
Here in the nursing home there are rules for everything Over the last week those sitting at my table for eating have discused a situation at a neighboring table occupied by some women.They wheel the,up to the table and one of them is at once into micheif. Rolling away from the table playing in her food, pulling the table from other people. We know she cannot help what she does. however the simple locking of the brakes on the chair would eliminate a lot of the problems.The law prevent you from doing this. It is considered restraint and is illegal, Well this morning one of the "people movers" pushed her up to the table and set the brakes, It was amazing she tried once to back away from the table and then ate her meal and never tried to roll away. So my question is this? When does common sense take president over a overnment rule?
People tend to get sued more for breaking government rules than they do for common sense. All you need is a lawyer in the room to see something thats not right.
Anytime the government wouldn't catch us. like the People Mover did, but if Wandering Wimin calls and reports the said People Mover then People Mover will be in a heap of chit.
If I was ina nursing home, I would begin shouting angrily at teh windows, looking out, proclaiming that the Austrians are coming. I'd take my pants off and walk around for as long as possible before anyone made me put them back on. I'd yell at everyone, and claim the tractor had made me deaf.

I'd also ask for corn at every meal and suggest that potatoes were teh work of the communists and we needed to prove that we weren't red.

Not to mention...

I'd randomly stand behind a counter and invite all visitors to sign in, in my bathroom, by writing on my mirror with lipstick. Then, I would carve out a bar of soap to look like a gun and claim that if they didn't comply, they would get "washed..." pointing to the mulch int eh landscaping outside and making choking noises.

If I was in a nursing home...

I'd steal a car and try to do 150 mph, just so I could go to jail laughing, and in jail, I'd be pimp, the elderly, who stole a car, and made a run for it.

If you find yoruself in a nursing home, I think it is best to make your time the most timeless moments in your life. Fight for your right to live a life as bold as the rest of it was. Give them a reason to fear you, and someday, you can look back and say, "This was the best vacation I ever took."

God Bless you! Where are you? If I am out that way, I will promise to visit to you, bring you some homemade food, and we can watch hours of VHS I have on farm equipment promotional tapes. I just hope you do your time and get out and come farm again. Look forward to that day. It could be tomorrow.
Realistically, you have to look at the rules in the context of the probability you will be caught or punished for breaking them. Mentally unbalanced lady who is prevented from mischief by locking up the wheelchair is in a very poor position to contest the action, even if she was aware enough to try to do it. And there"s probably no one there who is going to "blow the whistle".

So I think that would be a good routine to get into- roll her up to the table, lock up the chair, and let her enjoy her meal. And everyone else can enjoy theirs, as well.
Dad ended up breaking his arm, because they couldn't restrain him. I understand the bad side of it too, but like your example, sheez there has to be some middle ground.

My aunt used to help out at a home years ago. These new type of laws & rules and inspections started about that time.

One visit it was all about fly swatters. Could not have them in the building, as they would harbor bug guts & pestilance for all, no fly swatters allowed any more!

Couple nurses asked how to kill the flies then, as they weren't allowed to leave flies in the building either!

Well, the inspector suggested using paper towels, then you can throw them away.

Nurse asked if the inspector ever has tried, or succeeded, in catching a fly with a paper towel?

What a joke.

I don't know if it is a State Law or a Federal Law. Try to find out and contact your State Rep. or U.S. Congressman (whichever applies) and get the situation fixed.

Things happen slow in Government but if you keep after them you can get things changed.

I'll bet somebody comes around to your Nursing Home looking for votes and can help get things started.


gitrib, I've been working in healthcare for 15 years. the answer is the government has no sense-common or otherwise. I had a lady from adult protective services tell me that all people have the right to fall. Ask the staff there if a waiver can be signed from a power of attorney to allow use of the wheel locks for safety. unfortunately it will depend on their policies and state law. the restraint debate goes around and around and goes to one extreme or the other. makes you wonder how nurses have any extra time to actually take care of people when they are busy taking care of all the rules and regulations. would be a good idea to eliminate most of the rules and most of the lawyers IMHO.
My wife runs an "adult foster home" here in our home. A while back, we had a couple of people here that had dementia. They were always trying to "go home". We managed to keep them on the property till one time the gentleman got out un noticed and managed to hitch a ride about 25 miles to his old home town. After that the state licenser allowed us to put a double deadbolt on the front door (key on both sides). We had 4 doors to the back yard that were normal locks so not a safety hazard. The licenser retired, so we got a new one. We were given 24 hours to remove the lock or face a $5,000 fine. We ended up trading off who got to sleep in the living room till the wanderers were moved to different homes. Rules are there for a reason, but sometimes you have to use common sense.
Tim in OR

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