girl scout cookies

My daughter is selling girl scout cookies. They are $3.50 a box. I will ship them in a flat rate box. You pay shipping. If you would like some my email is [email protected] Your support is helping send her to camp. Thanks alot
And you think you got problems with her selling a few boxes. I'll let you come over and help handle about 8000 CASES of them . Since my wife is working for the girl scouts somehow i get into the UNLOADING of the SEMI"S of cookies . And before she worked for the girl scout she was a troop leader FOR 20 years and my dinning room was the ware house for the TROOP cookies and since i had the truck i was also the one that had to go pick them up and handle them unload load unload and reload COOKIES YOU SAY i am getting to the point that if they do not come out of my oven and say toll house don't say the word COOKIES. And oh BTW she has to sell 350 boxes herself.
Nothing personal, just my rant on a few points.
1- why would anyone pay extra for shipping from Mumble Fumble Egypt when the girl next door will deliver free?
2- many years ago my first wife would buy a few from neighbor girl scout. When the mothers at work gave me a hard time about not buying from them(mothers), I quit buying any.
3- why do they do their sales campaign at this time of the year? Might be okay in warmer climates, but seeing these youngsters sitting in front of Wally World, temp at 20° below with 30 mph wind in their faces just seems like cruel punishment. Even ringing doorbells in the neighborhood is cruel. Wait for milder season to do this.
End of rant.
We buy a few boxes from the sweet little girls who live near us. Yes, They are overpriced but I consider tham a good investment because these little girls will someday be my neighbor. They need the experience selling and it is good that sometimes they hear the word "NO" Builds character
Yea i will agree on the over price BUT did you know how your money is spent once you buy a box?? That little girl gets so much for selling it to go towards her going to the camps and other shell we say outings of interest then so much pays the baker for making the cookies also with the trucking and somuch goes to pay the people that work full time for the girl scouts like my wife . You can not even imagine just how many hours these people put in . My wife has to cover our county plus the lower half of the next . She has meetings two to three night each week and has to attend all the functions that they have on the weekends. And you can not believe the problems dealing with these troop leaders as at times they are worse then grade school kids. And you do not have any idea of the nightmares with these cookie sales and nut sales. Ya ain't never lived till ya go unload five semi's in a raggen snow storm and have to put all them orders in troop leaders cars vans and trucks . Try cramming 120 cases of cookies into a small car , yep it can be done And Oh BTW we have never had a nice day yet for this .
Her goal this year is 400 boxes. And Willie alot of people live in the country and dont have a neighbor selling them. A lady in Irac bought 30 boxs and paid for the shipping. She is giving them all away to troops. Im just trying to help my daughter reach HER goal anyway I can. Just like any parent does. Thanks
This will be the second year that my freezer won't be full of GS cookies (wife left 2 years ago in March). I tend to keep things like meat and frozen veggies in the freezer now. I did order 4 boxes of thin mints from one of the guys at work selling them for his grandaughter though.
They probably should rename them PARENT cookies as their are more parents selling them than Girl Scouts. I never buy from anyone except the girl herself. Does not teach them much when the patent does their work.

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