Hmmmm,light bulb myth?


Well-known Member
If this story is true,it seems you WILL still be able to buy incandescent light bulbs. Seems they will just be a little more efficient and sell according to lumens instead of watts. Interesting. Sounds like the Chicken Littles and Boys Who Cry Wolf might have goofed again.
Light bulb myth
It will cut the need for 30 power plants too !

I Thought all the jobs being shipped to China and all the factories closed down here would of took care of that allready ?

And 90% of the old bulbs waste as heat. Sometimes that's a good thing as many just use 1 100W bulb to heat well houses and such from freezing.
I have a stash of 100 watt bulbs and a case of plumbers candles and plenty of matches.As I get older I tend to go to bed when it gets dark and get up when it gets light.My dog taught me this.
Sounds like the new ones that replace the 100s will still be 72 watt. Close to the heat of a 75 anyway.
(quoted from post at 14:48:21 12/16/11) If this story is true,it seems you WILL still be able to buy incandescent light bulbs. Seems they will just be a little more efficient and sell according to lumens instead of watts. Interesting. Sounds like the Chicken Littles and Boys Who Cry Wolf might have goofed again.
Light bulb myth
ONGRESS has overturned that least for now.
The law is still on the books but the budget bill enacted today does have a 9 nonth prohibition against spending any money to enforce it. The indication is that it will be repealed before it is enforced but this is not yet clear.

Of course, the damage has already been done as the last US plant manufacturing household incandescent light bulbs has been closed, the workers laid off and the tooling shipped to China. There will almost certainly be no new incandescent bulb manufacturing plants built in the US even if the prohibition is repealed.

Personally, I prefer to not pay $1.00+ for an incandescent light bulb, and I will NOT recover the added cost in reduced energy usage given my usage.

For those who use the incandescents for heat, connect two pigtail lamp sockets in series to get very long lamp life with good heat output.
Incandescents were NEVER banned. That's the point.

Specialty bulbs like rough service bulbs, heat lamps, floodlight bulbs, and decorative bulbs, were NEVER subjected to any regulation at all.

Regular light bulbs just have to be more efficient. That's all.

...and who cares that no more bulbs will be made in the USA? They weren't any better than the Chinese ones, and cost twice as much.
1- I have NEVER had a bulb to last as long as stated on the package! Now, if the life expectancy is 1000 hrs., and you turn it on and never turn it off, it may last that long. Because turning a bulb on and off puts the filament under more stress.
2- The article stated that bulbs must be 28% more efficient, then it said that you should look for one that meets the energy star rating. Well, now, if it is 28% more efficient, it should meet the energy star rating, no?
3- Bottom line, the consumer is being taken for another ride down a dead end road.
(quoted from post at 19:48:21 12/16/11) Sounds like the Chicken Littles and Boys Who Cry Wolf might have goofed again.
Light bulb myth

Yes and no.

You're assuming that: 1. People will pay a $2+ for something they were paying 20-25 cents for the week before, benefits (if any) be darned. 2. These will have the advertised quality and lifespan that the companies say they will. 3. That enough people will buy enough of these for stores to bother keeping them stocked, and in turn, manufacturers to bother producing them and/or bother to export them to us.

I buy 100 watt long life bulbs that are 1610 lumens and last 1500 hours when they are on sale for just under $1 for a 4 pack. They usually last as long as they are supposed to, put out the light I want, and I pay the electiric bill. I'm now supposed to pay 2+ bucks each for something that might have the same quality, might last as long as advertised, and might lighten my electric bill marginally in the end.

In the end, this is all typical bass-ackward gov't BS. EPA wants to shut down polluting power plants. Good idea, but how about getting some more efficient and cleaner ones online first. Unky Sam sez: "Let's get people using less electricity". Great idea. Less electricity used = lower bills, for a while. If the power company sees a 10% drop across the board on consumption, your price per KWH is going up. They're going to make money or you won't have electricity at all. Gov't regulation on power plants is going to send everyone's electric bill sky high. Law after law ships our jobs overseas or flushes them down the toilet. Will a single CFL, LED, or "eco-incandescent" bulb be made in the USA? If so, please show me, I'd sure like to see where. Nobody is going to be manufacturing CFL's here, the reguations on the poisons inside them make it almost impossible. The majority of all these light bulbs are going to be made in China, the country that now owns the USA, where quality takes the farthest back seat in the bus to quantity, and where pollution regulations for the most part don't exist.

