Did some plowing today (pics)


Well-known Member
My son and his buddys like to get out the old iron and limber it up a little in the fall. So they had a plow day today at a friend's farm. We took three tractors and plows and he had his really nice Super M. The ground was really dry and in some places the plows just turned up round volleyball sized chunks instead of making nice looking furrows. The Ollie 88 I drove had three weights per wheel and that wasn't enough in the tough spots. It was buckin like a bronco trying to get a good grip on mother earth in those tough spots. This guy's a little stiff from the ride and would you believe I got a sunburn? On October 9th in NW Iowa! The temp was 85. The wind was blowing the dirt in our eyes, and our faces were red,just like the old days! The temp gauges were bordering the red line most of the time except for the 51 A. Here's some pics.

The crew. The M pulled a 3-14's International plow, The Ollie pulled 3-14's Deere, The R had a 4-14's deere and the A pulled a 2-16's Deere.

Mickey with the Super M he bought from his granddad. His granddad bought it new and that's the origional paint. Everything works like it should and the wiring looks exceptional for it's age. It's about the sweetest Super M in the county. He was having some traction trouble in the tough spots but 3-14's is about the right sized plow for it in our soil.


Kevin on the R. This tractor was bought new in 1954 from the dealer in Fessenden North Dakota by my stepmother's dad. He traded a 39 D for it. The paint is origional. The hourmeter stopped at 6700 hours. The 4-14's plow was bought locally a year ago. Everyone wanted to drive the R bacause it wasn't bucking around like the other three were. The only drawback is it is LOUD!

Son Alan on his grandpa's 51 A. My dad bought it new the year I was born and it was the first tractor I drove. Dad bought the #44 2-16's plow new too but I don't know the year. Dad had a 3-14's that he pulled with this tractor but he traded that plow for this one. In our soil an A will pull 3-14's fairly well in good going but for all around plowing 2-16's works better.

This old phart had to come to show the young-uns how to step out lands and set plows. The Ollie 88 pulls 3-14's with ease in good going but this field gave it a challenge. In the really tough spots it couldn't hook up to mother earth. I put 3 weights (I think 100lb ea.) on each side and I also raised the drawbar up as high as it'd go. The powder dry loose soil on top of hard dry soil just doesn't give much grip. The front end lifted a couple of times while the wheels were spinning like crazy trying to grab a little more traction so I really don't know what I could have done to help it except wait for a soil-softening rain. Sometimes when I glanced over at the Super M it was only moving half the speed of the wheels. The A spun more than it should have but the R just kept chugging along.

Mickey trying to keep er straight while closing a land.

Leaning into the harness. This was in second gear. Sometimes he had to put her into granny to cool her down. I offered to let him put the 3-14's on the R so he could stay in second gear but the bigger plow must have had more status to him LOL.

Anyway, it was a good afternoon for the three young men. They're very good friends who have helped each other through tough times and this was a chance to get together and have a good time. Kevin's wife took 163 pictures so I had plenty to choose from. Jim
Thank you very much for posting those excellent photos and
the stories behind the folks and the tractors. I plowed a few
acres with the Farmall M and a Deere model 812, 2 bottom,
14" plow. Piece of cake for tge old girl!
We used to get together and do that in the fall. Sometimes there would be as many as 14 of us. We had some really good times. It wasnt uncommon for us to plow 50 acres in a hurry on a sunday and do a couple hundred acres in the fall and do some more in the spring. We still talk about it but I havent used a two cylinder on a plow in 3 or 4 years. Nice to see some classic horse power at work!
Dad pull 3 16's behind his R in 3rd Gear about 2/3 throttle. One set of weights and loaded tires, never had a problem.

Great pics, thanks for sharing!

Thanks for the pictures they're really great. It looks like all four of you guys had a fun day.

In a far distant past-life, I row-cropped in Southeastern Minnesota. I had a Super M with a 3-14 plow. I don't even remember the make at this time. It was very low. I had to disk corn stalks twice to keep them from plugging on the plow, and even then, I had an occasional plug.

Thanks again for the pics.

Tom in TN
Great pics bring back the good times when everyone in the neighborhood came over to help out when things got behind or someone was hurt!
thanks for the pics looks like some nice looking original machines you seem to have rounded up there. Think i could make room for them in my barn!. Glad you had a great day
"Mickey trying to keep er straight" pic is my favorite- that grin on his face says it all!

I know its a lot easier on a guy to sit in an armchair in a cab, when he has to go all day and half the night, but there was just nothing like working those old gals, trying to get 'em out of being crossways when you hit a rough spot, while trying to keep the front end on the ground and not falling off in the process. Can't say I'd relish doing that full time these days, but its sure fun once in awhile.
I love the pic of him trying to keep the tractor straight... Boy, if we haven't all had that problem in the field a time or two. Whew.

It is too dry here in central IL to put the plow on, the ground is hard as a rock... Hoping it rains soon to fix that.

But it was decent enough (and a lovely 85 around here, too) that I took the disc to the pasture just to chop it down after a years worth of overgrowth.


Don't like to let that goldenrod or rose bushes get the best of me...

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