intruder shooting


Well-known Member
update on the young lady that shot the intruder,,she is 18,her husband before he died was 58.She had lived on his place since she was fifteen and they were just recently married.She raises,or did raise, germans shephard puppies and sells them for a living. All her female dogs kept outside recently died under unusual circumstances (suspects they were poisoned). Fellow who was shot was high on perscription meds and was trying to get in the house because he thought husband might have painkillers there since he died of cancer. He had came to the house before,but she had company at the time and he left. Accomplice who ran to town to turn himself in said they been planning it for a long time and she had complained to her mother about someone watching her. When he showed up this time and started pounding on door she shoved the couch in front of door and called law. They dispatched a sheriff deputy,and she stayed on phone with dispatcher. She told dispatcher she had two guns,in her hand and asked if she should shoot if he came in. Dispatcher said she couldnt tell her to do that,but to do what she needed to do to protect her baby. Shot the guy with a 12ga and he died still holding a knife,draped over her couch.She has been exonerated of all charges ,but accompice has been charged with murder.
Couch has been replaced,by caring neighbors and a account has been set up to help her out.(I'm personally donating a couple of boxes of 00 buck!)by the way,when reporter showed up at the house to get the story,she met them at the door with her dead husbands shotgun in hand!Like I've said before ,folks around here tend to be just a little independent!
I'm here in central oklahoma also and really glad she had a good outcome for her and her baby. It is sad that she now has to live with what this intrudered forced her to do. She seemed to be a little upset that she had to shoot, but as she said on the T.V. there is nothing more dangerous than a mother with a baby. Guess that holds true in all of nature.
Too bad she had to go through all that. I'm sure this will haunt her for the rest of her life even though she did the right thing. Can't be an easy thing to have played out in your own home..

Maybe we need more six gun justice in this world, but thats a whole other topic.
Another satisfactory ending (or as satisfactory as they can get, under the circumstances)- the guy who killed the ranger in Mt. Rainier Nat'l Park was found froze to death the next day.

Almost comical to hear the lawmen explaining why they couldn't go after him right away- He's armed and dangerous, mentally unstable, would have the drop on us while hiding in the woods, need to get more resources organized, etc.- all thinly-veiled code for "We're gonna let the SOB freeze to death in the woods, and save everybody a whole lot of trouble."
yes, thats correct,apparently she had lived there since she was 15,and they were recently married.I dont know the circumstances,just had seen them enough to talk to.I had talked to the husband a few times and he seemed like a nice enough guy.Quite honestly I thought they were father and daughter or grandaughter.Never even dawned on me they were married.article in the paper said mother had been staying with her since the shooting.
Why would the accomplice be charged with murder? He didn"t kill anyone. ARe they saying it is his fault for her having shot his buddy?
ATTA GIRL. No court trial or listening to the lawyer talk about the perp's bad childhood or plea barganing. It's over and done.
We shouldn't have to live like this. When I grew up, we never locked the doors and we left the keys in our cars and trucks. Now, I carry a handgun at all times, have the house covered with a burgular system and have several loaded handguns placed around the house. Hope I or my wife never has to use them but if the situation arises I (we) will be ready!
Many states have a "felony murder" statute. Put simply, if anybody is killed during the commission of a felony (in this case, armed robbery), no matter who dies (victim, perp, bystander, whoever), all the crooks and accomplices get charged with felony murder. And generally get life in prison.

It can get a little bizarre, in practice- like the guy who robbed a liquor store, and killed the cashier- the guy outside in the car was charged with felony murder as an accomplice. He claimed that he had no idea his buddy was going to kill anyone, or even rob the store- he thought he was just going to buy them a bottle.

I can't remember exactly how it came out- but I think the court said the accomplice had to have knowledge that a crime was going to be committed, even if the plan was to not hurt anyone.
I think it depends on a state's laws...
An accomplice in a crime can be charged with murder, if another accomplice is killed while committing the crime. Doesn't matter who killed the criminal.
One law I think they got -right-.
Agree, Agree, Agree. My .357 is plenty scarey just looking down the barrel. I pity the fool that ever has to look UP the barrel! God bless that little girl and her child!
H'm. I questioned this in my mind yesterday when we talked about this. The guy was a scum bag no dought. But what made her think the guy was breaking in to harm her child? I need more information.
folks got to live somewhere!LOL.Dont quote me but,Just from what i inffered from the story was she had problems at home and this old fellow took her in.Lived there a couple of years and then got married and she had a baby.Might have been a way to leave something to her and the boy,who knows. in okla if you die everything passes to your wife automaticaly ( they have a name for it but i cant recall it) so it happens more than you think. better than the state winding up with it.
That story was on the news last night here in KC. She has set a good example to other would be crooks. The dispatcher should also be commended for doing a good job.
Let's look at it this way. She is going through handling the death of the child's father. And she's a lone woman in a lone house with a three month old child. Evidently she's known this guy has been stalking her so she's been on guard. Then he started trying to break in. She restrained herself well by waiting to shoot him after he broke in instead of just firing randomly through the door. Jim

Despite all the speculation this old man thinks if someone breaks into your house with a knife in hand they have a shooting coming.

