what can you tell me???(pics)


Wondering if anyone has seen this style of after market seat. It was on my Cockshutt 30 when I bought it. Obviously after market so I been on the hunt for something a little more original for a restoration project. Well went and looked at a 30 a fellow had as a parts tractor last week and it also had a very similar model on it excepting with a pan style seat on the mounting part. It was painted blue so couldn't read as on mine but very simailar in design even to the point of having a plate welded below to raise the positioning. Just coincidence??? Or is this a style of seat that was available on a Cockshutt 30 from factory?? Rocko.




I can tell ya that the guy that had sense enough to put it on there has a lot less backproblems than he would have with the original seat......

Prolly not what you wanted to hear tho.....
Your a weath of information Dave but no a little more depth is what I was looking for. Rocko.
I have one of those on my uncles 36 John Deere D. Dad said he put it on there to be more comfortable plowing around the clock. I like it better than the pan seat on my F-20! That Buffalo logo on the frame looks to be the same as the guys that make those Buffalo planters and cultivators, maybe someone else will know more.
I have one that is very similar on my super m. The only difference is mine has the pan style seat. I would rather have an original.
Dad bought a new E-3 Coop at a Farmers Union store in S.E. Nebraska in 1948. The original seat was much like those used on the 8-N back then, except it was solid, no vent holes. The ride was cushioned with a double leaf spring. He later replaced it with a Joy-Rider, those were quite popular in that area at the time and used on other brands. Ours was green from the factory, also new in 48. My judgment is that it was an earlier model than the one you picture. Rather than putting a lot of effort in fixing this seat I would lean toward matching the original.
Yes Fleischer Manf. was the one that made the cultivators. They then bought Henke that made the TMR wagons in the late 1990s. They then where employee owned after Mr Fleischer retired. That only lasted a few years and they sold to some investor group. That group was just a bunch of crooks. They ran the company into the ground in just a few years. The Pache feeding equipment bought them from the creditors. They tried to keep going in Columbus but that went under a few years ago. Pache now has some of the company running under Bison equipment.
On another note then, can any one out there post some detailed pictures of what I should be looking for as far as an original style (and I think there were several over the years) Cockshutt 30 seat. Mine is a 1952 model. Thanks in advance if you can!! Rocko.
I'd leave the seat on.Its alot more interesting than the "same old/same old".thats how the farmer used it,I'll bet he was proud of that seat!If you have spent any time(as I have) on a old style pan,you would leave it on!...
Hmmmmm Without the after-market equipment (in this case seats) we might be riding (sitting) on 1930's technology. A lot of the improvements and options that have become standard equipment orginated in a farm shop, the local blacksmith shop, and then picked up by the mfgs, refined and then offered as standard or optional equipment. Do not be in a rush to sell or scrap that seat as you may find down the road that seat is indeed more comfortable than the original seat. Also in my opinon the non orig. equipment is what makes a tractor (or other equipment) stand out at a show and gets conversations started. Use it and enjoy!!! Armand
You are right Armand.Rows and rows of "factory correct"restored tractors gets pretty boreing.Its the accessorys,add ons,'home builts that get my attention-and praise.Any one can have a perfectly restoredtractor,the real prize is the original one a farmer used,adapted,modified to do the job,earned his lively hood.Just clean it up,repair whats broken and leave it be.Steve(sorry for ranting)
Delta-Red: Too bad there is so much distance between us. Kind of hard to enjoy eacher's toys-uh I mean equipment and exchange notes. I am in central Il. at the 292 exit of I-57. By the way the belt-driven hyd. pump(I believe you asked about it a couple weeks ago) works good! Later! Armand
I have one just like it on a moline. I was with my father when he bought it to replace the factory one.My grandfather claimed he had to have something better than the old one.

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