? about transporting firearm across Illinois

I have to travel this week from Springfield MO to Cincinnati Ohio which means I will be going right through Illinois. One of the last non conceal carry states. Can anyone from Illinois help me out with the regulations about transporting a firearm across this state with out landing in the pokie. Not looking to break any laws just and don’t want to drive way out of my way to avoid going through this state. Thank you for any advice.
Oh and is there any good tractor related stops along this route that might bore my wife to tears?

Paul Shuler
If you take any gun from one state and go into another state I'm betting you are in BIG trouble ! You may want to ship it,but then it has to go to a firearms dealer.
Theres a book i cannot remember the name but tells you the gun laws and gun freedoms in every state. I believe the law for illinois is that the gun has to be locked in a gun box with the ammo and clip seperate from the firearm. Also some states honor other states concealed carry permits and there laws concerning it, Far as I kno illinois does not honor anyone elses permits.
I would review the Illinois information on transporting handguns through illinois at the link below and then take a different route avoiding Illinois or leave your hardware at home or hide it real good.

I was just reading some of that. Wow, very restrictive. Those laws would make outlaws of most of the people that live in MO.
Some of the federal laws apply to states regarding private transport of firearms- individual has to comply with other states basic laws but the state has to allow by federal law the "transport" of the firearm passing through- interstate commerce clause. "Carry" is tighter than "transport" which means unloaded, not accessable to driver if non commercial vehicle, paperwork required for ownership. New York state had some aggravating cases federal said were wrong on part of police- and state had to pay. Trigger lock in trunk, locked case and dissassembled some to be non-operative, copy of old 4473 or a state/city registration/permit with description/serial number and should be safe outside of Chicago. Reason for transport should be verifiable- Gun show, hunting, target match. Personal use in destination is valid- but might be subject to shakedown by local Police ( like Chicago, etc). Contigious states easiest to "Transport" to/from- some federal laws/administrative rules apply to states for non residents. A few annoying gun type rules still may apply- the 10 round magazine and semi-auto/assualt bans may be used as basis of detention- California and Maryland- pending magistrate appearance if you DON"T pay off cop. Southern Illinois police and state police tend to know laws allowances and don"t bother straight looking drivers- it is the Chicago area that gets aggravating about guns found during unwarranted search. DuPage County next to Cook county was noted to be more tolerant of "sloppy transport" after record checks cleared. Illinois state allowed to carry concealed law was "home or fixed place of business"- cash box at parts counter or counterman in store was legal carry, carry while driving delivery truck or cab was not- although one cab driver managed to shoot about 5 times without going to prison. His final arrest and conviction of misdemeanor was for parking in private drive with girl friend in back seat- caught in "the act", by upset driveway owner who charged a lewd act in public and criminal tresspass for being on private property while commiting "lewd act". Shooting robbers and killing couple cost less than trying to create life- oh well, Det Handen.
Check the State Illinois Supreme Court Site, or NRA site, because there was a case that was overturned that I think allows one to take a firearm from another state into Illinois if you have your state permit. It was a Cook County case about March or April when I saw it. There is hope.
Paul,,, I would have to ask, why do you need to take a weapon with you, are you that paranoid that you need to have a gun ?

I go shooting all the time here... Pistols/Rifles/Shotguns unloaded in a zipped case, ammo in an ammo box (mine are plastic, tacklebox like ammo boxes). If I had clips, I would empty them to take the conservative approach. Should be no problem. In a car, I would have the firearm stuff in the trunk. If in an SUV or truck, behind the seat or way in the back. Definitely not within arms reach.

Enjoy your drive. Assume you are going on I-64. Only tractor place I know about down there is Cooks, which is on the road between Germantown and Breeze, about 1/2 way. Prob 20-30 miles off of the interstate to the north.

What are you looking for?

