OT: Gout- do you have it, and what do you do about it?

jose bagge

Well-known Member
Right big toe and top of foot has been killing me for some time now- not injured, not shoes (Red Wings). Seems now like arms are also starting to tingle. Friends say it sounds like gout,its a part of getting old (I'm 53), and I need to change my diet and get to a doctor.

Any of this sound right? Anybody have experience with these symptoms?
Hurts !!!!! I get it from time to time . Went to dr, specialist and got nothing better than what I do on my own . Eat cherries, drink cherry juice , lots of water . Diet is real important . Beer bad, seafood bad . I take Naproxin when it hits, most anti inflamatories help, asprin can make it worse . One of my BP pills a water pill makes it worse also
For gout, I use Aleve & it seems to work very well. Just don't tell the doctors at the VA, they will tell it"s bad for you. The only the thing I can say, if they had gout, they'd take it to.
Alapurinol is one of the prescriptions for it. If it gets really bad, put an ice pack behind your knee, and one on top of your ankle, 20 min. on, 20 off. My foot doctor told me that cooling down your blood relieves the discomfort. It works, just have a blanket ready, 'cause you'll freeze.
I had similar symptoms. Being too cheap to go to the doctor I treated myself for gout by eating cherries. The symptoms cleared up but at $6.00 a bag I started taking a Potassium Gluconate and Vitamin C tablet ever morning and the symptoms haven’t come back.
I'm close to 79 and I've never had that. You should go to a doctor and have blood drawn and see what they find. You may just need to change your diet. Sometimes the medication is worse than the problem. Eat a big salad and don't use rich dressings. We use vinegar with a little oil. When we have green beans my wife cooks them plain. When we have lima beans she adds some milk instead of creaming them. We don't have red meat very often. Hal
I get gout really bad. I found drinking a glass of cranberry juice every day helped to prevent it. Keeps the kidneys cleaned out. I eventually went to Allpurinal. haven.t had a touch in 2 3 yrs.

Never had tingling in arms. Should have a checkup at doctor.
Thanks, guys. I guess the beers, bourbon, crab legs and sushi are gonna have to go. I made an appointment to see the doc ( can't really call him "MY" doc 'cuase I never really see one) and see about the tingling diabetes deal. Sounds like the juice is gonna hafta become a part of my morning commute.
Jose.......I first got a gout attack from eating a bunch of skinny pepperoni sticks put up by local meat shop. Seems the "nitrate" in the "cure" was the cause. The Doc prescribed "allopurinol". (p.s. its cheap)

Remember, most gout is associated with WINE, wimmin's n'songs. Remember Ben Franklin gott-itt from them French Ladys. .......the limp-free Dell
I feel for you. I got it in the big toe on the left foot years ago and went to the doctor and he did tests and found that my uric acid count was real high which is the problem, when gout kicks in, the uric acid crystallizes and it really hurts. So I take 300mg of alloporinal per day. It works great. The gout had eaten away the joint so bad that my big toe wants to overlay my second toe so this winter I will have it fused together so do something ASAP before you have real problems.
Tingling of arm and legs can also be a shortage of vitamin B-12. I have this and my wife gives me a shot every other week for it.
Which is the cherry juice of choice? Is it natural black cherry cooncentrate and what brand?
(quoted from post at 09:04:29 09/29/11) Thanks, guys. I guess the beers, bourbon, crab legs and sushi are gonna have to go. I made an appointment to see the doc ( can't really call him "MY" doc 'cuase I never really see one) and see about the tingling diabetes deal. Sounds like the juice is gonna hafta become a part of my morning commute.

