Unexpected good deed...........


Well-known Member
Everyone seems ready to complain when they've been taken to the cleaners by someone.

Has anyone been on the receiving end of a random good deed lately?

We have a Deputy County Sheriff renting our rental house. He's been working nights lately and is home during the day. We had the septic tank pumped a couple of days ago, and when the fellow who pumped the tank saw the deputy's police car sitting in the yard he gave us a discount because a law officer was living on the premises.

I really hadn't heard of it before, but I didn't argue.
I sure have been on the receiving end1 My wife is on Hospice care now, And two different neighbors have brought over dinner for us as I'm not much of a cook. Can't thank them enough. I do try to help folks out if I can! The only one's I won't is those Pan-handlers sitting on the street corners,When their fat old wife is sittin in a van in the Walmart parking lot waitin for him to get enough for beer at WM
We had just finished digging the last of the potatoes when a couple of old neighbors showed up to help. I ended up giving one a bunch of small potatoes for soup and I picked a bunch of Greening apples for the other. Next day there was a warm apple pie at the door! the same day another neighbor also brought a few slices of apple pie and a chicken pie.... it all sure was good! (I didn't ask where he got the chicken)
Out here on the ridge we have the best neighbors anywhere.
I guess I'm not living right? Can't remember the last time someone went out of the way to help me. but I will drop what ever I'm doing to lend someone else a hand. That is good In a way. I like doing things myself anyway. Stan
I went thru a quick oil change place inthe work truck a while back because I was in a pinch for time.. had my nra sticker int he window.. manager gave me a few bucks off for that.. was a nice gesture.

12 years ago, we switched from Qwest (now Century Link) to Cox Cable for our phone lines. Fellow was very meticulous and careful, install worked perfectly! I called Cox to leave a compliment-they had NO CLUE where to transfer me! One gal finally said 'give it to me, and I will see that he gets it'!
was at the grocery store tonight had a basket with 4 things in it
lady in front ( with a cart & 1/2 , said you go ahead ) nice lookin too hope she didn"t mistake me for one of you old senior people
was thinkin she just wanted to look at my bum ? LOL
Well on the way home Friday night I found a plastic garden cart/wheelbarrow in the middle of the road. Just before this I met a guy heading back into town and never seen him out here before. So when I went into town today I stopped and asked him if he was missing anything. He said his green cart. Told him I'd bring it back on my next run. So ran the cart in later today and he sure was happy. Tried giving me five bucks, but I refused hoping the rest of my day would go better being a good guy. chris
I work the counter at a building supply outfit.

Feller came in last week and bought a basket full of this and that, paid with a credit card. We got to chatting a little during the sale, and he walked off and left his card sitting on the counter.

I ran out to the parking lot and tried to catch him, but all I saw was his taillights headed up the road.

I put the card in a drawer under the counter and let the other counter person know it was there for when he came back for it.

This was on a Sunday. I'm off Mon/Tues/Weds but when I came back Thursday, I asked about it.

"Oh yeah, he came back in Monday morning and was some glad to find his card! He left this for ya..." and I was handed an envelope. Inside was a $20. If I had been there when the feller came back, we'd have had an argument about that, I did no more than the honest thing.

Not that I don't appreciate the $20 (every dollar for the toy fund is a Good Thing!) but I don't expect to be rewarded for doing the right thing.
Drove to the grocery store and when I parked I noticed a shopping cart sitting there with a purse laying in it. I looked it over and looked around and nobody was in sight. What to do? Could see a wallet and credit cards and cash inside and also store receipts so I wheeled the whole thing into the store and asked for the manager. The manager agreed to keep it safe so if the customer came back she would get her belongings back. I was still in the store shopping when the manager and a woman came up to me and the manager told her I was the one who found and returned her purse. She was very thankful and offered some cash but I refused. You can just imagine the horror of figuring out that you just lost your money and all your identification papers and hoping somebody will return them if found.
i pulled an old man out of the ditch one night on a icy road i told him no when he offered to pay but he somehow paid me anyway i put the money in the offering plate that sunday the good lord knows where it needs to go. we have a policy on our farm if you slide off the road we will pull you out for free but if your playin in the mud it will cost you.
just donated 30+ pounds of ground beef to my sister-in-law , her husband ran out on her and she's raising two girls by herself.

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