OT land lease agreement


I am looking for a simple land lease agreement. The landlords we have are very trustworthy, but I would like to have a 2-5 year agreement in writing. Are there any good websites without a 2-3 page form? Our family farm of 1150 ac. just lost 300 ac of rent ground to a 10,000 ac farmer. This guy can't ge big enough fast enough. I just want to keep what I have.
hand write one and then print it off. actually carry more weight with legal authorities then some fancy ones.
After having that happen to me. I added in my simple lease this paragraph.
First right to renew: At the end of the intial term of this agrrement, Landlord shall give Tenant, the right to renegotiate for an additional term.
Helps keep ya from gettin blindsided and backstabbed. Mark
2 or 3 pages is too long?

I'm often asked for "a good one page lease"-I have to ask, "Soooo, which do you want, a good one, or a one pager?"
The extension service for your state might have a sample lease. That's where I got mine, just google "<your state> extension farm lease". You don't say whether this is a cash or share lease; obviously share leases are more complicated. I assume cash because nobody does a share lease on a verbal agreement.

If you lost land to a bigger farmer, it wasn't because of the lack of a lease. Either he was offering a better deal, or the land owner thought he would take better care of the land. Figure it out and take action. What do your fields look like compared to his?
When a client asks me to prepare a lease I tell him I can do it in say 4 or 5 pages or one hundred if he likes but its still no better then the tenant and his judgement proof standing.

Your local county agent or USDA or a Google search will provide you with a ton of FREE fill in the blank forms which are worth what you pay and will get you by and Id definitely recommend at least them versus one you or your know it all brother law prepares based on ones maybe he or you had prepared before.

A few legal tips, contracts are construed most strongly AGAINST the one who prepared them,,,,,,,there must be a "meeting of the minds",,,,,,,,,the court ONLY rules on or supplies contract ambiguity issues, NOT whats clear plain language,,,,,,,,the court looks at whats contained within the "four corners" and most likely will NOT enforce something you guys intended but isnt contained within the contract language......

Sooooooooo suit yourself but you may wanna consider a local trained professional instead of an on line form, its your money and your risk

Best wishes n God Bless

John T Country Lawyer
Think here only year to year is valad without being in writing, more than that must be in writing.
On the other farm forum, they are discussing a deal where the landloard signed up a new tenant, hadn't yet dropped the old tenant officially; got an offer from the old tenant that was higher than the signed deal from the new tenant. So now landlord wants to void the new lease and keep the old tenant.

Get that one sorted out, eh?

Another the landlord asked for more rent for the 2nd half never mind the contract we have....

These crazy prices have made everything crazy, seems these peieces of paper aren't really worth much when compared to greed from both landlords and soe BTO's.

There is probably a money issue here reading between the lines. Big time operator has offered more rent. Commodity prices rise and landlords see this and want more rent, even thou they don't have risk involved. If no written lease was present then seems like the landlord is free to rent to anyone long as it is before 9/15 this year. Some leases are considered auto renewed if not re-done by this date. Have seen leases that specify this lease can be re-done annually, another words specifically a one year lease. Tenants want multi-yr leases and landlords want single yr leases to be able reset the cash rent in times of rising commodity prices. There is tremendous competition for land to farm in todays world. Sometimes the BTO offers higher cash rent in many cases, pushing out traditional medium sized operators.
This was just a yearly lease and we knew we could loose it at any time. The reason we lost it was the famer gave this landowner exclusive hunting rights to 2,000 acres of the farmers land, plus pays the annual cash rent. Landowner said it was nothing to do with our farming practices or payments, but hunting is a major part of the landowners business..He brings many of his clients to his farm for hunting privelidges. I just can"t stand the guy that has cut acres of people that just want to make a living on what they have. Many of my neighbors are falling victim to this farming "legend". Sorry for the rant.
That's pretty much the way capitalism works. If the landowner is in the "rent-a-hunt" business, and Mr. Glombux offered him exclusive rights on 2,000 acres, there's no way on God's green earth you're gonna beat that.

Even if you had the clause suggested below, first right to negotiate for next year, he'd have simply said "I'm bid the cash rent plus 2000 acres hunting rights. Your turn."
This is pretty funny to me. We have several big operators in the area who are renting everything they can get their hands on.

One had ranted a place for years not telling the owner that it was worth more. Another guy went to him and offered more money. He got it on contract for 5 years for less money than the proir renter was paying cause the old guy was that mad and he has his money so money wasn't the issue. Another hires my nephew. He had my nephew trying to talk my BIL who has a dairy/beef/grain operation into retiring so they could rent about 1000 acres of crop land and another 500 of pasture. Another who is now out of farming was renting the land on verbal contracts then without consent of the owners selling hunting rights on the rented land. It's a cut throat dog eat dog world! Kinda funny but I've been renting most of my crop land to a very good guy. Now that I've told him that I'm restarting the family farm he's been kissing my butt trying to keep my land!

Gotta remember that in todays world it's not who ya blXw or how well ya blXy.....it's how well ya blXw who ya know!!!!!

I don't farm rented ground anymore,(only my own and only about half of it)but the last time the owner ask if I wanted a written lease and my attorney said he could write one,HOWEVER he said there was not a lease written(by him or anyone else)that he couldn't BREAK.Dad farmed(Rented ground) on shares for 70+yrs and I rented on the shares for 30 without ever having a written lease,so it is how you want to gamble.And no I don't rent my other half(500a)out either.

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