Way OT feeding goats old bread


Well-known Member
Way off topic but... We have a boer goat herd of 50+. Ive been feeding them outdated bread from a bakery outlet store. Fairly cheap, 128 loafs for $7.about 5 cents a loaf.They get about 10 loafs a day. So far there has been no problems. Its just an additive to their diet of hay and grain and pasture, My question is how much is to much to give them? Am I getting very much nutrition from the bread? Or am I just wasting my time? Also this bread is not moldy or even stale. Matter of fact I wouldnt be afraid to eat it myself! Some of it isnt outdated yet!
Back in 50's I fed FFA hogs with old bread from bakery. No problems and I made money.
I feed my cows old bread i get it cheep from the bakery . They gain lots of weight and it is cheaper than hay . Look at the label on the bread sack you can see what they are getting. I feed my herd of 23 mother cows and 1 bull about 50 loaves of bread every day and have had no problem.
Limited amounts at a time if fine but if you feed it to much to fast it can cause them to blot and then you have big problems. Been around goats since I was 5 or so years old so over 50 years now. Sort of like feeding them wheat and again can cause them to blot due to the fact wheat/bread expands in the gut of animals

I'd worry a little about bloat also but as long as you pay attention, you should be fine. Have you got a means to dry the bread? Nothing fancy, just scatter it on a sheet or something and let it air dry for a day. Won't really have to worry about the bloat then and less likely to mold.
Neighbor has a garden shredder/chopper that he rens dried bread, cornears, and pinecones (when he gets some) and hay thru and feeds it to his goats
my father always feed loves of bread to allhis pigs ans goats,never had a problem,my brother has the farm now,still has some goats,and feeds them bread,no problems,and we checked the dates and always ate the recently outdated bread no problem, When I was young ,ate twinkies and ho hos too!

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