Thank you for your reply. I am being to sent to Ohio for some class's for work. When ever we pass and old tractors along the road my wife tries to distract me so as not to have to stop and look. I like all brands but have Farmalls and one old case.
You are not aware of what is going on these days.Carjackings ,kidnapping in mall parking lots, home invasions of rural homes.Nearest cop is 20 miles away at times.I lost my rose colored glasses a long time ago.I stopped a burglar who had a sledge hammer with a 357 revolver years ago.

Cooks would be fun, acres of stuff. If it is a nice day, you should stop. They had some older farmalls, some deere, fords, etc. Older tractors mostly, but some newer stuff as well. Huge section of combines way back. Never been back there, spend most of my time checking out the tractors in front. Wife can take the car and go to Fred's in Breese for an hour. Only 3-4 miles farther north...



Go on Google and type in the firearm laws of Illinois. If this doesnt give you the info you are looking for then call a police station in a town in Illinois. If that doesnt work then put the gun in with your dirty underwear and a cop will never want to look there for a gun.
Who else is going to protect you, the local law enforcement is all at the donuts shop 20 miles away and probably 50# overweight! I believe in security by Sturm Ruger and Co!
I think if the guns is in the car and the bullets are in the trunk your safe anywhere.We always carry ours in the glove compartment,even through illinois.I'd rather take my chances with the law than a carjacker.
I live in Illinois. I always carry my gun unloaded in a zipped up gun carrying case( not a holster) in the trunk of my car. Ammo is also in trunk, but not in carrying case. As long as it's not an illegal gun, you won't have any problems.
I was stopped a couple of years ago coming back from Iowa hunting. I passed an Illinois trooper in a 55 mph zone. It was about 4:00 a.m. and I never even noticed until he turned on his light. I was doing around 65-70. I had shotguns behind the seat in my pick-up. He noticed the cases, but asked only if I had any handguns. I didn"t, so guess I can"t help much. Howeve, if you couldn"t carry a gun from one state to another, a lot of states would lose out on non-resident license fees for hunters.

Like the joke I heard where the old woman got stopped with numerous handguns in the car, and the cop asked her what she was afraid of. Her answer was that as long as she had her guns she wasn't afraid of anything.....Or same story except the cop asked her if she was expecting trouble. The answer to that was No. not expecting any trouble, if she were she would have brought her shotgun..........

Ultimately regardless of what someone is thinking whenn they carry a firearm, or weapon of any type, remember this. "When seconds count the cops are only minutes away." .......
The McClure-Volkemer Act 1986 is suppossed to allow for interstate transportation of firearms if you are on a journey through the state and not visiting or staying. Law mainly states that gun and ammo separate and not in passenger compartment. If in SUV with no trunk then gun needs to be locked in a case and not accessable to passengers - not sure of exact wording but look up the law. Some states have been known not to honor this law. As far as I know Illinois honors this as many people I know transport their handguns through the state. We stop at the Indiana line and go from carry to transport mode.
I hate to admit it but, I live in Il, You need to have your handgun in a zipped soft case or a locking hard one. The bullets can be in the console, if it has a lid with a catch. If you have a gun with a clip, can get it loaded pretty quick! At the coffee stops in this area over half of the people are armed, and the rest have a weapon in there truck.
Do not call local police departments for firearm advice. Police are law enforcement specialist, not leagal experts and often give information of what they are more familiar with.
(quoted from post at 02:05:22 09/07/11) I have to travel this week from Springfield MO to Cincinnati Ohio which means I will be going right through Illinois. One of the last non conceal carry states. Can anyone from Illinois help me out with the regulations about transporting a firearm across this state with out landing in the pokie. Not looking to break any laws just and don’t want to drive way out of my way to avoid going through this state. Thank you for any advice.
Oh and is there any good tractor related stops along this route that might bore my wife to tears?

Paul Shuler

This is the crux of it as long as you have a current Missouri CCW.

I have a Missouri CCW and Utah. I used to go from St. Louis to Bellville, Illinois to indoor shooting range.
Illinois police there all the time. They never bothered me and saw me loading and unloading in the parking lot. I kept all guns in the back of my SUV…….except one!

