car insurance update....


Well-known Member
Hit the brakes!!!!!!!!!!!
Got a call from the insurance lady that the powers that be had a shazam moment.... Both policies are in my name and they won't cover.... Guess that thing about "if it sounds too good to be true, It prooly ain't true" is more accurate than you think..... Time for plan B... If a plunger and buffing don't make it presentable, gotta be creative.....
I hate it when my rates go up because someone
refuses to take responsibility for their actions.
Take IAGary"s advise. Better yet, if you want the
insurance to cover your mistakes, pay for full
The way I understand this, is that he ran into his own car, doesn't have collisions, only liability and is trying to rip off the insurance company. No wonder your and my rates go up.
In Dave's defense (am I actually doing this?), I think he gave his agent the straight story, and to his surprise, she said one would be covered. We pretty much en masse said baloney, and then he went into flights of fancy about tractor doing it, unknown stranger, space aliens, etc, without any real intent to actually going that route.

At least that's what I'm hoping, consistent with my policy of trying to give the benefit of the doubt.

Oh, and this'll cost ya, Dave2- I get one free spelling correction, but only to help someone Google his Kabota or Alice Chalmbers. Deal?
kind of what i was afraid of dave, been there myself, how much damage is there and to what kind of vehicles?
Only problem is, the agent knows you have a dent. She is bound to report it to the insurance company, claimed or not. You will probably see an increase in premiums next year, forgivable or not. They look at it the same way, that being the liklihood of it happening again, and whether or not you'll be getting old damage repaired at the same time as new damage.
You know that "free windshield repair" you get when you have a stone chip? It's not free either. I had two windshields repaired in 3 years. The ins co already have said they won't cover me for glass anymore. Both count as claims, just as if they had been replacements, because now I'm a bad risk.
(quoted from post at 08:17:52 01/19/12) In Dave's defense (am I actually doing this?), I think he gave his agent the straight story, and to his surprise, she said one would be covered. We pretty much en masse said baloney, and then he went into flights of fancy about tractor doing it, unknown stranger, space aliens, etc, without any real intent to actually going that route.

At least that's what I'm hoping, consistent with my policy of trying to give the benefit of the doubt.

Oh, and this'll cost ya, Dave2- I get one free spelling correction, but only to help someone Google his Kabota or Alice Chalmbers. Deal?

There ya go...... let the village idiots babble..... nothing I do will have any effect on them, some are just too stupid to realize it.....

but thanks for clearing that up... more than Iwould have given them......
In the old days, I would call parent company direct if there was a problem. BYPASS the agent or office. Lotta good surprises came my way when I did that. Long time ago. Agents always had a way of putting words into your mouth. Usually had to write a well planned letter. Dave
It's not as bad as it originally looked (says a guy the wife works with that does bodywork on the side)... He's gonna fool with it and a buffer next week and go from there......

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