At least the crablegs and sushi :roll: Anyone that drinks that nastyass bourbon can down vinegar without a problem. Give it a try, you'll prolly be surprised.....
(quoted from post at 07:36:48 09/29/11) Hurts I take Naproxin when it hits One of my BP pills a water pill makes it worse also
Yep, Yep, and Yep. 10 years on HCT diuretic (Hydrochlorothiazide) raised my Uric Acid level sky high. Gout is considered a form of arthritis. I've never heard of 'tingling arms' associated with gout. Gout is crystals of uric acid in a joint. The affected area it swollen, hot, and painful. The diet thing is confusing. from one site "Restrict foods high in purine:
Organ meats such as liver, kidney, heart, brain, etc.
Selected fish and shellfish ie. ikan bilis, sardines, mackerel (including selar, tenggiri & kembong), herring, salmon, fish roe, cockles and mussels
Meat & yeast extracts such as Bovril, Marmite, Vegemite, essence of chicken, brewer's and baker's yeast
Meat soups & stock cubes especially Bak Kut Teh
Game meat ie. venison, black chicken, pigeon, goose, etc.
Beans & lentils such as tofu, soya bean, bean fillings, etc.
Selected vegetables ie. spinach, rhubarb, asparagus, cauliflower, mushrooms & peas
Strawberry, strawberry jam, durian, tomato & tomato products."

I've also read about the tart cherry treatment. Should I mix the dark cherry juice with rum or gin ? :)
(quoted from post at 12:04:29 09/29/11) Thanks, guys. I guess the beers, bourbon, crab legs and sushi are gonna have to go. I made an appointment to see the doc ( can't really call him "MY" doc 'cuase I never really see one) and see about the tingling diabetes deal. Sounds like the juice is gonna hafta become a part of my morning commute.

I've had it for close to 2 decades now. I take allopurinol, 100mg daily, if I get an attack, I take 300mg each day until it is obvious it is clearing up.

Seafood is not all bad for it, only shellfish. If you eat at Capt D's or Long John Silver's you will get an attack because they deep fry everything in the same oil, so avoid them both. I each sushi regularly with no problems, I just have to be picky about what I order, (no shellfish). Food high in purines can set off an attack, and there are several websites dedicated to gout sufferers that list what those foods are. You will probably find that not all on the list bother you, or only bother you in varying degrees, so a little experimenting will be in order to see what exactly gives you the most trouble.

Hope you have an easy time of it. Good luck.
Have had it. Somewhere on internet said coffee drinkers don't usually have the problem. Health food stores have something called Goutrol that seems to help. I am diabetic and think if your sugar is balanced you will do better. Dave
I take alloporinal like the others,works good. If I get a flare up,take indomethecin,it will clear it up in a day or 2. prescription only from the doc.
I have a flare up like what your'e describing from time to time. There is a blood test for gout... Mine came back negative. I just have to wear a loose shoe or house slipper for a few days, and baby the foot as much as possible until it subsides. No fun. Take anti-inflamitories like aspirin or acetominophin.
It sounds like the gout. The gout usually comes on quick, and the area will be warm, red and swollen and hurt like he!!. I suffer from gout, alot. Although I take 300mg of allopurenol daily, and my blood test for uric acid is in the normal range I still get it. I don't drink or smoke nor eat shell fish. The gout can come from things other than diet. I get the gout from pen v k (penicillin) which is used when getting root canal work.
I have had round of gout from time to time. I really like taking Allopurinol but doctors insist on somewhat frequent tests to make sure ones liver isn't being damaged.

I've had a few rather mild cases of it since my prescription ran out. I didn't go back to the doctor for another along with the needed tests.

I have been able to control mine with Ibuprofen for several days with a fairly high dose rate. Seems it then goes away for months before flaring up again.

Just got over a round of it. Took 400 mg. of Ibuprofen 3 times per day, basically at meal time as I always take it with food.
I got it one summer when I had a great tomato crop. I was pigging out on tomatoes. Hurt like hell. Stopped pigging out on tomatoes and have not had it since but my big toe has always had a funny feeling after that.
thankfully i dont get it. my brother does
he STOPPED drinkin (bummer) but still has to watch. the doctor told him excessive mountain dew causes it? i would be concerned about tingling arms more....stroke,blood pressure, pinched nerves in the neck or carpal tunnel?
I'm probably the exception to that coffee deal- I drink about a pot of coffee before 10:00. Like David Latterman said; " I have no discernable personality before my first cup of coffee"
Probably not coincidentally, a buddy of mine gave me a huge bag of venison slim jims about a month ago when he cleared out his freezer in prep for bow season, and I've been munching away on those things daily. Probably upping the ante-

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