The following is from the Illinois State Police

[b:485aceb35e]If a non-resident is coming to Illinois to hunt and would like to bring their firearm, how do they legally transport it?[/b:485aceb35e]
Non- residents must be legally eligible to possess or acquire firearms and ammunition in their state of residence. It is recommended that, in order to be in compliance with all statutes, non-residents transport all firearms:
1. Unloaded, and
2. Enclosed in a case, and
3. Not immediately accessible or broken down in a nonfunctioning state.
[b:485aceb35e]Is it legal to have ammunition in the case with the firearm?[/b:485aceb35e]
Yes, so long as the firearm is unloaded and properly enclosed in a case.

Illinois State Police Website Gun FAQ
[b:418089a223]P.S. This what I've heard.[/b:418089a223]

If you are stopped in Illinois with a hand gun in your glovebox,
"Do Not Pass Go, Go Directly To Jail" and leave $200. :oops:

Just say'n
Promise, are you that naive or oblivious that you think you could never be in a situation where you are thinking "Gee! If only I had a gun I might not be about to die." You are correct that such a moment probably will not ever happen to you. I don't expect it to happen to me either, but if it does, I will have the comfort of a gun even it proves not to be the complete remedy.

Here's a scenario: you're with your family, traveling an unfamiliar road, especially at night. Something happens to the car, you find yourself stranded in Egypt. You may even have to leave your family and walk for help. Would you rather leave your wife there with the kids and a gun she knows how to use, or with the false comfort of an unwavering faith in the universal kindness and good intentions of others? If you think the latter, please inform us what planet you live on.

It is your job to protect yourself and your family, not the police. They can't protect you. In most cases they don't get involved until the crime has been committed.
No wonder they have so much crime in Chicago! Their laws are almost as bad as Mexico, the murder country of the world.
(quoted from post at 12:04:27 09/07/11) No wonder they have so much crime in Chicago! Their laws are almost as bad as Mexico, the murder country of the world.

True Story!

So I go over to eat lunch at a beef sandwich store and my wife notices a sign as we go in the front door, a picture of a gun with the X through it, I’m sure you’ve seen them. I have eaten inside this place, maybe 3-4 times in the past year. I usually get a brown bag in their drive thru and go home. Anyway I never noticed the sign before.

It was around 2:30 in the afternoon and we had been shopping and we were hungry and crabby, so I go in anyway, despite the sign, because I’m pack’n

After we finished eating, I went back up to the front and ask for the manager. She comes out and asks “what can I do for you sir?” I asked, “When did the store put the “No Firearms” sign up and is it company policy?”(This is a chain) She says, “It’s been up about a year and it is company policy.”

ME: “Well I won’t be able to eat here anymore”

MNGR: “Why Not?”

ME: “Because it’s not safe to eat inside here with that sign on the door”

MNGR: “What? We put the sign up because of the potential for robbery here!”

ME: “That’s my point, you’re telling the bad guys no one is armed in here come on in and take our money……and frankly, I don’t want to be sitting in here unarmed when that happens!”

MNGR: “Wow! That’s a really good point. I don’t think we ever thought about it like that.”(Her eyes were wide, wide open at this point) Would you talk to my boss and tell him exactly what you told me, if he would call you?”

ME: “Sure”

MNGR: “Can I have your name and phone number? I’m going to call him right now!”

ME: “Sure”

So I gave her my phone number and continued my little talk about our rights as law abiding citizens, that the constitution gives us the right to be armed and carry a weapon for self-defense. I left her with the fact that only the bad guys will have the guns in her store if she does not take that sign down. When I left, she was headed to the back to call her boss and had a somewhat concerned look on her face.

I don’t care if it’s an employee, the manager, or the owner. Every person I can get to think about the real danger, which is criminals with guns, will allow all of us to live in a safer America.

[color=red:d545ae0e24] A week later the “NO FIREARMS” sign was gone![/color:d545ae0e24]

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