I'm not against any of the more energy efficient bulbs. I am against the fact that free choice is being taken away from us.

Rant over.

Well then let me ask this,as a lifelong nnalert who feels like I've been TOTALLY boned by the party and everybody in it. Wasn't this whole CFL thing and banning the use of incandescents Clintons idea? If it was,why didn't Bush and the nnalert Congress overturn it when they had total control of Washington? Was it because they knew GE,Sylvania,others,already had plans to take advantage of the situation and were all set to send production to China where they could be made for a quarter the price? And that they knew consumers would be so glad that they could still get them that they'd be glad to pay four times as much?
Politics and anybody associated with any of it sicken me to the core. Hypocrites and liars,ALL of them,on BOTH sides.
(quoted from post at 01:25:13 12/17/11) Well then let me ask this,as a lifelong nnalert who feels like I've been TOTALLY boned by the party and everybody in it. Wasn't this whole CFL thing and banning the use of incandescents Clintons idea? If it was,why didn't Bush and the nnalert Congress overturn it when they had total control of Washington?

I'm not entering a political debate. I will say that the bill was passed in December of 2007. It was surely dreamed up before that date. A bill was introduced earlier this year to repeal this, and it didn't get out of the house. Associate any politician or party with any of this you choose. You can look around on the internet and find out who's in bed with who in Washington to see why this bill passed, and why it won't be repealed. I won't fill YT's site with a 40 page book on this, or it'll get deleted anyway.

Was it because they knew GE,Sylvania,others,already had plans to take advantage of the situation and were all set to send production to China where they could be made for a quarter the price?

Most of these companies and others took some or all of their bulb production elsewhere years ago. It's all gone now, and not coming back unless there is some radical legislation, tariffs on imported goods, or changes in tax code. There's too much big business in bed with politicians to let any of these happen.

There was no incentive to build a innovative new product here, no incentive to retool this production line, no incentive to pay US employees a fair wage, and no incentive to have "Made in USA" on their products when no one else does, so GE shut down their last US bulb production plant. There were plenty more reasons to close it, and few, if any, to keep it open, especially after this law was passed.

And that they knew consumers would be so glad that they could still get them that they'd be glad to pay four times as much?

When a company moves production overseas, and whether or not they cheapen their product up in the process (they usually do), they bring in huge profits over what they would have made producing the same product here. They seldom lower the prices of the product to pass some of this savings on to the consumer. Their shareholders are thrilled. Now that a product will be illegal, and alternitive replacements needed, it's another opportunity to cash in.

When it comes to the question of "Where does my ____ come from?" people have their heads lodged too far up their backsides and their eyes and ears full of crap. So long as what they're looking for is on the shelf, they're happy. They care what their dollar buys, not where it goes when it leaves their hand. When prices go up, they grumble and groan, but if the money's in their wallet, they buy it. Suddenly a bunch of jobs are gone, and aren't coming back, wallets are alot emptier, and people are starting to getting the crap out of their eyes and ears.

Politics and anybody associated with any of it sicken me to the core. Hypocrites and liars,ALL of them,on BOTH sides.

Amen. Even most of the politicians that people remember fondly did things while in office that would have got the average American locked up, or even the chair. I'd say as a whole, people are fed up with politics as usual, but are resigned to the fact that a new crook will replace the current one in any election.

Coupe, the other day I was rummaging around in the storeroom and found a box of 100 rough service 100 Watt bulbs that I forgot I had. I felt like I'd won the lottery. I bought them cheap maybe 15 years ago from some California freight company. A few are broken so they must have been through an earthquake, but I'm not going to forget where they're at now. Jim
I bought a lot of bar and chain oil at 2.38 a gallon years running 10 bucks a gallon now.Pretty good interest on small investments.Same goes for steel for welding projects.

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