Happy Thanksgiving! What r you do'in?

Happy Thanksgiving all!

We are at our property( Mrs. Lloyd and I) as I will be working more on the barn today, more soffit to enclose. We have a "just the two of us" thanksgiving meal planed later tonight here in our RV.

Both our kids are married and have families. They are both Paramedic's, and as their rotating schedule has it they have to work today. Hopefully it will be a day of no calls, and all is well.

We will celebrate Thanksgiving as a family Saturday night with them their spouses and our grandchildren.

Happy Thanksgiving! What is your day going to be?
Started with stuffing the turkey at 5:00. Now trying to find a quiet place with 6 kids and 7 grandkids running around this place. Dinner at 2:00, maybe haul some wood this morning.
hey ,happy thanksgiving! pies are out of the oven ,and turkey is in. They gave us one at work,fresh not frozen its cooking right now. Have a nice day,nice to hear from you
We are having our family meal on Saturday as well, only time all our schedules allow it. So today is just another day off work to get things done. Oh and another day to fast so I'll be ready for all the food on Saturday!
Nancy started in the kitchen this morning just after 7am.

Built a fire in the fireplace to warm up a bit.

Nancy was walking down the hall to the bedroom and found this little critter.

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Took it outside and walked down the road to its new home.

Will put the battery on "Rusty" our 51MT and finish mowing down in the bottom before noon.

<a href="http://s200.photobucket.com/albums/aa5/jameslloydhowell/John%20Deere%20Equipment/Rusty/?action=view&current=084.jpg" target="_blank">
084.jpg" width="600" height="500" border="0" alt="Photobucket

Oldest daughter and her husband will be joining us for Thanksgiving dinner sometime this afternoon.

Hope you and your family have a safe and happy Thanksgiving.
Mornin Guys, Happy Thanksgiving Y'all!!!
Well its Suuny, and 43*here, headed for 71*,Here in South Central Texas! Turkey got put in at 1:00 am, just put in the Ham, Will get to making the Sausage and Wild Rice Dressing shortly, made Cranberry sauce, and Bracolli salad, Pumpkin & Cherry pies yesterday. All that is left is to make Tea, set the table, go get ice later!
We are here at the House not having to go further than the local 7-11 type store for some fresh ice.
Today all gets thrown in Neutral no projects worked on, will watch at! the last Texas A&M-Texas game, And one must check out and the Detroit Lions and the Cowboys games as a matter of Tradition!
Y'all on the Road Be Safe, DAM!T !!!!!
John A.
Just got done with chores, now I"m going to go stack some hay this morning. Then lunch, and maybe take the afternoon off, I haven"t planned that far.
Gonna go out and run the box scraper a little while to finish up reshaping the landscape on the north side of the cattle shed. Might dig a couple of post holes to relocate a couple of poles in the shed to make way for the new 18X14 door. Then it's across the road to son and DIL's house for the big meal. Jim
If nothing goes wrong,I'm sitting by but right here in the house all day. FINALLY finished hauling that big manure pile out Tuesday. Hauled enough bales of hay out of the fencerows yesterday to last til the first of the year. Have 60 bales of cornstalks to haul tomorrow,then that's IT for the year except the daily chores and some tinkering. So I'm practicing doing nothing today.
The daughter and son in law and grand daughters are going to his dads. The youngest sons girlfriend has to work day shift at the adult fostercare,so we're eating a little late,but they,the oldest son and probably his girlfriend and my mother are all coming. Haven't taken a full day off since last time I got rained off.
Well, the fun job for the day is to dig through a dumpster or two in search of a $100 rebate card that inadvertently got thrown away....

It is a wonderful day. Our three young adult kids are home for the weekend. Some relatives will be up from Rockford, IL. We'll have a wonderful dinner, visit and re-connect with each other, then go to the 10th annual Turkey Bowl; a local football game featuring the Blue Jellos vs. Red Gobblers. LOTS of fun.

God continues to bless us so abundantly!

Glenn F.
The youngest son's feet just hit the sand in Kuwait about 4:00 our time this morning. His wife called about 6:30. Help the wife put the dressing in the oven then went out and cut a few calves. Now getting ready to pick up his wife and go to our other son and his family for dinner.
Lloyd Your family sounds a lot like mine. My daughter and her husband are both fire fighters for the city of San Diego, and both work today. we will be celibrating Thanksgiving Friday. Stan
Since our parents died we eat out. We're going to SE PA near Lancaster to a smorgasboard called Willow Valley along with our daughter.

Fifty eight years ago I was in the Army stationed at Ft Bragg NC. We lived off post and I roasted a duck for Thanksgiving. Time sure has flew by. Hal
Any that I am home and not being shot at are great. We have the kids over and eat way too much. I spoil the grand kids and send them to Grandma LOL. Had the five kids and my siblings and their families. Count was over forty people. Great time.

Cut some wood in the morning then had Thanksgiving dinner with my family. Son, daughter, son-in-law, and grand daughter all home for the day, non of us had to work, that is rare.


Not too bad in the woods for this time of year.

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