What difference does the perpetrator reason for the breakin make?
As far as I'm concerned, it doesn't matter what his intentions were, once he passed the threshold without being invited, armed or not he deserved to be shot. More dirt bags like this guy need to be killed and it broadcast as an example to the rest of them, break in, get carried out.
She ought to get a medal!!! Too bad she didn't have an opportunity to send the other perp to meet his maker would have been a substantal savings for the tax payers. Hope she didn't mess up her hearing, firing the shsotgun in the house like that...however, if she did, maybe she can sue the deceased's family for damages!
She did right to blast that f-er...and what a change it is to hear a 911 operator give some one encouragement to protect themselves, rather than the BS that media up here pumps out from the 911 call in DC and PG county.
Down here in Texas we are getting some drug lord/gang feed through where they break down your door in the middle of the night and intimidate one of you into telling where your valuables are.

I had a conversation with the county sheriff about how I felt about this and that I'd shoot any SOB that did that to me and his reply was "Well sir, he just shouldn't have been there". That pretty well sums it up.

Well moron, when someone breaks down your door to enter your house you think for one minute that he wants to sit in the parlor and have a cup of tea. There are too many of the likes of you in places of authority and that's why we have problems of this nature today!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So it may seem that way, but what does this have to do with
someone breaking down your door? Get a grip pacifist!!!!!!!!!

YES YES YES........ Right answer and if more of these unstables understood this, there will be fewer of these types of problems......but what would the tree huggers have to say if they had nothing to whine about? And all the money that the lawyers wouldn't be scamming in defending these POS'.

I understand your opinion to have more information, but to some point...does it really matter if he's breaking in to harm her baby, harm her, or harm a German Shepard puppy?

Knowing motive before hand maybe could have changed the outcome of the situation...the problem is rarely to criminals extend motive before partaking in crime.

The knowingly have taken a life will be with her forever, but that she had the strenght to stand up to a criminal will be with her forever also.

You rob a bank with your buddy in most states, and he shots a teller. YOU are as guilty of murder as he is. And rightly so- IF you hadn't been there, maybe your buddy wouldn't have been, either.
A few years back in Winnetka, IL, there was kind of a similar case. In Illinois, they have towns where hand guns are banned, even in one's own home. And before I go on, I heard about this case today on the radio, and they mentioned some sort of map that shows states that have "castle" symbols on them if a home is considered one's castle and can be protected like this, and Illinois is NOT one of the states where a home is considered one's castle.

So back to the Winnetka similar story. A family's home gets broken into one night, stuff gets stolen, including the keys to one of their vehicles, WHILE the family is at home and in bed. Next night, same home, same family, same burglar, except he lets himself in using the key on the ring that he stole the night before. Family is upstairs, all in bed, husband, wife, little kids. Husband hears stuff going on downstairs, knows the wife is in bed with him, little kids too small to have gotten out of bed to go downstairs, banging stuff around, AND the house was burglarized the night before. Winnetka says he can't own a hand gun, but he does, so he goes downstairs, confronts the burglar, shoots him, sends the burglar through a window, dead. Home owner got arrested for violating the Winnetka handgun law, but there was such an outcry from the public that the police chief held news conference to save his hide from John Q. Public that was going to hang him. Ultimately they dropped those charges, but did fine the home owner $750 for defending themselves, because instead of going downstairs to confront the burglar that broke into THEIR home a second night in a row, they were told that "...they should have stayed upstairs and not provoked...". I kid you not.

And as to this incident, she was on with the 9-1-1 dispatcher for 21 minutes before help arrived. A guy stalking her, as reported, breaking into her home armed with a 12" knife and another guy could have done a whole lot of harm in those 21 minutes, and he sure as heck wasn't there to wish her Seasons Greetings. I feel sorry that she was put through that, but grateful that she handled the situation and her firearm correctly.

May God bless her and anyone else put into such a situation at no doing or fault of their own. Shoot first, announce that you're armed afterwards, but report it the other way around. AND, if I'm ever called to testify on your behalf, you have my personal guarantee that I will testify that the guy(s) got their head(s) blown off by a banana peel that they slipped and fell on after stealing the banana that used to be inside of it before tossing it on the floor. My personal guarantee, under oath. I promise.

No, it doesn't matter and I think he should have met the same demise for what ever reason he was breaking in. I just don't understand how, by reading this post you and her are able to determine he was breaking in to harm the child. When to me it sounds like he was a dope head breaking in to get his next fix knowing that the cancer patient probably had painkillers. What am I missing here? And to Texasmarkl. Whats your problem? I think mine is a reasonable question.
But this is the other way around, Had me wondering also.The chap that got shot didn't commit Murder but he may have if events turned out differently.
I think what the situation here is that he was breaking in. She had no idea why. Could be to assualt her, harm her child or just to rob the place. She may have been thinking that he was going to harm the baby. That's how the news report reads. Dope heads have a nasty habit of hurting people when they don't get what they want/need. Don't really matter, he's where he belongs.

You make a good point that we will never know why he was breaking in. I assume that you are correct that it was probably for to achieve his next "fix" if you will. But that being said I guess it doesn't matter at this point. At the end of the day it boils down to the intruder using poor judgement, judgement that cost him his life. I just hope that in the long run people like him will think about possible outcomes before trying to force their way into someone's home. I doubt it will though.

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