* Asking for your thoughts and prayers


Well-known Member

Really don't want to bother you all during this season ..

Got a call from my Doc. saying I have a mild type of prostate cancer ... says theres many ways to treat it ... going in on the 27th with my wife to discuss what can be done ...

So if you got a extra minute .. say a little prayer for me .. that we will make the RIGHT CHOICE ...

THANKS .. for taking the time to read this ..


My brother had it. He opted for the radioactive "seeds" Seems to have worked,but he said that you need to be real close to a bathroom or maybe even go to adult diapers for spell. His was two or three years ago and he is pretty much back to normal now.
Ya gotta do what you gotta do, anything beats the alternative!
Good luck and God bless.
The VERY BEST of LUCK to you. Doctors can do a lot these days. Seams that us CASE guys have had our share of health issues this year. Hopefully I will get you a disc with pictures for next years calander. John S has been nice enough to supply me with your calanders.Again hope everything works out well for you. My thoughts will be with you.
will keep you in our thoughts and prayers. friend of mine was diagnosed with it at age 50, had surgery and is doing fine 4 years later. hope all works out for the best.

Prayers coming your way; I know what a stressful time you are going through.

I will include a link to my Doctor. His first radio show was about Prostate cancer (you might want to listen to it). Included on his website are some studies being conducted and some links to other cancer sites.

My dad his prostate removed at age 67, he is 71 now and very healthy.

Eat right, low fat high fiber diet, exercise.
In my mid 50's my psa went just over 4.0. Since it was caught early, I had surgery. That was 10 years ago and it hasn't returned - doc said if it didn't in 10 years there was only a 1% chance it ever would. My friend - same age same time - also got it but caught it late - had surgery but it was to late then - maybe radiation or some other treatment would have been better. If you get it when your young - 50s or so the doc said it can be pretty aggressive. Learn all you can about it and do the treatment that, "deep down" you feel is right and you'll be OK. Prayers on the way and they do make a real difference.
Mark the "C" word never is any fun at all, But I have faith that you will come thru just fine!!! I have several friends that have went through this and are doing well so I will hold you in my thoughts and prayers as well,we are all pulling for you in these trying times GOD Bless your friend in Wyoming cnt tom
Thoughts and Prayers are with you during this Holiday Season of CHRISTmas.

Will be looking for a positive response soon.

I ws diagnosed with it 12 years ago. PSA was up to 16 and the cancer was a 6 on the Gleason scale which is on the low side of the most agressive type of tumor. I chose surgery. Then I found out they didn't get it all. Had 16 weeks of radiation. I've been on Hormone therapy ever since. NO sign of the cancer, but the therapy has robed me of my strength, but my PSA is undectable. If I had it to do over again I would choose the seeded implants. Couple friends of mine did that and they're getting along great and don't have to get the shot every three months like I do. I'm considering stopping the therapy to see if my PSA starts up. If it does then I will know I still have the cancer. Best of luck to you and prayers sent for you and your doctor that he will help you make the right choice.
My fingers are crossed. My step father had prostate cancer to the point of some hefty treatment for a while. Got it in his 60's, died almost 90, no relation to prostate cancer. Sorry to hear that you have it, but sounds like caught early enough. I sure hope so. Will say a prayer.

Mark , the best of luck to you. I had the 'seeding' done 3 yrs. this coming April . The Dr caught it early on .The earlier you catch it , the better. No problems that I could not over come. PSA no. is almost zero now.
Hang in their friend. clint in OK.
dr found my prostate cancer in 2004, when i was 54. i had surgery by a very skilled doctor, and have a quite normal life now. good luck.
a good reference book is "survivng prostate cancer" by dr patrick walsh.
Been there done that. I had radiaton, implants and hormone shots in 2005. Had my PSA checked in September an it was .001 There are a lot of newer and better treatments since I had mine. I am 68 years old.
I will say a prayer for you.
Bill said - a good reference book is "survivng prostate cancer" by dr patrick walsh.

I agree - that is a very good book.

I had my prostate removed this past summer and I'm doing real good. You are in my prayers Mark.

Mark, Glad the doctor found it relatively early. Choices of treatment are probasbly as daunting to you as they would be for me. May God surround you with love and the wisdom to make the correct choice of treatment. God Bless

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