers.Finally got a pair from a Ford dealer yesterday morning.One phone call and the parts man knew exactly what I needed.I told him I be there in 30 minutes.He had the parts on the counter and the bill made out.Ford parts cost more but it was better than the hassle I got with the wrong parts.
(quoted from post at 01:54:09 08/02/11) Not sure why you say "city folks", when the subject says "backwoods". Of course I don't even know what "backwoods" means in the FRG.

You would be surprised (I am constantly amazed) at how much open land/forest there is in such a small (compared to US country with so many people.

Folks in question are as country as a pile of sh!t, and come from the former east germany.......Not a very good advertisement for the area cause the folks there are usually pretty good people...
Dave, Dave, Dave, Dave, I know hindsight is 20/20, but here's what I did to one potential customer, one time: She pulled the same routine, that the horse buyer pulled , on you, put me off all day. She really wanted me to give her a quote on mowing, she said (liar). So I told her to wait there, tomorrow at noon, and I called 3 times, saying I was on the way, when really I was working in the shop. Never showed up, or called her again. Sauce for the goose...

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